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Cityplanner report 1838

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  • Cityplanner report 1838

    Here is a copy of the cityplanner report sent to president HTower.
    Please append suggestions, comments on areas I have doubtlessly overlooked.

    City buildlists:

    Capitol- Freight cycling. Newtons could be built, and I will poll the people on whether we should persue this neglected wonder. Clean pollution in city radii.

    Seville- Frieght cycling after library is built.

    St. Praski- Library followed by frieght. After first freight build colosseum.

    Cordoba - Switch worker from plains to hills 2f1s2t < 1f4s. Build factory followed by Freight cycling. Recommend rushing factory after shields added to box.

    Barcelona - rush diplo followed by urgently needed Bank!

    Valladolid - Build harbour followed by colosseum/bank

    Saragossa - Continue building harbour

    Cadiz - Rush Factory followed by sewers then harbour.

    Bilbao - Rush Factory and then freight cycle

    Granada - Aqueduct followed by Freight cycling

    Malaga - Rush Marketplace followed by Aqueduct

    Pamplona - switch from grassland to hills 2f < 1f4s. Build library followed by Freight cycling.

    Vigo - Rush harbour followed by aqueduct.

    Avila - switch worker from sea to grassland. 2f3t<3f2t. We lose 1 science.
    Continue building bank.

    Leon - build aqueduct followed by freight.

    Freeport - Rush harbour followed by engineer.

    Obladi - switch elvii to scientist (you do not get discontent). Rush marketplace followed by harbour.

    Panama Canal- Build library followed by engineer.

    Cartagena - switch from surplus riflemen to engineer.

    Naples * poll people- I recommend no switch or rushing marketplace.

    Issus - bribe Celt dragoon. Continue building engineer. Ceasefire with Celts.

    Cunaxa - switch from grassland shield to whale. 3f1s2t < 2f2s3t
    build marketplace

    Cremona - build temple followed by library.

    Capua - continue building marketplace

    Cannae - build freight followed by marketplace.

    Thanks for reading so far!
    Scouse Git (2) La Fayette Adam Smith Solomwi and Loinburger will not be forgotten.
    "Remember the night we broke the windows in this old house? This is what I wished for..."