Considering the lurking horse, should Majestica rush a warrior? Should it even build a warrior? What about the other cities?
Imperialis can go from +2 food/+1 shield to +1 food/+2 shield by switching to the forest.
Majestica can go from +2 food/+2 shield to +0 food/ +3 shields by switching to oil/iron.
Dominion can go from +2 food/+1 trade to +1 food/+3 trade by switching to the seal.

Imperialis can go from +2 food/+1 shield to +1 food/+2 shield by switching to the forest.
Majestica can go from +2 food/+2 shield to +0 food/ +3 shields by switching to oil/iron.
Dominion can go from +2 food/+1 trade to +1 food/+3 trade by switching to the seal.