NOTE: This thread is not a thread to in which to debate whether we do research at all; rather, it's to debate what research we do, if we do do research.
I see no reason to change this advice. We have just learned Industrialization, and a new tech hasn't been selected for research yet.
Communism and Espionage are 2 techs away. I recommend we aim at Espionage first.
If Communism isn't offered, I recommend we choose whatever techs are available leading towards Machine Tools.
Originally posted by an extremely wise man
So our real choices are:
Communism (1 tech away)
Espionage (2 techs away)
Flight (4 techs away)
Machine Tools (3 techs away)
Mobile Warfare (7 techs away )
Luckily, all of these have Industrialization as a prerequisite... which we are now researching.
Communism is a direct prerequisite to Espionage.
Flight requires Corporation (useless tech) Refining (pretty useless) and Combustion (useless tech).
Machine Tools requires Electricity and Steel, both useless unless we want to build a battle fleet out of Vetkovia
Mobile Warfare requires Corporation, Refining, and Combustion (like Flight) as well as Electricity, Steel and Automobile (much like Machine Tools). It will also take, obviously, a long time to research, and we could easily be forced to deviate from the tech path (techs not being offered to research) or distracted by other options (Machine Tools and/or Flight). MW therefore to me, seems a poor goal, as some other equally useful techs are available sooner.
Therefore, I recommend Communism be our next choice, followed by Espionage. Communism gives us options, and Espionage will be useful soonest (since we have Diplos which will auto-upgrade).
If we really want to get Machine Tools (or Flight, which I would consider useful only for scouting hidden AI cities - and we'd have to build Fighters from scratch), it would probably be faster to get Communism and then switch governments, which would speed our science rate, than to try and research the 3 (or 4) extra techs in Fundy.
If Communism is unavailable for research, either Steel or Electricity would be recommended, on the path to Machine Tools (our SMC has indicated a desire for big machines that go 'boom').
So our real choices are:
Communism (1 tech away)
Espionage (2 techs away)
Flight (4 techs away)
Machine Tools (3 techs away)
Mobile Warfare (7 techs away )
Luckily, all of these have Industrialization as a prerequisite... which we are now researching.
Communism is a direct prerequisite to Espionage.
Flight requires Corporation (useless tech) Refining (pretty useless) and Combustion (useless tech).
Machine Tools requires Electricity and Steel, both useless unless we want to build a battle fleet out of Vetkovia
Mobile Warfare requires Corporation, Refining, and Combustion (like Flight) as well as Electricity, Steel and Automobile (much like Machine Tools). It will also take, obviously, a long time to research, and we could easily be forced to deviate from the tech path (techs not being offered to research) or distracted by other options (Machine Tools and/or Flight). MW therefore to me, seems a poor goal, as some other equally useful techs are available sooner.
Therefore, I recommend Communism be our next choice, followed by Espionage. Communism gives us options, and Espionage will be useful soonest (since we have Diplos which will auto-upgrade).
If we really want to get Machine Tools (or Flight, which I would consider useful only for scouting hidden AI cities - and we'd have to build Fighters from scratch), it would probably be faster to get Communism and then switch governments, which would speed our science rate, than to try and research the 3 (or 4) extra techs in Fundy.
If Communism is unavailable for research, either Steel or Electricity would be recommended, on the path to Machine Tools (our SMC has indicated a desire for big machines that go 'boom').
I see no reason to change this advice. We have just learned Industrialization, and a new tech hasn't been selected for research yet.
Communism and Espionage are 2 techs away. I recommend we aim at Espionage first.
If Communism isn't offered, I recommend we choose whatever techs are available leading towards Machine Tools.