Hydey Report 1752
1650 Barbs attack Avilla, 1 musket lost
1660 Diplo brides barb crusader who kills 2 barb crusaders outside Avilla
Build some markets etc, move boats and vans
1670 spot Viking Phalanx just before it gets crushed by Mongol dumbo
1680 many vans enter Capitol to aid with wonder building
1690 Capitol completes Magellan’s
Deliver 4 vans into china and get 870 golden beakers in return
1700 Discover Sanitation and take a huge dump, big choice here, feudalism or bridge building , start bridges. Establish embassy with Celts
Find Viking city of Uppsala with that bloody empty boat.
1710 Diplo meets Mongols while popping hut for advanced tribe
sign peace treaty then bribe legion to use as defender for new city 
1720 deliver coal to Cardiff for 475 payoff
1730 establish embassy with Mongols , gift them Navigation and they give up maps
1740 change to democracy
Get physics from celts in exchange for iron working
1750 Discover bridge building , another huge choice of Chemistry or feudalism , start chem classes
Meet the Vikings and the first thing they do it demand gunpowder or else, or else what I say so we are at war with them
I found a few huts along the way and got a few wandering nomads, trying to move them back to cities for construction of roads etc
I tried contacting the warmonger civs and managed to get ceasefire deals done.
1650 Barbs attack Avilla, 1 musket lost

1660 Diplo brides barb crusader who kills 2 barb crusaders outside Avilla
Build some markets etc, move boats and vans
1670 spot Viking Phalanx just before it gets crushed by Mongol dumbo
1680 many vans enter Capitol to aid with wonder building
1690 Capitol completes Magellan’s
Deliver 4 vans into china and get 870 golden beakers in return
1700 Discover Sanitation and take a huge dump, big choice here, feudalism or bridge building , start bridges. Establish embassy with Celts
Find Viking city of Uppsala with that bloody empty boat.
1710 Diplo meets Mongols while popping hut for advanced tribe

1720 deliver coal to Cardiff for 475 payoff
1730 establish embassy with Mongols , gift them Navigation and they give up maps
1740 change to democracy
Get physics from celts in exchange for iron working
1750 Discover bridge building , another huge choice of Chemistry or feudalism , start chem classes
Meet the Vikings and the first thing they do it demand gunpowder or else, or else what I say so we are at war with them
I found a few huts along the way and got a few wandering nomads, trying to move them back to cities for construction of roads etc
I tried contacting the warmonger civs and managed to get ceasefire deals done.