Originally posted by gwillybj
So I grew accustomed to long games, and I prefer it that way.
That is one of the great things about SMAC: It can be fast and short or slow and long, whichever the player wants it to be.
So I grew accustomed to long games, and I prefer it that way.
That is one of the great things about SMAC: It can be fast and short or slow and long, whichever the player wants it to be.
I'm glad that you can find enjoyment is all aspects of the game. Our curcumstances are different in that I am working and have a young son ( 4 months old today-- yay) meaning my time to play is limited. Finding an hour at a time is all I can usually manage.
Since in single-player, my advantage gets to the point where there is no prospect of defeat by the AI, I choose not to play out those games. This saddens me a little in that I don't get to enjoy the experience of much of the later techs and units.