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Call To Power 2 Cradle 3+ mod in progress:
John, I knew that was what you meant about debugging; I was just too tired to deal with it last night. Sorry. I've got the right turn now and tonight I'll try some tests (like dropping back and forth between my originating base and target base) and will let you know.
The Hive missiles were easy pickings the first time because there was just one defender without AAA. I believe that a AAA garrison is under construction there now, and will probably be complete by the time I retreat and heal. However, if I open the turn and there are still only missiles and a PB there, I just might suicide the chopper to take out the PB.
"I love justice, I hate iniquity. It is not my pleasure that the lower suffer injustice because of the higher." - Darius I, 550-486 BC
Well, I tried to do a double drop and couldn't do it. Maybe it only works if you drop into an original base (I tried it at a captured Hive base), or maybe only if the base has an aerospace complex, or maybe it only works on Tuesdays.
The Hive base "The Hive" has a 5AAA defender there now and my chopper was heavily damaged already, so I pulled back to recuperate. Meanwhile, I took heavy missile damage at the sea base I captured from the Hive a while back, probably because I tried to get a transport with a probe over to the mainland to steal tech, but ended up stranding the transport outside, drawing heavy fire. However, I got several drop troops over to the Hive mainland, and subverted another.
Turn to John.
"I love justice, I hate iniquity. It is not my pleasure that the lower suffer injustice because of the higher." - Darius I, 550-486 BC
Darius, I sent a missile over to you at Psi Consensus, but I didn't turn it over to you because it will create pacifist drones and you didn't seem to have quite enough spare drone control to handle it. Its not a great missile (the best I can build in Wealth), but I figured you could use it to kill or at least soften up the Hive's AAA before you send in your choppers. Let me know when you want me to turn over control. Alternatively, I could do the missile attack for you - it looks like the Hive goes before me and after you so that unless they coordinate their reinforcements somehow among their factions it would work out OK (except for any judgement calls that might have to be made) - if you want to use that method, just tell me when launch it.
Darius, after my turn was over, I watched as the Spartans did something to Psi Consensus (Perhaps shell it with their nearby ship); I don't know what damage occurred (a number of explosions and I saw various units displayed); if the missile is still there but is badly damaged, I'll move it out to get repaired, otherwise I'll leave it there; if it was killed instead, let me know. The Spartans also sent some planes over to your Mainland's NW Coast, near the western corner and killed a probeship of mine (which I suppose is why I saw the action) and a transport of yours; the planes are each still there for revenge if you have some SAM, 2 tiles removed from shore.
Knowhow2, I didn't take the tech this time because I have new tech coming up next turn and the slight delay should save some unnecessary additional tech costs. Please give me all the techs again this very next turn, including the new one your going to get; I can take them later in my turn after I have started my new tech and the tech cost has been established.
Finished and offered you each Adaptive Econ. (I'm building the Planetary Energy Grid.)
I'm now researching Photon/Wave Mech. We will need Probability Mechanics, NanoMetallurgy, NanoMiniaturization and Matter Compression before we can build Super Tensile Solids, which will let us build the Space Elevator and Hab Domes.
Knowhow2, it would help if you would say somewhere (like in the thread) what tech you are now researching when you change so that those of us who also start a new tech right after you do can make an informed decision about what to research next since the game makes you choose before your turn starts and therefore you cannot yet see for yourself what the others have done. (You could also tell us your intentions beforehand, although the game doesn't necessarily offer the right stuff.) BTW, where are you headed now?
Darius, I moved an arty unit into Psi Consensus to defend against and punish the Spartan warship and let the other units heal (remember there is an Aerospace Complex in Pi Complex); I also gave you a probe unit in Psi Consensus .
That was my staging area to invade the Hive. I had a bunch of drop garrisons there, just waiting for the choppers. Oh well. Now I can concentrate on building for a while, then design a better invasion force.
2228 to John.
"I love justice, I hate iniquity. It is not my pleasure that the lower suffer injustice because of the higher." - Darius I, 550-486 BC
Nothing major occurred in my turn - I'll have the Planetary Energy Grid next turn and I'm trying to build up an invasion force to take on the Spartans, as soon as I figure out what I need to take and where to put it while I'm getting ready. Hopefully we can suppress the western division of Yang's Air Force when I move in on Sparta.
Knowhow2, You're really rolling over Zak; good show; please refraim from burning his books - we're supposed to be the good guys and he's just one of the innocents duped by the Chairman. Wow! - I just realized that the Will to Power you're getting this turn is going to be great for me (because of the Cloning Vats)!! Please send it right away!!! I gotta have it!!!! Please Please!!!!! I do so those Elite troops!!!!!!
If you are looking for ideas on what to research next, I would suggest researching one of the techs that Darius or I are researching (Monopole Magnets or Photon/Wave Mechanics, both scheduled to finish in 2 or 3 years), preferably the one of us who will finish last (although that shouldn't matter), and when we give them to you, you will be in a position to possibly research something on the road to Super Tensile Solids in case we are not offered the right stuff. If we are offered the right stuff, you can then research whatever else turns you on (you do seem to be trying to shine up to Dierdra with all those green techs you're doing; too bad its Santiago and Aki who are in the game though ).
Darius, I got rid of that pesky Spartan boat by Psi Consensus and I stationed another chopper over on that continent to help you with Yang's PB, etc. and I'll send some more air power over shortly. I notice that he's building a bunch more missiles too. If you don't have something else in mind, why don't you start an Aerospace Complex in Psi Consensus; I'll give you the ec's to rush it; just make sure that the 1st 10 mins are booked to it so it only costs 2ec/min to rush the rest of it. Once we have that, we won't have to waste so many turns healing in between attacks.
The Spartans have renamed your former base ("Manufacturing Warrens") to "Training Camp"; is it you or Yang who is going to get ticked off over that? The Spartan air force took a lot of cheap shots just offshore from Spanner Works (if I got the name right), formers, crawlers, stuff like that. Do you need some SAM units to help out over there?