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Sealurk Alert -Turn Tracking thread

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  • 2141 to Paul

    Yup -- do not know what happened---I certainly did not want to give gregurabi a list of techs
    You don't get to 300 losses without being a pretty exceptional goaltender.-- Ben Kenobi speaking of Roberto Luongo


    • 2141 to NorthSwordsman


      • Turn 2141 -----> Gregurabi.


        • 2142 -> University


          • 2142 to ceo paul
            You don't get to 300 losses without being a pretty exceptional goaltender.-- Ben Kenobi speaking of Roberto Luongo


            • 2142 to Randy


              • Turn to Gregurabi.


                • 2143 to Flubber


                  • 2143 to Paul
                    You don't get to 300 losses without being a pretty exceptional goaltender.-- Ben Kenobi speaking of Roberto Luongo


                    • 2143 to Randy


                      • Turn to Gregurabi's Peacekeepers.

                        Personal Log, Col. NS:

                        Boy, these corridors are getting crowded, with little ones everywhere underfoot. No wonder we've had to increase our budget for education 150% in the past 2 years. The first crop of soldiers from our Spartan Military Academy will be graduating this coming year. I'm excited because these kids were born and raised here and know nothing of the wars of old Terra. They have an optimism and energy that some of the old staffers don't have. Hmm.. wonder how long before they replace the older staff? I admit, we have some very promising upcoming, ambitious young people in the officer's corps. If only we could get rid of this foul air and the blasted worms, I'd be happy as a clam in saltwater.... something I miss. This Planet doesn't have clams, it has sealurks. Yuck.


                        • 2144 to Flubber

                          Ever since we outgrew our Planned Economy and switched to a Free Market model, we've noticed a dramatic improvement in the quality of life for the average citizen. Instead of keeping order with police (and my thoughts on police states are on file), we have found that Recreational Commons are quite affordable, and don't leave a bleeding wound in my conscience.

                          There may be a use for Planned economics again in the future, but whenever possible the free market is to be preferred.

                          There has been virtually no activity from the native life forms lately. This is good, because we would be hard-pressed to defend against them right now; for some unexplained reason, our troops have lost their will to fight the native life forms.

                          -- Commissioner Gregurabi's journal, M.Y. 2144


                          • 2144 to paul


                            Diary of chancellor flubber

                            The years just seem to be whizzing by. . . . Every year a new incoming class eager to learn and a graduating class ready to apply their knowledge to increase our chances of survival--

                            Our people have built a remarkeable little university here, one that I would rank with the Oxfords and Harvards on old earth. If only I could focus on pure research . . . But I cannot. I am invested with the power and responsibility to protect these people and so I have to handle all these damn "government functions"--Its just no fun

                            An idological branch of the political science department nearly rioted when I switched to a planned government and the economics department . . . try getting a straight answer out of them on ANY issue. They always send three or four very lengthy research papers outlining the value of a certain economic courses-- This would be great if the papers were not invariably contradictory

                            The one department I have come to like is the geography and geology group. They seem pragmatic and their academic needs (an exploration budget) fall in lines with our overall need for security

                            I just appointed a military historian/strategic expert to head our military with a physical education professor in charge of training. they seem to be getting along . . . . Now what are my plans for this evening?? . . . damn . . . my assistant has booked me to watch a philosophy lecture . . . now thats one branch of academia that I can find no practical use for . . . maybe I should require their students to take a geology class . . .I love getting mines and roads built as "class assignments"--
                            You don't get to 300 losses without being a pretty exceptional goaltender.-- Ben Kenobi speaking of Roberto Luongo


                            • 2144 to Randy


                              • Turn to Gregurabi.

                                Excerpt from Spartan Military Academy Commencement of 2144, by Col. Northswordsman:

                                Fellow officers, the challenges of today and the future are solely in your hands as you prepare to take your place within the ranks of our glorious military corps. Like the Spartans of ancient Terran history, we shall succeed in our endeavors.

                                Noble words from the past are our guide today: Duty, Honor and Country. With these words in mind, we must strive to protect and defend our citizens and their right to bear arms.

                                The other factions that seem to have survived the crash landing of 2101 do not espouse the same principles that we do. Their citizens are, by our standards, oppressed and their rights are trampled under the pretext of "weapons kill people". They forget a lesson we have learned: that it is people that kill people, not weapons.

                                Weapons are a tool. You would not deny a carpenter the right to use a hammer, you may not deny a citizen the right to keep and bear weapons in self-defense. This world we are on is a dangerous place. Denying people the right to protect themselves from these horrible lifeforms called "mindworms" is tantamount to state-supported murder.

                                We must extend the rights of Spartans citizens to the entire population of Chiron. You are the defender, protector and supporter of our noble people.

