Originally posted by cavebear
January sounds about right to me, too. This is a big map, and it will take time to build roads and RR. The biggest problem may be getting the other civs to stay dead once we kill them. We could overrun the entire map and still have to go back and re-search empty lands for one or 2 new Capitals or Japanese or Spanish civs.
January sounds about right to me, too. This is a big map, and it will take time to build roads and RR. The biggest problem may be getting the other civs to stay dead once we kill them. We could overrun the entire map and still have to go back and re-search empty lands for one or 2 new Capitals or Japanese or Spanish civs.
(I know the people including me voted against that plan in the past but we might reconsidder this)
With an army of 30 engineers we can build RR (instant movement) on a 10 tile stratch every turn.
Railroading mountains will take longer but we can just build city's on the mountain passes.
If we take the time before we get Exp and RR to build a horde of Fanatics and Cannons then we can switch all our city's to engineers when we get the techs.
And as most civ's will have their core roaded we only need to build RR to the edges of their core.
Simply put I believe we can win this in another 5-6 sessions when we play the numbersgame right.