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  • Just wondering if we ever heard back from gopher on this?
    Team 'Poly


    • gopher is still operating under the Cone of Silence. I'll certainly let you know if I ever hear from him.


      • Maybe he doesn't want anyone subbing - if so, we'll just have to wait the three weeks or so


        • Looks like we have to wait ... Gopher said he was leaving on the 14th

          Happy holidays


          • Same situation as in AXT032 - Gopher just announced the vacation gap and then no response to queries.

            Ah well, there's always single play

            hhhhmmmm - or maybe start OKFistII with the same cast (minus Gopher and the temporarily missing Deimos) and the refugee from AXT032. That'd be styx. Plus RedFred who needs to be in another game. Would we get 20 turns in three weeks over Christmas/new year?

            I'll start an OktoberFist II thread and e-mail them the URL and see who's interested. I'll scramble the factions too so that you might be playing someone that you don't play very often (if at all, eh, Mis?)


            [This message has been edited by Googlie (edited December 15, 2000).]


            • Well ... I'm in for OkII, but I still think 3 weeks is too long a period to halt a game. At the current pace, and with holidays intervening, it's unlikely that a sub will have to play more than half a dozen turns. Personally, I won't even remember what I'm doing in a month from now, which is when I expect to see my next turn unless a sub is appointed

              I don't think the decision is gopher's, with all due respect. I think the decision rests with the rest of the group. As far as I am aware, regular players on both 'Poly and ACOL would expect a sub to be appointed, as a matter of courtesy, for an absence of this duration.

              So I vote that the game goes on, because otherwise we'll be playing this in 2003
              Team 'Poly


              • Despite recommendations, I never did get round to getting our passwords filed with a neutral party. So we don't know how to access Gopher's turns.

                Is there a way of assigning it to the AI until he returns to take it over again? Or would such an assignment be permanent?

                Or can the preceding player when saving for Gopher just hit save again and pass to the next one on the list (so G will effectively be stalled at however many turns we play in his absence)

                (I guess I don't know enough about the workings of a PBEM to have a clue what to do in this situation)



                • Would it be possible to turn teh game over to a neutral party to reset gopher's password and allow a sub to take over?

                  This would be the only possible fix for this problem.

                  I would also recommend that all passwords be sent to another (say 2 people further into teh turn) so that a sub can be acquired when an absence occurs. These one month stalls are rediculous.



                  • Good point Googlie ... and I should have reminded you since I was the one who raised it in the first place

                    I'm afraid that *nothing* can be done about this - we investigated it all before on the ill-fated MHB games. If a player disappears, the game is over. You can't even go into the scenario editor and fix it ...

                    Sorry to be the one to break the bad news Let's cross our fingers that gopher reappears after his break! In the meantime, should we at least get everyone else's passwords with a neutral party? And let's do it right away for OktoberFist II ...
                    Team 'Poly


                    • :bump:

                      Hopefully Gopher will reappear soon ... and this thread was buried deep on page 3
                      Team 'Poly


                      • I emailed Gopher to ask if he had played the turn and to ask him for his password if he doesn't want to continue ...
                        Team 'Poly


                        • gopher is nowhere to be found, apparently. There is, however, the off chance that he used the same password that I assigned to him in AXT032. I probably should not make it public, but if someone can send me gopher's turn, I can check...


                          • I received Gopher's password ... I'm not sure Googlie is keen on carrying on with the game after all this time. What do others think?

                            edited to add: But thanks for the offer Tau!
                            [This message has been edited by Misotu (edited January 23, 2001).]
                            Team 'Poly

