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  • OktoberFist

    EDITED:final, final

    Here's the finalized game order and players with the e-mail addies:

    Gaians: Misotu (
    Hive: Googlie (
    University: DaRanger (
    Pirates: Deimos (
    Drones: Gopher (
    Data Angels: XWaste (
    Cyborgs: jschwab (

    Settings (unless concensus otherwise):

    Huge Map of Planet
    Average everything (Comes with huge MoP I believe)
    All winning conditions on
    Directed research
    Accelerated Start


    [This message has been edited by Googlie (edited October 27, 2000).]

  • #2
    Accelerated start is ok with me.
    "That which does not kill me, makes me stronger." -- Friedrich Nietzsche
    "That which does not kill me, missed." -- Anonymous war gamer
    "I fear that we have awakened a sleeping giant and instilled in it a terrible resolve." - Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto


    • #3
      Hi there Googlie - hotmail has let me down badly the last couple of days, losing both incoming and outgoing mail. So sorry for the late response.

      I'd prefer the Gaians to the Hive please. Thanks!

      I hate the way the game gives you an accelerated start, so I vote no. We'll all get one SP each, which is insanely unbalancing, plus two or three rotten bases in poor positions. But if I'm outvoted, I'll live with it

      Another question: Would it be worth making sure there's a record somewhere of everyone's password? We could get someone neutral to hold it - just makes it a lot easier to get a sub if anyone suddenly disappears without a trace.
      Team 'Poly


      • #4
        We're underway.

        Faststart was the concensus, so it's been set up that way, and turn 2181 has been sent to Misotu (as the Gaians) to start us off.

        For anyone not sure, you need to set your own passwords.

        Only changes to the earlier list is that Misotu will play the Gaians, and I will play as the Hive.

        Note too that whoever e-mails the turn to Deimos (Cyborg Consciousness) should be using the e-mailing addy (and not the bigfoot one)

        Good luck

        (And Misotu, it's a great suggestion to deposit our passwords with a third party - I'll e-mail around and get a volunteer)



        • #5
          Correction to Googlie's post:

          My e-mail addy is and I am playing the Pirates. The honor of playing the Cyborgs goes to jschwab.

          "That which does not kill me, makes me stronger." -- Friedrich Nietzsche
          "That which does not kill me, missed." -- Anonymous war gamer
          "I fear that we have awakened a sleeping giant and instilled in it a terrible resolve." - Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto


          • #6
            Talk about getting off to a fine start

            sorry Deimos for the misspell and the misaccreditation (I did set you up as the Pirates in the game)


            [This message has been edited by Googlie (edited October 15, 2000).]


            • #7
              And another problem ... I didn't get the turn. Sorry Googlie. Can you resend? Please send to my hotmail address, with a copy to That way I'll be bound to receive it. Thanks!

              Posted and emailed.
              Team 'Poly


              • #8
                I take back everything I've ever said about accelerated start. It is a fine system, and should be used more often

                2181 to Googlie.
                Team 'Poly


                • #9

                  Do we presume that the gaians are colonizing the Jungle?



                  • #10
                    WOW - fast start is awesome when you have 80 years of catching up to do.

                    2181 sent to DaRanger

                    LOL, you'll get a tampering message - so long since i played a PBEM that I screwed up the start and saved before I played



                    • #11
                      Where is everyone?
                      Team 'Poly


                      • #12
                        I was wondering the same thing. The games stalled and I haven't even got my first turn

                        I would at least have liked to see where I started


                        • #13
                          Yeah, what happened to this game??????
                          The Drones are pretty pissed that it has been 80 years and their leader still hasen't shown....
                          "Dave, if medicine tasted good, I'd be pouring cough syrup on my pancakes." -Jimmy James, Newsradio

                          "Your plans to find love, fortune, and happiness utterly ignore the Second Law Of Thermodynamics."-Horiscope from The Onion


                          • #14
                            OK Googlie ... time for you to exert your influence

                            48 hours to play a turn without prior notice of a delay is enough - and actually essential for a game involving so many human players. Let's go!
                            Team 'Poly


                            • #15

                              Originally posted by Misotu on 10-20-2000 09:48 PM
                              48 hours to play a turn without prior notice of a delay is enough - and actually essential for a game involving so many human players. Let's go!

                              And yet another 48 hours pass...
                              "That which does not kill me, makes me stronger." -- Friedrich Nietzsche
                              "That which does not kill me, missed." -- Anonymous war gamer
                              "I fear that we have awakened a sleeping giant and instilled in it a terrible resolve." - Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto

