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Turns of ACT021 game in Apolyton PBEM Tournament

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  • 2159 back to the Believers ...
    Team 'Poly


    • After the Morgans complained about Believer probe teams that weren't even in their territory they had the audacity to send their own probe team into our territory. The probe team has been introduced to the Lord.

      We do not wish this to be a prelude to war, we were just dismayed by the hypocracy demonstrated by Morgan.

      Turn to Gaians.
      Once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny, consume you it will, as it did Obi Wan's apprentice.


      • The Gaian Nation would like to announce the completion of a project dubbed "The Weather Paradigm". The exact nature of this project will not be disclosed at this time though we encourage all factions to "walk with planet" in their struggle for survival on this inhospitable planet.


        • Turn to Misotu.

          Garth, Touche

          We regret that the Believers felt the need to kill an innocent explorer unit. We will extend the hand of friendship to them once more, in the heavy-hearted hope that their now-obvious stockpiling of offensive troops need not be the signal for further bloodshed between us.

          We also wish that Colonel Misotu would not prevaricate on deals which she has already agreed to in writing. Our extraordinarily generous offer will stand only for one more year, after which we shall assume the worst for our current relationship. Our faction hardly wishes to sign a treaty with a people who so desperately wish to use the diplomacy of force.

          We thank WhiteElephants for his kind words of wisdom, and assure him that no-one desires a safe home on Chiron more than ourselves.
          [This message has been edited by Simpson II (edited September 07, 2000).]
          "Wise men make proverbs, but fools repeat them."
          - Samuel Palmer


          • It is a mark of our honour that we did not accept your offer and then go back on our word. Lesser Colonels have been known to do this

            At this delicate point in the negotiations, it is a pity that the Morganites found it necessary to enter a state of vendetta with our close friends the University. It is common knowledge that the Spartans and the UoP have a natural affinity, born partly of geographical proximity and partly from shared ideals and goals. So close have we become, that our peoples have intermarried and mingle freely - to the point where two cities formerly under UoP governorship voted spontaneously, just two years ago, to join the Spartan fold. We cannot abandon our friends and neighbours in their time of need. The Provost has asked for our aid and, while we will not declare vendetta for now, we warn the Morganites that acts of war against UoP will not be tolerated.

            We urge the Morganites to sign a truce with the UoP to ensure international stability.

            Regarding the Morganite offer, while we desire peace as much as anyone, after careful consideration we have come to the conclusion that the Morganites could easily reach air power in the time frame under discussion. The new CEO is an unknown quantity - we cannot risk exposing our peaceful farming communities to the predations of a technically superior war machine.

            2160 sent to the Believers.
            Team 'Poly


            • Turn to Gaians
              Once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny, consume you it will, as it did Obi Wan's apprentice.


              • Are we stuck?
                Team 'Poly


                • Sorry gang, I was feeling a bit sick this weekend beginning Friday. Turn sent to Morgan late Sunday night.


                  • I was also a bit tardy. Turn to Misotu.

                    We regret that the Colonel has suspicions about a faction which has only ever tried to extend the hand of peace to it's neighbours. We can now only assume that she intendes to attack us, and seeks to find some survivalist excuse for this in our possesion of certain technologies - technologies which she herself described as having "no military value"! We hope that Planet will unite against any such thinly disguised tyranny.
                    The Vendetta with the University was not in any respect our idea; in fact we had contacted the Provost with the proposition to upgrade our relationship to a pact. Unfortunately, such is his obsession with our establishing a society run by academics, that he deliberately misunderstood our idle chit-chat about the state of the planet's militaries, and declared his intention to exterminate us. He has refused to answer comm-links ever since. Perhaps the Colonel could talk some sense into his vodka-addled brain.
                    "Wise men make proverbs, but fools repeat them."
                    - Samuel Palmer


                    • We assure the CEO that our intentions are peaceful. We are concerned to hear about the Provost's problem with alcohol and will be getting him into therapy as soon as possible.

                      2161 to the Believers.
                      Team 'Poly


                      • Turn to Vader late last night.


                        • Turn to Vader late last night.


                          • Turn to Vader late last night.


                            • I sent the turn to the Gaians a couple of days ago. Did you get it, should I resend, or are we stuck somewhere else?
                              Once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny, consume you it will, as it did Obi Wan's apprentice.


                              • Opps... I meant turn to Morgan, not Vader. And yes, I got the turn, and yes, I took it and passed it on to Morgan the other night (I think?). If Simpson II didn't get the turn let me know by email or post here and I'll resend.

