Ok here goes nit seems opur great leader wants a report sos he can move so I grit my teath and hope the mob doesnt trample me in there hast to kill me
. To start with I read a sugestion that we bould a fortress in Granada to protect the UN. I belive that to protect our wonders is a top priority and would extend that idea to capitol as well. I noticed that we dont have any fotresses at all. in the long term we will need them to win the space race.
I have no sugestions about defencive units at this time becouse I think we have adiqute units in our citys.
NAPLES mmmmm. The pole didnt show me much just that lots of people have lots of conflicting goals. Thank God this is a democracy and not ANARCHO-SYNDICALIST. or weed be f***ed. It was sugested to build a fighter in napples and I tend to agree. It was allso sugested to use theShip in napples to pick them of with. If our great leader agreess PLEASE do. Also I think it would be a good Idea to start up the non program again. thouse units with no support would come in handy. Just site a transporter of the coast ofCartenna with a couple of Diplos in it bribe them and lode them onto the ship.
At this time thats all Ive got. hope it was enough. oohh this is scary. BTW please dont spam me about the spelling PLEASE

I have no sugestions about defencive units at this time becouse I think we have adiqute units in our citys.
NAPLES mmmmm. The pole didnt show me much just that lots of people have lots of conflicting goals. Thank God this is a democracy and not ANARCHO-SYNDICALIST. or weed be f***ed. It was sugested to build a fighter in napples and I tend to agree. It was allso sugested to use theShip in napples to pick them of with. If our great leader agreess PLEASE do. Also I think it would be a good Idea to start up the non program again. thouse units with no support would come in handy. Just site a transporter of the coast ofCartenna with a couple of Diplos in it bribe them and lode them onto the ship.
