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Turns of SMACDatAss

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  • #61
    Hello!!! Dynamo! Are you still with us??


    • #62
      Another one of my "hung games"...

      It's been 11 days since Dynamo's last post. It's been 2 days since "I" tried to contact him. If anybody else involved in this game has new's, let's hear it.
      This is what it means to be a Spartan. It's not the killing or the suffering that matters. It's the purity of focus, without fear of death or pain.


      • #63
        None here either. He didn't reply to any of the SDA->SDA2 series of mails. My personal mail to him 30 hours ago is unanswered as well.

        This game is cursed! Did I say that before?


        • #64
          Originally posted by Sin Man
          I don't like lots of ocean. The less ocean the better. I don't remember how the land set up works in Alpha Centauri, but I like huge map with as much of it land filled as possible.

          This man's from Toronto...
          A city on the shores of one of the Great Lakes...
          A city which is sprawling and consuming suburbs as we speak...
          The CN Tower (one of the highest structures in the world) is located here, at the top visibilty is 1/2 a continent on a cloudy day...

          YOU MUST LIKE THE HIVE, man of sin.

          This is what it means to be a Spartan. It's not the killing or the suffering that matters. It's the purity of focus, without fear of death or pain.


          • #65
            This is insane.

            If someone can go and find us a replacement, I'm up for it. Anyone got a *******RELIABLE******* friend they want to get into the game?

            P.S. Even if Dynamo comes back, he needs to be replaced.


            • #66
              Hey all, Mongoose invited me as a replacement for Morgan. Just got the PM from him and I'm glad to join.

              my email is:

              I see you guys have had trouble with some of the players. No need to worry about me, I play my turns all the time and have no where to dissapear to.


              • #67
                Hooray! We're on!

                Email sent to all. If you don't get here. My mail is all fouled up last night and today.


                • #68
                  SDA 2181 sent to Callistos.

                  By the way, the CN Tower IS the tallest building in the world. Not ONE of the tallest, as KrysiasKrusader suggested earlier. Just a pet peeve of mine. I used to work there, and for the record, so EVERYONE knows, there is no taller building of any kind in any shape anywhere on this planet. Don't know why I feel a need to rant on the subject, but I do. Ah, now it's out of my system... until next time.


                  • #69
                    81 to kk.

                    Man that accelerated start is crazy. I didn't think I'd stop getting techs. lol. I'm just wondering why the Gaians passed up the free tech that the Hive so zealously took.


                    • #70
                      Originally posted by Sin Man
                      SDA 2181 sent to Callistos.

                      By the way, the CN Tower IS the tallest building in the world. Not ONE of the tallest, as KrysiasKrusader suggested earlier. Just a pet peeve of mine. I used to work there, and for the record, so EVERYONE knows, there is no taller building of any kind in any shape anywhere on this planet. Don't know why I feel a need to rant on the subject, but I do. Ah, now it's out of my system... until next time.

                      heh Us oldtimers remember when The Empire State Building was the tallest in the world!

                      Actually, I thought I read they built a taller one in Asia somewhere...Pacific of the Tigers, maybe.

                      Then again, I have no recollection WHEN I maybe remember that from.


                      • #71
                        Hey ! Who am I sending my turn to ?
                        This is what it means to be a Spartan. It's not the killing or the suffering that matters. It's the purity of focus, without fear of death or pain.


                        • #72
                          That would be me, KK.


                          • #73
                            They were building a tower taller somewhere in Malaysia... but it was scheduled to be completed three years ago and so far it ain't been. So I dunno what's going on with it...


                            • #74
                              Turn 2181 to Sister Mongoose


                              Okay, Sin Man, drop it will ya... I was making a little joke about your city, cause I know it. (sheesh)
                              This is what it means to be a Spartan. It's not the killing or the suffering that matters. It's the purity of focus, without fear of death or pain.


                              • #75
                                2181 to Chaunk.

                                heh So am I revenged for my quip about Qantaga, eh KK?

                                Of course, I had the decency to wait until AFTER he had a chance to change it.

                                Also, PW sent to Knowhow2

                                DO THAT TOO!

