There have been a number of ideas posted as to what research goals our civ should have, but up until now we have been grateful for whatever the hut gods would provide us with. That soon will change, as Invention cannot be far off. Therefore, this poll (and I hope it does not waste anyone's time
) is to establish what our first short term goal shall be (after invention, which is required for all of the options listed). Our science rate is too slow to allow us to not have longer term goals, and we must choose carefully, the children of tomorrow depend upon our decision today.
Explosives - so that we may more quickly build roads between our cities, roads to our enemies, mines for our cities, and
irrigate from the vast water to our cities
Prerequisites that we still need before explosives: Invention, Gunpowder, Metalurgy
Tactics - to provide our Military with the might to trounce our enemies, both with Calvary, and their attack strength, and Alpine Troops, with their mobility on all kinds of terrain (even this god forsaken planet we have been placed upon).
Prerequisites that we still need before Tactics:
Invention, Gunpowder, Metallurgy, Leadership, Democracy, Conscription
Fundamentalism - to eliminate the happiness problems we are currently experiencing, to eliminate the need to provide production support to our armies, to eliminate the corruption and waste, to increase our tax base, and unfortunately to decrease our already horid
Science Rate
Prerequisites that we still need before Fundamentalism:
Invention, Democracy, Conscription
Railroad - to allow our units to move quickly between our cities and fend off attacks from our neighbours, to allow our offensive units to more quickly get to the front lines and aid in the destruction of our enemies
Prerequisites that we still need before Railroad:
Invention, Physics, Steam Engine
Though these are the technologies suggested in the last poll, there may be others that will be suggested, please post them here, and post your reasons, for the consideration of all the people of the Apolytonian Imperium.
Respectively submitted,
/me Science Minister

Explosives - so that we may more quickly build roads between our cities, roads to our enemies, mines for our cities, and

Prerequisites that we still need before explosives: Invention, Gunpowder, Metalurgy
Tactics - to provide our Military with the might to trounce our enemies, both with Calvary, and their attack strength, and Alpine Troops, with their mobility on all kinds of terrain (even this god forsaken planet we have been placed upon).
Prerequisites that we still need before Tactics:
Invention, Gunpowder, Metallurgy, Leadership, Democracy, Conscription
Fundamentalism - to eliminate the happiness problems we are currently experiencing, to eliminate the need to provide production support to our armies, to eliminate the corruption and waste, to increase our tax base, and unfortunately to decrease our already horid

Prerequisites that we still need before Fundamentalism:
Invention, Democracy, Conscription
Railroad - to allow our units to move quickly between our cities and fend off attacks from our neighbours, to allow our offensive units to more quickly get to the front lines and aid in the destruction of our enemies
Prerequisites that we still need before Railroad:
Invention, Physics, Steam Engine
Though these are the technologies suggested in the last poll, there may be others that will be suggested, please post them here, and post your reasons, for the consideration of all the people of the Apolytonian Imperium.
Respectively submitted,
/me Science Minister