cause my thread is locked
in response to
1. buy a normal computer
2. rent a normal DSL / Cable connection.
3. stop complaining, apolyton wouldn't be the same without my beautifull appearance in the forums
I have a new (well 6 months old) 1 Gighz Athlon with 256 MB of DDR Ram fast harddrive, decent graphics card and so on
I get 100 Mbs (well that is really my max usually it is a bit slower)
it is mostly just a statement that I do not think others have the bandwidth
Jon Miller
(free my thread, it is not like I make many)

in response to
1. buy a normal computer
2. rent a normal DSL / Cable connection.
3. stop complaining, apolyton wouldn't be the same without my beautifull appearance in the forums
I have a new (well 6 months old) 1 Gighz Athlon with 256 MB of DDR Ram fast harddrive, decent graphics card and so on
I get 100 Mbs (well that is really my max usually it is a bit slower)
it is mostly just a statement that I do not think others have the bandwidth
Jon Miller
(free my thread, it is not like I make many)