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FAM Report: 520AD

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  • FAM Report: 520AD

    Apologies in advance: this will be rather long. Screenshots will be posted withn 24 hours, when Poly lets me upload images!

    The situation at present:



    We are at war with the Greeks and ONLY the Greeks, who are many moves to our East. They refuse to see our emissaries.

    Visible lands

    Visible are the cities of Mycenae (size 1, on grass and deserts, with some Mts nearby) and Herakleia, on a river running through three tiles of grass and otherwise surrounded by Mts and Hills. We have heard reports of two more cities - Pharsalos and the capital Athens. Their whereabouts are hinted to be in the vicinities of areas shown on the below map.


    Athens has the Lighthouse (COMPLETELY useless to us) and Pharsalos has Sun Tzu's War Academy (of some usefulness if we don't want to build Barracks in troop-producing cities)

    The Greeks have hit us with Knights, and it is clear they have Catapults and Archers.

    Personal observation
    We know very little of the Greeks' lands nor their technology, yet we are at war with them. In the interests of the Imperium perhaps we should learn more from these potential foes, and otherwise seek peace with them until we can be more sure of our victory.



    We are at a grudging peace with America, they are Uncooperative towards us. When contacted they profess to be pleased to deal with us, yet they have no interest in trading technology.

    Visible lands

    We can see some very spread out cities of the Americans' - Atlanta (size 6, on grass with forest and jungle nearby), St. Louis (size 5, located on a river that spans almost it's full radius, placed on grass with a few forest tiles in range!) and Philadelphia (size 7, on the Western edge of the same huge river/grass system as St. Louis) in the East and Chicago (size 7, walled, on grass - most of the city radius terrain is as yet unseen) in the West. From travellers' reports we know the approximate whereabouts of New York, to the East of our furthest explorations. At size 8 it is likely the Americans' capital.

    The Americans have two wonders, and both of them. Hanging Gardens and Marco Polo's Embassy, are located in New York, further to the East of the explored world.

    Personal Observations
    We have a Chariot to the far East near Atlanta and a Legion not as far near Chicago, exploring. It is of the opinion of the Foreign Ministry that these units should continue to do so and seek to avoid conflict with America at this time. Two Diplomats are within 20 turns of reaching America and their movements and intentions are discussed in a poll elsewhere.


    We have reached a cease-fire with Uncooperative Rome after some conflict in which we took three Roman cities, including the Pyramids. They claim that their science is far in excess of our own and refuse to trade knowledge.

    Visible lands
    We know only of Rome (size 4, walled, in grasslands with roads linking them to our captured Roman cities), their capital, which is menaced by several Imperium Crusaders nearby.

    Personal Observations
    The ceasefire was declared so that we could explore their lands and learn the last places to strike. It is of the opinion of the Foreign office that Rome shall be sacked and any other cities taken as soon as we are sure where their targets are. The Office shall attempt to convince the President and WAR Office of this course of action.

    Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!

  • #2
    I don't like your chances of getting the AI to honour any treaty or ceasefire with our reputation the way it is.
    The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits

    Hydey the no-limits man.


    • #3
      Pharsalos has Sun Tzu's War Academy (of some usefulness if we don't want to build Barracks in troop-producing cities)
      If you weren't a Kiwi, I'd swear you were British. They do tend to understate.

      Sun Tzu's should be one of the most valuable wonders in this game given that we are an agressive, warlike civilisation.
      Scouse Git (2) La Fayette Adam Smith Solomwi and Loinburger will not be forgotten.
      "Remember the night we broke the windows in this old house? This is what I wished for..."


      • #4
        The Minister of war likes this Sun Tzu idea.
        The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits

        Hydey the no-limits man.

