This starts after the chat finished.
Investigate Mycenae:
3 vet riflemen.
Next turn I am going to drive for Pharsalos and to run the table on the Wonders.
6th diplomat takes down the citywalls.
1st Calvary stomps 1st rifleman
2nd Calvary drubs 2nd rifleman
3rd Calvary pummels 3rd rifleman
We take Mycenae, stealing 30 gold.
We only need two squares of railroad next turn to reach Pharsalos.
3 for Delphi. Next turn I ought to be able to deploy cannons rather than just calvary as the entire front will be connected by railroad to the rest of the Imperium.
Nuremburg, Issus, Naples and Turin.
Pharsalos (Sun Tzu's)
Athens (Capital)
20 other cities.
So that leaves 26 in total down from
8 + 26 = 34 in 1852.
We have captured the Greek cities of Eretria, Halicarnassus, Tegea and Cremona.
We have captured the German cities of Cannae and Rammstein.
We razed Stettin and Capua, to halve the Germans from 8 cities to 4.
Next turn, we ought to have troops in the valley of Nuremburg, following the construction of the railroad.
Now, if I maintain my pace of 4 cities / turn, over 4 turns I will conquer 16 cities, out of a total of 34.
32 calvary
43 cannons
36 diplomats
I'll want to get my diplomats back over 50 and my calvary up 45.
Not much available for purchase, so I will need to delay these upgrades until next turn.
Greek counterattack kills alpine near Athens.
Takes 2 calvary to kill the Alpine.
Time to start the drive for Pharsalos.
Railroad into Pharsalos completed.
1 Alpine, 2 riflemen all vet behind citywalls in the garrison.
9 diplomats finally take down the walls.
Time to call out the cannons!
1st Cannon rocks Alpine troop.
2nd Cannon smashes Rifleman
3rd Cannon unluckily loses to 3rd Rifleman
Non-vet Calvary promoted against remains of 3rd rifleman.
Vet Calvary heals himself by capturing Pharsalos!

Investigate Delphi.
1 rifleman.
1st Cannon rams rifleman.
2nd Cannon chops his block off.
Vet Calvary heals himself.
We capture Delphi.
Discover Greek city of Knossos.
Knossos, Heraklea, Corinth all accessable to calvary.
Knossos probably best bet, not on a river square.
3 rifles, all likely vets.
Well, no guts, no glory.
First 3 calvary lose. Last does poorly.
4th calvary storms 1st rifleman.

5th and sixth calvary lose.
Promote 7th and 8th calvary.
Capture Knossos!
Do unit inventory, I have 19 wounded calvary already deployed to Greek front over last few turns.
There are 6 unavailable, either scouting, or in cities without connections to railroad.
2 wounded Calvary outside Rammstein.
That leaves 2 in my available pool.
The charges stop here. Fortify rifleman on Mountain near Corinth to guard the engineers, as they construct a railroad through the heart of Greek territory.
I need more diplomats and Calvary.
Barbs flee Isandhlwana.
Seige of Ephesos completed. I had failed to take the city last turn, but this turn I add the city size 11 to our total.
Ephesos taken!
Vet Rifleman punishes Calvary outside the city.
Pop a hut near Nuremburg!
Hut gives me 100 gold!
Rushbuild all my units for next turn.
Greek calvary approach but do not attack.
Barbarian raiding party nearly captures Atlanta!
Bribe barbarian dragoon, boat, and slay leader.
Much better.
81 diplomats
57 calvary.
43 cannons.
Non-vet Rifle on mountain smites Greek Calvary.
Clears way for Athens and Corinth.
Investigate Athens.
3 Riflemen, behind citywalls, on a river. Going to need some of those diplomats.
Investigate Corinth.
2 alpine troops, 1 rifleman, 2 calvary. All behind citywalls on a river.
This is the heart of Greece. If both of these cities fall, the Greeks will not have enough money to relocate their capital.
Explore area around Nuremburg. Yes! They built a railroad across the river.
It's cannon time.
Railroad built into Nuremburg.
Investigate Nuremburg.
3 Alpine Troops, 3 riflemen, all behind citywalls. This is Frederick's last stand.
1st diplomat sabotages walls!

You're going down Frederick!

All 6 cannons win.

Road now built to the three remaining German cities.
1 has a railroad.
Cannons crush Issus. 2 left.
Riflemen seize Naples. 1 left.
Calvary storm Turin.

And then there was 1.
Now, back to the Greeks.
5th dip sabotages Athens citywalls.
1st Cannon does okay.
2nd Cannon nearly wins.
3rd Cannon nearly wins.
4th Cannon does okay.
5th Cannon wastes rifleman
6th Cannon roasts rifleman
Imperium Calvary promoted.
Weak Calvary acquires Athens.
We take Athens.

Greek capital moves to Corinth. They now have 127 gold.
Please switch your government. 
The Seige of Corinth begins.
7th diplomat sabotages citywalls.
1st Cannon almost kills Alpine.
2nd Cannon almost kills Alpine.
3rd Cannon slaughters rifleman
4th Cannon minces calvary
5th Cannon shreds calvary
Calvary mops up first 2 alpines.

Greeks fail to relocate capital.
16 cities remaining.
Greek Eastern Front opened up.
Calvary crush Cunaxa. 15 more Greek cities.
Uncover Naples. All Greek cities have been pinpointed. The two not uncovered:
Syracuse, Gortyn.
Gortyn is at 154,76 Syracuse, 182,96 most likely. Must be SW of Phocaea.
I have access to 4 more Greek cities, I hope to take them all depending on how well my calvary play.
I fell asleep last night, so I'll finish up this afternoon.
Investigate Mycenae:
3 vet riflemen.
Next turn I am going to drive for Pharsalos and to run the table on the Wonders.
6th diplomat takes down the citywalls.

1st Calvary stomps 1st rifleman
2nd Calvary drubs 2nd rifleman
3rd Calvary pummels 3rd rifleman
We take Mycenae, stealing 30 gold.
We only need two squares of railroad next turn to reach Pharsalos.
3 for Delphi. Next turn I ought to be able to deploy cannons rather than just calvary as the entire front will be connected by railroad to the rest of the Imperium.
Nuremburg, Issus, Naples and Turin.
Pharsalos (Sun Tzu's)
Athens (Capital)
20 other cities.
So that leaves 26 in total down from
8 + 26 = 34 in 1852.
We have captured the Greek cities of Eretria, Halicarnassus, Tegea and Cremona.
We have captured the German cities of Cannae and Rammstein.
We razed Stettin and Capua, to halve the Germans from 8 cities to 4.
Next turn, we ought to have troops in the valley of Nuremburg, following the construction of the railroad.
Now, if I maintain my pace of 4 cities / turn, over 4 turns I will conquer 16 cities, out of a total of 34.
32 calvary
43 cannons
36 diplomats
I'll want to get my diplomats back over 50 and my calvary up 45.
Not much available for purchase, so I will need to delay these upgrades until next turn.
Greek counterattack kills alpine near Athens.
Takes 2 calvary to kill the Alpine.
Time to start the drive for Pharsalos.

Railroad into Pharsalos completed.
1 Alpine, 2 riflemen all vet behind citywalls in the garrison.
9 diplomats finally take down the walls.
Time to call out the cannons!
1st Cannon rocks Alpine troop.
2nd Cannon smashes Rifleman
3rd Cannon unluckily loses to 3rd Rifleman
Non-vet Calvary promoted against remains of 3rd rifleman.
Vet Calvary heals himself by capturing Pharsalos!

Investigate Delphi.
1 rifleman.

1st Cannon rams rifleman.
2nd Cannon chops his block off.

Vet Calvary heals himself.
We capture Delphi.
Discover Greek city of Knossos.
Knossos, Heraklea, Corinth all accessable to calvary.
Knossos probably best bet, not on a river square.
3 rifles, all likely vets.

Well, no guts, no glory.
First 3 calvary lose. Last does poorly.

4th calvary storms 1st rifleman.

5th and sixth calvary lose.

Promote 7th and 8th calvary.
Capture Knossos!
Do unit inventory, I have 19 wounded calvary already deployed to Greek front over last few turns.
There are 6 unavailable, either scouting, or in cities without connections to railroad.
2 wounded Calvary outside Rammstein.
That leaves 2 in my available pool.

The charges stop here. Fortify rifleman on Mountain near Corinth to guard the engineers, as they construct a railroad through the heart of Greek territory.
I need more diplomats and Calvary.
Barbs flee Isandhlwana.
Seige of Ephesos completed. I had failed to take the city last turn, but this turn I add the city size 11 to our total.
Ephesos taken!

Vet Rifleman punishes Calvary outside the city.
Pop a hut near Nuremburg!
Hut gives me 100 gold!
Rushbuild all my units for next turn.
Greek calvary approach but do not attack.
Barbarian raiding party nearly captures Atlanta!
Bribe barbarian dragoon, boat, and slay leader.

Much better.
81 diplomats
57 calvary.

43 cannons.

Non-vet Rifle on mountain smites Greek Calvary.
Clears way for Athens and Corinth.

Investigate Athens.
3 Riflemen, behind citywalls, on a river. Going to need some of those diplomats.
Investigate Corinth.
2 alpine troops, 1 rifleman, 2 calvary. All behind citywalls on a river.
This is the heart of Greece. If both of these cities fall, the Greeks will not have enough money to relocate their capital.
Explore area around Nuremburg. Yes! They built a railroad across the river.

It's cannon time.

Railroad built into Nuremburg.
Investigate Nuremburg.
3 Alpine Troops, 3 riflemen, all behind citywalls. This is Frederick's last stand.
1st diplomat sabotages walls!

You're going down Frederick!

All 6 cannons win.

Road now built to the three remaining German cities.

Cannons crush Issus. 2 left.
Riflemen seize Naples. 1 left.
Calvary storm Turin.

And then there was 1.
Now, back to the Greeks.
5th dip sabotages Athens citywalls.
1st Cannon does okay.
2nd Cannon nearly wins.

3rd Cannon nearly wins.
4th Cannon does okay.
5th Cannon wastes rifleman
6th Cannon roasts rifleman
Imperium Calvary promoted.
Weak Calvary acquires Athens.
We take Athens.

Greek capital moves to Corinth. They now have 127 gold.

The Seige of Corinth begins.
7th diplomat sabotages citywalls.
1st Cannon almost kills Alpine.

2nd Cannon almost kills Alpine.
3rd Cannon slaughters rifleman
4th Cannon minces calvary
5th Cannon shreds calvary
Calvary mops up first 2 alpines.

Greeks fail to relocate capital.

Greek Eastern Front opened up.
Calvary crush Cunaxa. 15 more Greek cities.
Uncover Naples. All Greek cities have been pinpointed. The two not uncovered:
Syracuse, Gortyn.
Gortyn is at 154,76 Syracuse, 182,96 most likely. Must be SW of Phocaea.
I have access to 4 more Greek cities, I hope to take them all depending on how well my calvary play.
I fell asleep last night, so I'll finish up this afternoon.