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Turns of AXT042 game, second thread

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  • #31
    Correct. Play the turn and send it on to Tenchusatsu. There's really no need to forward it to knowhow2 unless we have problems.

    When we end the session, knowhow2 will save the game on his end and then play it as a normal pbem turn.

    Should work very nicely.

    It looks like I won't get to play 2158 until tomorrow morning, since I haven't received it yet, and I need to get to work now. I'll send it to cbn immediately I've played it in the morning.

    Then I'll wake up and it'll be time to SMAC! What a great day tomorrow will be!


    See ya, guys!



    • #32
      Resent year 2158 to Walt.

      See you guys tomorrow!


      • #33
        The turn 2158 is sent to both Walt and Tench as the possible hosts. I will see you all online!!


        Foreman viewed the previous several years as a success and analysts predicted that there would soon be a rapid flurry of activity that would change the world forever. the foreman looked foreward to good relations with other nations and harmonious working conditions for workers from every faction.


        • #34
          19:08 right now at my place.



          can I (not being the host) really save the game? Well, you can answer me later at the session.
          It's close to midnight and something evil's is lurking in the dark.


          • #35
            turn 2159 to tench


            Again I'm sorry about how things ended the last time. After that not so succesful session of tcp/ip game my PC sort of got overloaded. Even the easiest task took for ever to do. Replying a ICQ message took 2-3 minutes each and all the programs seemed to be on and I got more and more angry with it. So playing a turn quickly was hardly a good idea. Well **** happens, but I'm still sorry.

            It's close to midnight and something evil's is lurking in the dark.


            • #36
              I think some of our problems derive from the use of icq. It's a memory hog and doesn't seem to unload properly. So after a few sessions of it, your memory is pretty much flooded, and it takes forever to perform even the simplest task.

              Of course, it helps to have a bigger system, but if I'm right on icq, even a bigger machine will eventually be overcome.

              No fault can really be ascribed to anyone: we were all the victims of a slow network and buggy program interaction.

              I'll look forward to continuing via email.



              • #37
                Yeat 2159 to Walt.

                Guess we're going back to the year when we tried to start the TCP/IP session. Maybe next time we'll just do PBEM while we're all together. But we'll need a chat client which doesn't hose up lower memory configurations, unlike ICQ.


                • #38
                  2159 to cbn.


                  I like AIM. Not as feature rich as icq, but pretty darn stable. Alternatively we could try an IRC client like mIRC, which would allow us to all inhabit the same "chatspace".


                  • #39
                    2159 is over and on to the cult


                    As foreman cbn slipped into bed, he could not shake the feeling that EVERYTHING he did today had been done before. It was the most powerful feeling of "deja vu" that he had ever experienced.


                    • #40
                      turn 2160 to tench
                      It's close to midnight and something evil's is lurking in the dark.


                      • #41
                        Year 2160 to Walt.

                        "What do you mean we lost the last two years worth of effort?!?"

                        "I'm telling you, it's these obsolete Network Nodes that we've installed many years ago. With the huge amounts of new data that needs to be processed, new needs for compute power from the research teams, and poor management from the tech folks, the system simply crashed. We were able to bring the system back online, but we had to restore everything from backups made two years ago. I'm sorry, but we'll just have to redo everything we've done going back two years."

                        "Hrmph. Makes me almost want to go back to the old days on Earth when Microsoft controlled 99.9% of the free world ..."


                        • #42
                          2160 to cbn.


                          There's somebody pink over there!

                          -Overheard from a Morganite Scout...


                          • #43
                            The year 2160 goes by -- 2161 to the cult

                            "Foreman, foreman, we heard something on the comm !! All we could make out was some comment about pink people"

                            " Very well-- there are obviously others out there. Increase exploration !!"


                            • #44
                              turn 2161 to tench

                              *A undetermind smell of mano is spreading itself not far from the Cultural coast*

                              It's close to midnight and something evil's is lurking in the dark.


                              • #45

                                Originally posted by knowhow2 on 04-30-2001 11:41 PM
                                turn 2154 to tench

                                BTW, I'll be there!
                                [This message has been edited by knowhow2 (edited April 30, 2001).]

                                Hello Knowhow2,and hello all, this is my apolyton identity and verification that I got you message. You inform the others of the rest.


