As the Drones in the border base found out that the PF were about to sell them to the Drones, they went disgruntled - very so.
The Govenor couldn't even reach his jets with his staff, the jets were overtaken by the Drones in the city - needless to say the PF haven't heard of him yet. The Para-Drone unit outside the city were brougth into the base by celebrating city drones.
Nevertheless, the gloriuos Foreman did indeed pay a meager sum of credits for the base, at least as compension for the grounded jets in the city.
So if I understand the Foreman rigth, then no one should settle 'behind' (a liberal use of the term 'border' was used by the Foreman) any front base of any faction and in no case on the other factions continent - we the PF are happy with this agreement.
Turn sent.

The Govenor couldn't even reach his jets with his staff, the jets were overtaken by the Drones in the city - needless to say the PF haven't heard of him yet. The Para-Drone unit outside the city were brougth into the base by celebrating city drones.
Nevertheless, the gloriuos Foreman did indeed pay a meager sum of credits for the base, at least as compension for the grounded jets in the city.
So if I understand the Foreman rigth, then no one should settle 'behind' (a liberal use of the term 'border' was used by the Foreman) any front base of any faction and in no case on the other factions continent - we the PF are happy with this agreement.
Turn sent.