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Turns of SMACDatAss

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  • Sin Man
    (Shrug). I'm starting to think I'm painting a picture of myself as a complete follower, but the truth is, I'm absolutely indifferent on the subject of a restart. I'm the capitol of Ambivalence, demonstrated with the following conflicting icons: , , ...

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  • Claw919
    I *ASKED* for everyone's password. I asked DWCOLE several times. I actually only RECEIVED 5 of the passwords, and just kind of got tired of babysitting the whole thing ("Bah - everything's rolling along fine anyhow").

    Okie dokie. What about a restart, then? I recall Chaunk wanted a restart earlier, anyhow, so... I'm not opposed to it.

    Also, if everyone would like an accellerated game other than just a regular 'time warp', I'd be agreeable to that as well. Not a STOCK beginning, but something where we started with a few CPs or something.

    Everyone, please sound off on the above. Restart or wait for DWCOLE to get the password to me? Time warp OK, or try some other means of accellerated start?

    I'll be sending out an email, as well, to draw everyone's attention. It's worth noting that DWCOLE was the slowest player anyhow (usually accounting for like 65-75% of our downtime between turns), so a newly created game should progress really quickly.


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  • Chaunk
    Well that does make it interesting... But since we're not too far into the game, we could restart it... I've no huge wish to let the game die

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  • Mongoose
    From Claw's email to me:

    There is (of course) a problem.

    He's the only person who hasn't given me his

    Yep - you got that right. Despite my constant
    badgering, he never gave me his password.

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  • KrysiasKrusader
    Hey...... claw919.............

    You took everybody's password at the sign-up...

    Remember...... .......

    .................................................. .......

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  • Mongoose
    Seems we have a problem here. Claw doesn't have the UoP password. Nor do I. I DO have the turn, but I cannot open and play without the password.

    DCole, if you read this, PM the password to me!

    If we cannot get that PW, this game cannot continue.

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  • Mongoose
    Hi folks. I'll take it, if you like. My card isn't quite as full as I thought it would be. (Although I still hate Time Warp!)

    SinMan has my addy, since I pass to him in MISC.

    Added benefit: I get to kick Claw all over two maps!

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  • Claw919

    It's REPLACEMENT time again, boys and girls.

    Here's the note from DCOLE:

    I am contacting you from the local library near where I live. My
    computer has died evidently traveling does not agree with it. I am currently looking for another but between saving for graduate school (having to pay rent stinks) and paying of my new car and my new insurance (one wreck and it all goes to crap)
    I don't know when I will be able to get another. I am terribly sorry since I know this holds up the game. I will look for a replacement but I hereby authorize you to find one and give him/her my password. Good luck to you all,
    when my situation stabilizes I will return, can only go for so long
    without my drug .

    So, that's that. We'll need a replacement - a PERMANENT replacement. (Sorry, Daniel - I can't very well get a replacement and expect them to get into the game for a few weeks or months or however much time it takes you to find a new computer).

    I'll post for a replacement. Sin Man - please hold tight to that turn, because you'll need to resend to someone shortly.

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  • Sin Man
    Turn sent to University. Sorry for the delay - I've been terribly sick the last few days, unconscious for the most of that time. Anyway, I'm back, I'm gonna live and the turn has moved on.

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  • IceCube
    2135 to sin man

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  • Dynamo
    2135 sent to Gaia.

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  • KrysiasKrusader
    2134 to P.K.'s

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  • Claw919
    2134 to Believers.

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  • Chaunk
    '34 to sparta

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  • Dcole78
    Turn to morgan..found out yesterday that though my last test isn't due until midnight on friday for Advanced organic spectroscopy my grade for the course is due to the registrar by NOON on friday. Made for a fun few hours...

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