200 BC Report:
We have a net income of 17 g, based of 32g income and 15 g expenses (9 Temples, 6 Barracks). We also have 854 g in reserve![$$$](https://apolyton.net/core/images/smilies/greed.gif)
We have net science output of 12 beakers/turn, and we need 899 beakers for the next tech.
Disorder is becoming an issue. Without happiness wonders, we can only keep the peace by taking workers off the land, or buying Temples (which cost money + upkeep).
The Science Minister wants Science and the Minister of War wants units
The City Planning Ministry suggests:
Designate 3-5 'core' cities as science/trade cities. These would be cities far from the front lines (therefore, any units built there would take a long time to be of use) and fairly large, so that we can hire scientists or tax collectors ('Xinning'). Also, these cities should have some decent terrain around them to facilitate growth. These cities would be:
Imperialis (grows to size 5 in 2 turns, has Library in production, but no trade specials)
Newton (2 trade specials, but needs lots of Settler work. Library in production. Also, previous poll affirmed that this should be a science city, so we must grow it)
Majestica (size 4, no trade specials, Library building)
Enron (size 3, on river, one trade special, Library building)
We'll need to grow these cities to size 5 and rushbuy Libraries (which we have the cash for) as soon as size 5 is achieved - then we 'Xin' them.
Supporting these cities would be:
Pax Apolyton - feeder city, builds Settlers for Newton/Majestica
Dominion - feeder city, builds Settlers for Newton/Majestica
Misery - feeder city, build Settlers for Enron/Newton
Glorificus - feeder city, build Settlers for Newton/Enron
As noted, civil disorder is an issue. These eight cities would find disorder to be lessened - the 4 'science' cities would have no unrest while Xinning (having scientists/taxmen rather than working the land), and the 4 'support' cities would stay small due to building Settlers - once our 4 science cities are up and running, they could go back to building units.
Once we have the 4 cities Xinning with libraries, they should produce 88 beakers/turn - more than 7 times what we are currently producing. The tax rate could be left alone at 70% with no impact to the Xinning cities. Moreover, if we need more cash in future, we could always chance the scientists in the Xin cities to taxmen.
The remaining cities should build Barracks or units - there is a separate poll for Barracks.
We have a net income of 17 g, based of 32g income and 15 g expenses (9 Temples, 6 Barracks). We also have 854 g in reserve
We have net science output of 12 beakers/turn, and we need 899 beakers for the next tech.
Disorder is becoming an issue. Without happiness wonders, we can only keep the peace by taking workers off the land, or buying Temples (which cost money + upkeep).
The Science Minister wants Science and the Minister of War wants units
The City Planning Ministry suggests:
Designate 3-5 'core' cities as science/trade cities. These would be cities far from the front lines (therefore, any units built there would take a long time to be of use) and fairly large, so that we can hire scientists or tax collectors ('Xinning'). Also, these cities should have some decent terrain around them to facilitate growth. These cities would be:
Imperialis (grows to size 5 in 2 turns, has Library in production, but no trade specials)
Newton (2 trade specials, but needs lots of Settler work. Library in production. Also, previous poll affirmed that this should be a science city, so we must grow it)
Majestica (size 4, no trade specials, Library building)
Enron (size 3, on river, one trade special, Library building)
We'll need to grow these cities to size 5 and rushbuy Libraries (which we have the cash for) as soon as size 5 is achieved - then we 'Xin' them.
Supporting these cities would be:
Pax Apolyton - feeder city, builds Settlers for Newton/Majestica
Dominion - feeder city, builds Settlers for Newton/Majestica
Misery - feeder city, build Settlers for Enron/Newton
Glorificus - feeder city, build Settlers for Newton/Enron
As noted, civil disorder is an issue. These eight cities would find disorder to be lessened - the 4 'science' cities would have no unrest while Xinning (having scientists/taxmen rather than working the land), and the 4 'support' cities would stay small due to building Settlers - once our 4 science cities are up and running, they could go back to building units.
Once we have the 4 cities Xinning with libraries, they should produce 88 beakers/turn - more than 7 times what we are currently producing. The tax rate could be left alone at 70% with no impact to the Xinning cities. Moreover, if we need more cash in future, we could always chance the scientists in the Xin cities to taxmen.
The remaining cities should build Barracks or units - there is a separate poll for Barracks.