Since we have acquired the technology of tactics, there ought to be no more techs that we require to finish off the AIs.
However, there have been several proposals mentioned for our tax rate to reflect this new situation.
1. 60 tax, 40 lux, 0 science.
This would reflect our focus on the military and lack of new science required for conquest.
This would earn us 1009 gold/turn before celebrations.
Adjusting to maximise trade and initiate celebrations:
With 40 lux, only Atlanta, Ngome, Melkweg, Outpost, Apollonia, Kostunrix, Nognix, Famine, Idefix and Baltimore refuse to celebrate.
Investing 274 gold in Famine, Baltimore, Nognix, and Kostunrix we build marketplaces in those cities, which will allow us to get them to celebrate with 40 percent luxuries.
We have 68 cities, so 58 cities would celebrate in the first turn, followed by 4 in the second turn if we do this path.
We could also sell libraries and universities for 1840 gold across the empire.
2. 50 luxuries, 50 tax, 0 science.
Another celebration option. This triggers celebrations in Outpost and Idefix in addition to all the others triggered at 40 lux, and earns us 940 gold per turn.
3. 80 tax, 10 science, 10 luxuries.
Gives us 1207 gold per turn. This option maximises the tax.
4. 20 tax, 80 science, 0 luxuries.
Gives us 940 gold per turn, discoveries every 12 turns.
5. Some other combination that I did not think of.
So hop to it.
However, there have been several proposals mentioned for our tax rate to reflect this new situation.
1. 60 tax, 40 lux, 0 science.
This would reflect our focus on the military and lack of new science required for conquest.
This would earn us 1009 gold/turn before celebrations.
Adjusting to maximise trade and initiate celebrations:
With 40 lux, only Atlanta, Ngome, Melkweg, Outpost, Apollonia, Kostunrix, Nognix, Famine, Idefix and Baltimore refuse to celebrate.
Investing 274 gold in Famine, Baltimore, Nognix, and Kostunrix we build marketplaces in those cities, which will allow us to get them to celebrate with 40 percent luxuries.
We have 68 cities, so 58 cities would celebrate in the first turn, followed by 4 in the second turn if we do this path.
We could also sell libraries and universities for 1840 gold across the empire.
2. 50 luxuries, 50 tax, 0 science.
Another celebration option. This triggers celebrations in Outpost and Idefix in addition to all the others triggered at 40 lux, and earns us 940 gold per turn.
3. 80 tax, 10 science, 10 luxuries.
Gives us 1207 gold per turn. This option maximises the tax.
4. 20 tax, 80 science, 0 luxuries.
Gives us 940 gold per turn, discoveries every 12 turns.
5. Some other combination that I did not think of.
So hop to it.