I have discussed thoroughly with Dan on the issue for days now.
We were not sure what stance to take on the issue. On one hand was the significant results of the poll. On the other the fun value of not allowing people to correct their mistakes for eternity.
We then created a secret committee of experts Apolytoners and asked them questions: a priest ("should we allow people a second chance? what do the Olympic Gods have to say about this?"), a psychologist ("how often do Apolytoners mess up and post silly and why?"), a computer technician ("what would be the server load value of removing the feature"), a marketer ("should we go against the will of the people? perhaps make it a PLUS feature?") and ottok ("remove ok feature?")
The committee consulted and gave a single answer: "NO"
They gave no further explanation, so....
We were not sure what stance to take on the issue. On one hand was the significant results of the poll. On the other the fun value of not allowing people to correct their mistakes for eternity.
We then created a secret committee of experts Apolytoners and asked them questions: a priest ("should we allow people a second chance? what do the Olympic Gods have to say about this?"), a psychologist ("how often do Apolytoners mess up and post silly and why?"), a computer technician ("what would be the server load value of removing the feature"), a marketer ("should we go against the will of the people? perhaps make it a PLUS feature?") and ottok ("remove ok feature?")
The committee consulted and gave a single answer: "NO"
They gave no further explanation, so....
