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Turns of AXT042 game in Apolyton PBEM Tournament

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  • 2129 to cbn.


    Okay, I missed that. Thought we were talking about tcp/ip, with icq just for the initial rendezvous. Whatever you guys wanna do works for me.


    • We have a green light from Tau Ceti to play the game via tcp/ip if we're so inclined. The turns would go /much/ faster that way than just playing them serially and passing them via icq. However, four players might be more than my poor box can handle. Only one way to find out.

      What do the rest of you think?



      • Walt, sounds good to me. If we can get TCP/IP to work on your machine, go for it.

        Just to confirm the times, they are:

        1:00 PM for me (U.S. Pacific Time, 3 hours back from Apolyton time)
        3:00 PM for Walt (U.S. Central Time, 1 hour back from Apolyton time)
        5:00 PM for cbn (Newfoundland Time, 1 hour ahead of Apolyton time)
        10:00 PM for knowhow2 (Sweden Time, 6 hours ahead of Apolyton time)

        In order to be 100% sure of the time zones, I ask everyone to try posting a test message to Apolyton (any thread, not just this one), see the time stamp on your message, and verify that I have it correct above. It's no fun if one of us is off by an hour.

        I've already checked my time zone.
        [This message has been edited by Tenchusatsu (edited April 06, 2001).]


        • Turn 2129 is done


          Actually I know my timezone is a very quirky 1:30 ahead (later) than Apolyton time so it is 5:30 pm for me. As to methodology of the connection whatever you folks want is ok with me. I have to download and figure out ICQ. Friends have indicated that it is very easy so I hope for no problems with the download. I will email you all if i have any difficulties and with my ICQ number when I get one
          [This message has been edited by cbn (edited April 06, 2001).]


          • my clock shows 4:40 in the morning which makes it 4:40 am (?)

            It's close to midnight and something evil's is lurking in the dark.


            • turn 2130 to tench.

              I put my vote om tcp/up games....
              It's close to midnight and something evil's is lurking in the dark.


              • Year 2130 to Walt.

                cbn, it looks like Apolyton is in the U.S. Eastern time zone. Are you sure your time zone is ONE AND A HALF hour ahead of U.S. Eastern, instead of just ONE hour?

                Looking forward to tomorrow!


                • Quite certain -- Its something you notice after living here for over 30 years LOL. I travel a fair bit and I am used to changing my watch . Its a quirky thing that we have come to accept here on the "far east of the western world". Hey when you live on a rocky windswept island you come to accept that some things just "are". AS far as I know it is the only 1/2 hour time zone in the Americas.

                  So I am
                  4.5 hours earlier than knowhow2
                  1.5 hours later than Apolyton
                  2.5 hours later than Walt
                  4.5 hours later than Tenchusatsu

                  so I'm dead in the middle LOL



                  • The times, once again:

                    1:00 PM for me (U.S. Pacific Time, 3 hours back from Apolyton time)
                    3:00 PM for Walt (U.S. Central Time, 1 hour back from Apolyton time)
                    5:30 PM for cbn (Newfoundland Time, 1.5 hour ahead of Apolyton time)
                    10:00 PM for knowhow2 (Sweden Time, 6 hours ahead of Apolyton time)


                    • A good first attempt at direct connection has meant 17 turns or so played. I really enjoyed it and will probably recommend it in my other games. it would be very good for turns 1-20. So the turn is with Walt and we will resume pbem I guess. I would want to do this again but with the time zone issue we can probably only do it on a weekend. I can never play during normal working hours 9-5 (realistically 7-5 Apolyton time). I am willing to consider almost all weekend times.


                      Foreman cbn considered recent events.

                      " It seems that the years have been passing so quickly these days. It seems like only yesterday that it was 2130 and now a day later it is 2147"

                      The report in his hand confirmed his apprehension about the Drones future. reports of worm atacks were on the increase. Unrest was becoming a problem and there were unconfirmed rumours that other factions had a wide technology lead. The slow rate of technological progress continued to haunt the foreman as he forwarded his vision of a land where workers can live and work in peace and contentment.

                      The Druids gaining the HGP was a blow but the foreman consoled himself with the fact that he has an extra content worker in any event. Former productivity was high as was factory productivity but the lack of luxuries and interesting things to build was troubling. With some effort, the foreman hoped to gain the techs necessary to make his people even happier and more productive.

                      Exploration and diplomatic reports indicated CLASSIFIED



                      • 2147 went to cbn about three minutes after I logged off, so he'll probably be posting the turn to knowhow2 soon enough.

                        Thanks for a fun afternoon, guys. We made good progress in a relatively short time.



                        • 2147 is done and sent to knowhow2. Its actually a lot more fun now that we are into some stuff where there are decisions to be made. I'm new to pbem and those first few turns are so slow . . . .


                          • turn 2148 is done and send to tench .... at least 4 hours ago, but getting into a bad habit I keep forgetting to post here directly afterwards....

                            It's close to midnight and something evil's is lurking in the dark.


                            • Year 2148 to Walt.

                              By the way, great session we had on Saturday, guys. We probably saved about three weeks of playing time with that. However, I don't know whether such a session would be feasible again now that each turn is becoming more and more complicated and faction interaction is increasing these days. Anyways, this game is becoming much more interesting now, and it's bound to be even more so as the turns and weeks go by.

                              Here at Gaia's Landing, the capital and center of our Gaian nation, we continue to celebrate the completion of our first major secret project, The Human Genome Project. This effort was based off of our research into Biogenetics, and it allows us to cure many diseases which was previously thought to have been uncurable, such as classic Earth diseases like cancer, Altzheimer's disease, and AIDS, as well as new ones which have hit our colonists upon arrival on Chiron. As a result, citizen longevity has been increased, and a general feeling of good will and psych has come through our entire population across all of our bases.

                              One consequence is that the occurrence of drone riots (such as the one which occurred at Gaia's Landing several years before the completion of HGP) will be much less frequent. This allows a greater proportion of our population to be content and productive, allowing our bases to grow even more without hinderances.

                              Ironically, the advent of Industrial Automation played a major role in completing the HGP in a much shorter time than previously expected. IA has long been seen as a negative influence on the environment, but the benefits of increased production cannot be overlooked in a society. However, we must be ever vigilant, lest we allow our lust for progress and our desire for ever increasing output grow so out of control that it harms the very Planet we swore to protect in the first place.


                              • 2149 to the Cult

