I think a minister is responsible for not only using his strengths to aid his constituants but also admit his weakness' and seek competant advise in those more experienced. I do that now
We have some happy issues in our Civ that need to be addressed and I do not have much experience in handleing them. (usually i go into demo ASAP and rep unhappyness doesn't really become an issue)
All cities have a temple and we have Mikes, but we are hovering on disorder i most cities over size 6 or 7. I know not haveing an aquaduct can couse unhappyness if your city doen's POP becouse of it but I don't hink thats whats wron here.
Open discussion I need as many views as i can get on this so wee can make our citizens more content.

We have some happy issues in our Civ that need to be addressed and I do not have much experience in handleing them. (usually i go into demo ASAP and rep unhappyness doesn't really become an issue)
All cities have a temple and we have Mikes, but we are hovering on disorder i most cities over size 6 or 7. I know not haveing an aquaduct can couse unhappyness if your city doen's POP becouse of it but I don't hink thats whats wron here.
Open discussion I need as many views as i can get on this so wee can make our citizens more content.
