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Aredhran's Challenge Turns II

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  • #91
    Well, I can easily admit that I didn't
    hit Complete Turn before saving 2148, I
    have a history of doing that, just ask
    jimmytrick...HOWEVER, I dont have a history
    of loosing/misplacing turns, which I dont
    believe can be claimed by everyone in this
    - trying to see just how big a rise he can get


    • #92
      C'mon boys, it happened to me too, to receive the wrong turn, or to NOT receive a turn which was allegedly sent. I once sent the wrong turn too, couple of times forgot to play a turn as CMN replacer, and more often I send the message forgetting to attach the savefile.
      Problem diagnosed, solution found to be applied ASAP, we'll have plenty of time AFTER to see IF someone's to blame.

      Where's my turn?
      I don't exactly know what I mean by that, but I mean it (Holden Caulfield)


      • #93
        At least ACis moving slowly enough that I know that if I get bored with SMAC I can hand off this game to my son when he enters 4th grade in 6 years...

        I am assumig it is moving again... ???



        • #94
          Well I am lost as to what to do. Both of the saves read as the Spartans turn. Should I save for him and then can I play my turn?

          Why can't Kent just replay his turn, end it properly, and then send it to me.

          Help, I'm stuck!

          [This message has been edited by jimmytrick (edited July 31, 1999).]


          • #95
            Who's goin to take on as CMN to help us ease these little Miss Sanders standings?

            JT, how can you play Spartan turn if you don't know the password?
            I assume actually you tried to open it, once I got a turn which was mis-labelled, but was indeed the right tunrn to play, so you shouldn't stop by his name, who knows...

            HMFIC, I don't know how I could help to sort this out, but even if you're sure you sent the right one, evidently JT says he can't play it. Guess we all have to endure some patience, and you check it for the 3rd time and send the (right!) file again.
            wait... I reread now your post: is it possible you didn't send the wrong file, but just saved it the wrong way (mid- instead of end-turn)?

            Is anyone else going away in August? I'll stay home, and be available...
            [This message has been edited by MariOne (edited July 31, 1999).]
            I don't exactly know what I mean by that, but I mean it (Holden Caulfield)


            • #96
              I tried to open it. It says Spartan turn. I think Kent will have to reopen and end the turn. It will prob generate a reload message, but, so what.

              Mose, if you were the CMN I would send you the turn so you could see what you could see.

              I know Aredhran must be swamped getting ready to leave, so lets just give Kent time to look again. I think it will work out.

              If I had the Spartan password I could prob just go in an enter the turn for him and off we would go. But it is not a good idea to share passwords.

              I do not understand the little miss crack. Please let me know if I should be offended.

              [This message has been edited by jimmytrick (edited July 31, 1999).]


              • #97
                Hey guys...
                Sorry I havent responded earlier, but i was white-water rafting in Tennessee this weekend. I am positive I ended my turn on 2148 and sent on, but I will re-trace and steps after work and resend.
                Lets keep our fingers crossed.


                • #98
                  OK, about 5pm EST I re-sent 2148 to jimmytrick. I opened the file up just to be sure and sho'nuff, it started up wanting the password for jimmytrick...sooooo, we will see.


                  • #99
                    Archbishop jimmytrick stood on the cliffs overlooking the river at Hallowed Ground.

                    He spread his arms and thanked God for the great victory. Beneath him the waters ran red with the blood of University troops.

                    "The heathen have consecrated this ground with their blood and the Lord has given us the victory."

                    "My lord!" his manservant rushed forward, out of breath, "Our scouts are warning of approaching troops".

                    "More, so soon?" he mumbled, then rebuking himself, he raised his arms and roared, "I hereby name these waters THE RIVER OF BLOOD, and here we shall stand steadfast, in the grace of our Lord."

                    The multitude parted before him as he took a laser rifle from a fallen soldier and strode to the perimeter.

                    Datalinks, MY 2148
                    Recorded after the 1st Battle of Bloody River. Four battalions of University troops were killed in a failed assault on Hallowed Ground. Believer defenders used laser weapons to repel impact troops. The fanatic defense of the True Believers remains a Chiron legend.

                    [see how exciting things get when I finally get the correct turn}


                    • turn to jam 2149


                      • Turn to Goob.

                        I think the Archbishop has been into the wine, again. Maybe if you're cross-eyed drunk you killed 4 units. Y'all notice that he didn't mention his casualties, didn't you?

                        When I get finished with that base, jt, it'll be known as Hollowed Ground.



                        • How can this thread possibly have a hundred posts unless most of them are people asking where the turn is...

                          Turn to the Colonel (2149)



                          • JT you were so excited, that you even mis-parenthesed you last line, hehe!

                            And about Miss Sanders, I expected JAM would like to comment it, after all he was the one to unleash me!
                            I only tried to say, miss-sanders-standings... get it?
                            I don't exactly know what I mean by that, but I mean it (Holden Caulfield)


                            • 2149 to jimmytrick


                              • MoSe,

                                Yeh, jimmytrick's been really edgy lately, ever since he started dating Miss Ann Thrope. I think that she's rubbing off on him.


