Sent 2239 a good while ago (Poly had become an undefined entity).
Took a few more Spartan bases; her probes are getting braver - one of them actually tried to probe one of the newly taken bases despite my probe being there - my Fusion probes seem to have an unfair advantage over hers though.
Knowhow2, give me a break
; I'm sorry, but I'm sitting here with 20+ bases not growing because of my pop limits, which are already 5 pops per base less than yours and you are sitting there with maybe 1 base at your (higher) limit - my efficiency experts thought I was joking when I asked for a comparative analysis report. We'll probably have the Hab Domes in less than ten years and so the limits will be gone; even if you were growing each of your bases at 1 pop per turn (which you're not) you wouldn't be maxed out at more than half of your bases; meanwhile, I'll have 40+ more pops merely for providing food. As for the police effect, I don't think it will help either of us very much in FM, but both the same in any event. ... ( This is all without mentioning that you've already got 4 times as many SP's as I've got. )
Darius, thanks for the probe protection, whether intentional or not. (although I think that I read somewhere that your pactmate's probe just sits there and watches the action if an enemy probe comes in). I think I forgot to give you any ec's this turn, sorry; at least you'll get the raise due to the election and that last tech.
Speaking of probes, there is a Spartan probe hiding under the Hive Drop Shard Squad at (16,36), next to the Drone Mound (Hive base) - not any more; after my turn it went over to Labor Network and nosed around - I thought it was going to probe the base despite Darius' probe (she had just tried to probe another base in ex Sparta territory), but she didn't, it just sat outside waiting to be picked off next turn. I guess Darius' probe scared it away, whether it would have intervened or not.
Techs are coming faster now, so get ready to decide what you want to research next.
Took a few more Spartan bases; her probes are getting braver - one of them actually tried to probe one of the newly taken bases despite my probe being there - my Fusion probes seem to have an unfair advantage over hers though.
Knowhow2, give me a break

Darius, thanks for the probe protection, whether intentional or not. (although I think that I read somewhere that your pactmate's probe just sits there and watches the action if an enemy probe comes in). I think I forgot to give you any ec's this turn, sorry; at least you'll get the raise due to the election and that last tech.
Techs are coming faster now, so get ready to decide what you want to research next.