And yes - is it a PBEM or TCP/IP ?
No announcement yet.
New Multiplayer Game - Peace in Our Time
About those pacts - anyone could decide, how much information he can give to a rival exchange of needed credits
I have not received the answer about probing yet-- What history has taught us is that people do not learn from history.
-- Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.
I just remembered - Planetary Datalinks gives the same tecshare, 3 ability as Angels have, so we must not discriminate them for their probing - anyone can receive this ability later!
I also predict that the group who has it, might be the winner in most cases, cause it dont want to research anything, just to wait for others to do it.
But on the other hand - expierenced players never trade too much in the beginning - they just watch not to research the same tech 2 times, because it slows research and thus the techshare ability will not be so much of a threat.
I predict that one of the most wanted projects will be "The Planetary Datalinks"
Also - about deciding which one from the group will build the SP - I suppose the researcher of required tech should have "The Rights To Build", but this will only work if only 1 group posess the required tech.
If others have it too and are starting to build then there should be Rush rule wich means - who 1st completes it, gets it.
There should be a rule that building of Planetary Datalinks is restricted for group who has Angels in it-- What history has taught us is that people do not learn from history.
-- Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.
I forget entirely the planetary datalinks. I agree with you and think that we should give it to the group with the angels. Otherwise we may have the group of Univ with this ability, for example. Not a good idea....
Probe is forbidden. This is a peaceful game and spying the other players doesnt combine with peace. We are already focusing our efforts in research and avoiding war. I know that this makes the Hunter Seeker Algorythm less useful, but we must avoid having factions spying and framing others. In future, who knows, we can build a game where probes have a big role, but its not the case right now. But we can go after the AI faction, as I said before. We can attack and use probe at will (taking care that this probe doest frame other people)
I meant simultaneous moves if we gather to play online. During weeks we go for the PBEM.
I was thinking that we should not give the Planetary Datalinks to Angels group, just spoke it unclear.. anyways its a good idea to give them this SP..
They wont have any use of it
But we should reconsider this point when first human faction researches Cyberethics in-game, by that time we will be able to judge whether sharetech, 3 is a too big advantage for a group.
If it is - we should announce that anyone, but Angels group, can build it
If it is not a too big advantage we should restrict building of Planetary Datalinks by Human player - AI will then get much strenght from this SP..
AI will get some cute projects if we are so extremely peaceful - the values of all war related SPs will be lowered in human eyes and there will be bigger chance that AI will build them
If its possible AI player should be placed with great care - not to be too close to any of humans (maintain similarity in distances)Last edited by binTravkin; March 9, 2004, 06:38.-- What history has taught us is that people do not learn from history.
-- Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.
Am I right that there is still sixth place open? if yes, i'm into the game
wouldn't it be good to have all 7 factions human here? if there is no war scheduled, will the computer obey that rule? or there will be only 6 factions in a scenario?
We have to decide with the others:
1) We´re going to have pacts with other groups: Please post your vote.
NO - Cosmic
2) Angels should be in the game: Please post your vote.
NO - Cosmic
3) If you answered yes in the second question, we have to know if the Planetary Datalinks will be free to any faction or restricted to them.
Any Faction-
My personal opinion about the third subject is that if any faction can build the planetary datalinks, then this faction will have the same power that the angels have naturally. But the angels dont have +2 research like univesity or +1 economic like Morgan and no special project will never give this to then, so they´ll lose power. But all players have to decide that, then we can start the game knowing what will happen in the future, right?
Idea about those 7 players - If we are 7 humans, then there are 4 groups (3 of 2 players and 1 of 1 player)
Only fac I see in this last 7th place is PKs - if anyone is so brave&is going to compete with others united in teams of two, he must be given some advantages.
PKs basically are very good for Diplomatic victory, but it is not enough - we shall then state a rule that only fac to have access to "The Planetary Datalinks" is PKs..
We can also give him some other bonuses like 1 extra tech (it should then be SocPsych so they can rush SoHB) or some credits or a colony pod/former
huh... hard discussion..
Look at the end of the thread!
-----------------------------------------Last edited by binTravkin; March 9, 2004, 17:04.-- What history has taught us is that people do not learn from history.
-- Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.
Gentlemen, please post your polls!-- What history has taught us is that people do not learn from history.
-- Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.
Yes, executive veto, I liked the idea!!! LOL
1.Pacts allowed with rival teams:
Cosmic - No
binTravkin - Yes
DataAeolus - ?
Shawnmcc - ?
Makahlua - ?
Mart7x5 - ?
2.Angels in:
Cosmic - No
binTravkin - Yes
DataAeolus - ?
Shawnmcc - ?
Makahlua - ?
Mart7x5 - ?
2a.The Planetary Datalinks:
Cosmic - N/A
binTravkin - Any Fac/PKs if we're 7
DataAeolus - ?
Shawnmcc - ?
Makahlua - ?
Mart7x5 - ?
3.7th player:
Cosmic - No. I prefer only 6 facs with no AI.
binTravkin - Yes, if one shows up soon
DataAeolus - ?
Shawnmcc - ?
Makahlua - ?
Mart7x5 - Yes, or 6 facs+no AI
3a.Any AI in-game?:
Cosmic - No
binTravkin - No
DataAeolus - ?
Shawnmcc - ?
Makahlua - ?
Mart7x5 - No
4.Do we need a CMN?:
Cosmic - ?
binTravkin - No, theres a too low chance that both from group will have bad sites
DataAeolus - ?
Shawnmcc - ?
Makahlua - ?
Mart7x5 - ?
Sorry travkin, whats a CMN?
Hey, do you know if this forum supports thread votation (things like yes / no) where people just click and the thread says who voted, etc? That could help in situations like this. I think we will need to discuss more things even after the beggining of the game.
Well, since we now have 6 people, we can finally start the game, but if we are going with 6 human with no AI, I have to edit the map (I never did this before), someone can help?
Lets wait for all players vote then we decide the order of the teams and then we start, fine?
Totally for CMN (map designer and makes initial placements - to keep pairs located sort of close by.
Seventh player - no, unless maybe Data Angels as solo, see how they do stealing tech See this as team game.
Data Angels, yes but also the Planetary Datalinks.
Pacts - only for the pairs. Not between teams.
No AI. Maybe large map with three island continents? One team on each?The worst form of insubordination is being right - Keith D., marine veteran. A dictator will starve to the last civilian - self-quoted
And on the eigth day, God realized it was Monday, and created caffeine. And behold, it was very good. - self-quoted
Klaatu: I'm impatient with stupidity. My people have learned to live without it.
Mr. Harley: I'm afraid my people haven't. I'm very sorry… I wish it were otherwise.
1.Pacts allowed with rival teams:
No - Treaties are fine but no pacts.
2.Angels in:
Yes if a player wants to play them
2a.The Planetary Datalinks:
Any Factions
3.7th player:
Yes if someone doesn't mind having 6 factions ganging up on him
3a.Any AI in-game?:
If no 7th player, make the 7th faction AI
4.Do we need a CMN?:
Well from what I understood this is normally done?
Word of caution - I don't want to commit to TCP/IP game due to the lack of spare time on my part. I don't think you can do that - switching from TCP/IP to PBEM and back? So if you want TCP/IP I will have to bow out. I hope not but if that's the case, it's probably for the best.
I don't think you can do that - switching from TCP/IP to PBEM and back? So if you want TCP/IP I will have to bow out. I hope not but if that's the case, it's probably for the best.Learn to overcome the crass demands of flesh and bone, for they warp the matrix through which we perceive the world. Extend your awareness outward, beyond the self of body, to embrace the self of group and the self of humanity. The goals of the group and the greater race are transcendant, and to embrace them is to acheive enlightenment.
Remember - Cosmic as a thread starter holds an executive veto on this poll!
1.Pacts allowed:
Cosmic - No
binTravkin - Yes
DataAeolus - No
Shawnmcc - No
Makahlua - ?
Mart7x5 - ?
2.Angels in:
Cosmic - No
binTravkin - Yes
DataAeolus - Yes
Shawnmcc - Yes
Makahlua - ?
Mart7x5 - ?
2a.The Planetary Datalinks:
Cosmic - N/A
binTravkin - Any Fac/PKs if we're 7
DataAeolus - Any Fac
Shawnmcc - Angels (? have I understood you Shawn?)
Makahlua - ?
Mart7x5 - ?
3.7th player:
Cosmic - $ YES $
binTravkin - Yes, if one shows up soon
DataAeolus - Yes if he doesn't mind 6 facs ganging up on him
Shawnmcc - No
Makahlua - ?
Mart7x5 - Yes, or 6 facs+no AI
This one is over, result is Yes
3a.Any AI in-game?:
Cosmic - No
binTravkin - No
DataAeolus - Yes if 1 fac free
Shawnmcc - No
Makahlua - ?
Mart7x5 - No
This one is over, result is No
4.Do we need a CMN?:
Cosmic - ?
binTravkin - Yes, I changed my mind
DataAeolus - Yes
Shawnmcc - Yes
Makahlua - ?
Mart7x5 - ?
Good idea expressed by Shawn - to have 3 continents with a team on each
To Chaunk:
If Makahlua wont show up, you can get his place..
Makahlua where are you?
About CMN - maybe Mart or Shawn can find one for us - they are the most expierenced at Poly and know buddies who can help
About votation - ask moderators, its possible that there is such thingLast edited by binTravkin; March 9, 2004, 18:15.-- What history has taught us is that people do not learn from history.
-- Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.