Foreman cbn was saddened to learn that a massive force known as "OUTSIDE WORLD" had slowed the passage of time on Planet but understands that these forces are powerful and unavoidable and will inevitably strike all factions from time to time.
Today lines of Drone childern lined up outside all Drone factories on news that a new Drone invention the "former" is forthcoming. The foreman has promised tractor rides to all children that can be accomodated before the vehicles are pressed into service.
Vice foreman Wu today announced a 20% increase in production on all factory lines in zone B . He praised the workforce for their dedication in a ceremony opening the daycare and accodation facilities at factory 12. While most workers are enthusiastic about the new facilities, a vocal minority complained that it is part of a plot to pressure people into working even longer hours.
Exploration of Drone territory continued as a number of Drone units reported there findings. Foreman cbn reported to the populace that
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