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Turnlog 1400 - 1540AD.

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  • Turnlog 1400 - 1540AD.

    Thanks to the Excelent Ministers Reports the turns went easyer and faster then expected

    Again my apologies for postponing this by one day.

    Change workers for Xinning, change production in Buffalo and Sheol to barracks.
    Move Knight from Enron towards Pax Apolyton.
    Switch production in Dominion to Library and rush it. (A Market was preferred but seeing the need for Fundi asap I decide on a library.) . Legion north of Bapedi finds Zulu city of Ngome. We get 100 gold from hut south of Madras.
    Imediately I Rushbuild Uni in Majestica (We just got 100 )
    I change the course of the 2 units going into Buffalo east to check out the mountain fort near Chicago.

    Americans overthrow gouverment. Greek catapult moves next to New Apocalyps, our archer demolishes it and becomes a vet for his efforts American cat moves next to Sheol and gets killed.
    Buffalo builds barracks, changes to Musketeer. Majestica builds Uni (30 beakers now ), change to Musk. Dominion builds Library, change to walls and keeps on Xinning. We get 50 from a hut north of Delhi. I move the crusaders into position for the attack on Cincinati next turn.

    Pax Apolyton builds barracks, changes to Musketeer. Archer finds 200 in a hut close to Atomants Hell.

    We attack Cincinati: Crusader from Havoc only just kills defending Musk.

    Second Crusader walks in and rehomes:

    I change the name to Idefix.
    Disband archer in Newton so it builds a Musk next turn. Rush Library in Bears Cave.

    Bears Cave builds Library and keeps Xinning.
    We get 50 from hut NW of Idefix.
    Americans change to Rep and want physics for peace. The American negotiator is fed to the lions.
    I try to bribe the Barb Caraval in the little lake north of Greeks but it has units on board.
    Rush Library at Heretics Village.

    Zulu horse attacks our Legion near Ngome and dies trying.
    Plague builds temple and changes to Musketeer. Plenty builds Temple, The CP requested a settler but since we have no 2 move units in that area to intercept enemy dips I change to crusader. Ore builds temple, changes to Musketeer. Heretics village builds Library, changes to market.
    Another American cat at the gates of Sheol, he undergoes the same fait as his predecessor.
    Glorificus starts on market. I move the knight towards Idefix.
    City of Doom founded south of Plague. Musk finds 100 on south pole.
    Horse finds nomad close to Germans.
    Last edited by atawa; September 10, 2003, 18:30.

  • #2
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    • #3
      2 further Zulu units die trying to get our legion off the mountain , it is now so badly wounded I decide to pull it back towards the advancing mounted units.
      Rush temple at Gehinnon as it is growing next turn.
      I move the settler and vet Musk from Styx towards Americans, Goal is to make a fort near Boston to intercept any advancing units and prepare for a future attack on Boston. evilgrin:
      Zulu chariot near Idefix.
      Legion near Ngome dies after killing another horse to a chariot.
      Gehinnon builds temple and changes to musk. Chariot gets 50 from hut on north pole.
      Greek knight near Imperialis, Crusaders runs out and kills it. Chariot at Idefix killed. Settler starts on road between Ore and Idefix. 2 more settlers go to Heretics village for second road. Inferno starts temple.

      Desolation builds barracks, since we don’t have a lot of good defensive units on our western borders I decide to change to Musk (Rifleman when its ready)
      Archer and Knight get to woodland fort near Buffalo, I decide to get the dip over to try and bribe the American Musketeer on the mountain. Dominion chariot kills Greek knight.
      /me crosses fingers as we will get Conscription next turn.
      Horse discovers Bonn and is asked to return to where he came from.


      Greek knight kills wondering Dip.
      Barbs spawn near Desolation, I bring the horse from Heretics Village over to kill the leader.
      City of Flood founded in the south. 100 from hut on south pole. Desolation starts Xinning.
      With 9 city’s Xinning (Devastation and HereticsVillage are Xinning out of Sync) we are at 8 turns for a tech


      End of session
      We took one American city and they bribed one back. I never saw the Dip comming so we might want to change our defence to stop future Incursions. (A lot of work for the Defence Minister this turn)
      We dont have embasies with Zulu or German yet but we have a Settler/Musk/Horse combination near Bonn so we can build a city and rush a dip

      Greek Knights start roaming our lands and as they are 110 gold each we cant afford to bribe them

      /me , President of the Apolyton Imperium.

      EDIT: I edited some things and it wouldnt let me save becouse there are too many images
      Last edited by atawa; September 10, 2003, 18:42.


      • #4
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        • #5
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          • #6
            Top 5 city's:
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            • #7
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              • #8
                Units near Bonn

                I think it would be wise to put a city down somewhere on a hill and rush a Dip. The other Dip's are still quite far away
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                • #9

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                  • #10
                    The Buffalo - Chicago Standoff

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                    • #11
                      It's a shame about Plegthelon, but we can always bribe the city back.

                      Awesome news about the rush to Fundamentalism. Soon they shall all pay for their insults.
                      Scouse Git (2) La Fayette Adam Smith Solomwi and Loinburger will not be forgotten.
                      "Remember the night we broke the windows in this old house? This is what I wished for..."
                      2015 APOLYTON FANTASY FOOTBALL CHAMPION!


                      • #12
                        Good session atawa. Nice work getting to starting Fundy.

                        Phlegethon doesn't matter by the looks of it, but for that tech....

                        The Americans changed from Republic to... Republic. Well, whatever works. Maybe they have an inherent need for a Revolution every now and again.

                        It will be interesting to hear how the Minister of War plans to shore up our defenses against Diplomats....

                        Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!


                        • #13
                          Very very nice session.
                          I see we got lucky with our techs for once(up to Fundi )

                          About Phlegethon, we should try to steal it back asap.
                          1) it will be cheap(it's their most remote city)
                          2) chances become big they will try to continue stealing our cities in that region.

                          So if our SMC has no prob with it I might even want to suggest to XIN 2 turns for Gold so we can rush a dip in Plenty(after finishing the Cruc) and then take back what belongs to us.

                          (I'll put a poll up about this.)

                          I edited some things and it wouldnt let me save becouse there are too many images
                          --> smilies=image no more then some 30 are allowed

                          ex-president of Apolytonia former King of the Apolytonian Imperium
                          "I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work." --Thomas Alva Edison (1847-1931)
                          shameless plug to my site:home of Civ:Imperia(WIP)

