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MY 2164 Planning Thread

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Maniac [*]Two B-4s flying above Terrapeso, awaiting last confirmation what target to attack. Unfortunately there aren't any juicy targets in sight. The RG B-4 can only attack formers (despite there being a crawler on the same square). The SC3 B-4 has the choice between a former next to or a scout patrol in Morgan Vulcanology - the synthprobe in the base isn't chosen as first defender!
    Kill the Formers then. Anything slowing Morgan down is good.

    Originally posted by Maniac [*]The Morganic ship has moved southward according to the "Choke On This" support screen information. So it's possible our SC2 B-4 couldn't reach it. Still try and find it (with the risk of ending the turn in the middle of the ocean having accomplished nothing), or simply fly to SC3 for an assured target next year?

    Originally posted by Maniac [*]The FB B-4 has a similar problem: lack of targets. Vander Eudaimonics is within range, but as mentioned earlier: that one has a veteran plasma defender. It could perhaps go hunting after the Morganic ship instead?[/list]
    Can it kill anything safely (not the Plasma unit, of course)? If yes, kill that, if no - try to find that Morgan ship.

    Originally posted by Maniac [*]Now follows a boring list of other crawler movements - you've been warned:
    Nice. But with our low growth, why are we still waiting to make Boreholes?

    Originally posted by Maniac [*]Damaged B-4 in East Arcadia: I wanted to fly to (9.25) to see if there were any probes in sight on that eastern tip, and then land in Mendelev College with the two last remaining movement points. But a Fungal Tower prevented this. So the question now is: use the last two MPs to land, or to explore that tile anyway, but end the turn in mid-air?
    Land. I do not see enough potential gain to justify a suicidal mission.
    Seriously. Kung freaking fu.


    • #32
      Some quick update. Will continue after dinner.
      • Missile rover moved back to Minas Tirith.
      • SC2 B-4 flown to SC3, after rehoming to SC4.
      • Two fungal gin freights refreshed the workers on the Citizen's Defence Force in Sparta Command.
      • Aarvak rehomed to Arcadia University. Otherwise its previous home base 2NS will never finish that former.
      • B-4 landed in Mendelev College.
      • Hermes moving west.
      • Unity rover moving north.
      • SCC Iaci bombards the Gaian stack, reducing the probe team to 10% health.

      After dinner:
      • Two Morganic formers destroyed.
      • Disco Volante moved a bit west, encountered a pod and popped it. A tidal wave swept it to the southern Angel coast. Explored around a bit, and discovered three unity pods we can pop the coming years.
      • All three ships in the north tried to bombard that invincible forest again: ALL THREE FAILED!!! Can this still be a coincidence?
      Last edited by Maniac; March 26, 2005, 18:22.
      Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
      Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


      • #33
        Originally posted by Googlie
        Tech change choices:

        Cent Empathy - pretty useless (Green, Bioadaptive Resonance and Cent Meditation)
        AST - needed for Silksteel Armor, Applied Relativity (and Supercollider SP)
        Cyberethics - Planetary Network SP, and leads to PSA and Fusion
        Adaptive Doctrine - marine detatchment, and leads to AMA

        What to choose?
        Could we wait until next year to set our new goal? Then we could align our own research with what Zakharov switched to. And after he researched it, switch to a new and better tech that requires Zak's tech.

        Originally posted by Snoddasmannen
        Rush crawler at Vladi?
        Will do!

        What the heck are we building in Fort Soup? A 3-res defender?!
        Just a temporary production, so that we can use the "Maniac Manoeuvre" next year by cashing in a crawler and switching to an Aerospace Complex.
        [*]Keep bombarding the invincible forest with the raid fleet? What are we going to do with these long term? They'll be needlejet fodder soon for sure.[/quote]

        Yeah I know. That's why I've moved them a bit south closer to University ports, while still (unsuccesfully ) bombarding that invincible forest with their last MP.

        Originally posted by sentry33
        If we just place it over 36:14 (forest/energy square near Vander Eudaimoniacs), then Vander Eudaimoniacs will riot next turn (reduced psych) - immediately costing them 3 minerals and 13 ECs, as well as delaying production of whatever they are producing there by 1 turn.
        Ooh I like it.
        I'd prefer this to the alternative now, as having looked again at the Morganic ship's position last year, it's probably just out of our grasp. The thick black line is the range of our FB B-4.
        Attached Files
        Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
        Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


        • #34
          Originally posted by Modo44
          Nice. But with our low growth, why are we still waiting to make Boreholes?
          Lack of formers, urgent need for other terraformations (sensors, roads, mines and forests, though that shortage has been solved about now) as main factors I guess.

          Where would you prefer one btw?

          Edit: Oh yeah, do we want to ask the University to declare war on the Gaians?

          Last edited by Maniac; March 26, 2005, 18:37.
          Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
          Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


          • #35
            Originally posted by Maniac
            Lack of formers, urgent need for other terraformations (sensors, roads, mines and forests, though that shortage has been solved about now) as main factors I guess.

            Where would you prefer one btw?
            One tile north-east of Santiago Citadel seems good.

            Originally posted by Maniac
            Edit: Oh yeah, do we want to ask the University to declare war on the Gaians?
            Did you really have to ask?
            Seriously. Kung freaking fu.


            • #36
              Ah Googlie, I see you're online. I'll finish up the turn now, and will then short after go to bed. Could you perhaps please post the turn then if you're still online? I assume we want the turn posted after the Phalanx is posted, but I'll probably be already asleep then. And I'll still be asleep when our deadline passes, so I'm not able to post the turn.
              Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
              Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


              • #37
                • FB B-4 parked over the energy forest, causing Vander Eudaimonics to riot.
                • GH transport, escorted by the SCC Minas Tirith, sent forward on a probe mission, after dropping off the Leonidas Guard at MT.
                • Commando missile and impact infantry go for a trip to the SC1 monolith.
                • Vladivostok crawler production hurried with 3 minerals = 8 credits.
                • Zakharov contacted. IntInt sold for 25c. War declared on the Gaian Union.
                Attached Files
                Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
                Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


                • #38
                  Here's the turn for Gaia to post in the forum.
                  If someone sees something I overlooked in the Spartan endturn and needs to be changed before sending on, ignore this file of course.
                  Attached Files
                  Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
                  Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


                  • #39
                    May I suggest we post this in the turn tracking thread along with the turn.

                    "Lord Chaos, your collaboration with our mortal enemy, the Corporation, has gone on long enough. From this day forward, our Vendetta extends to you!"
                    Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
                    Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by Maniac
                      Here's the turn for Gaia to post in the forum.
                      If someone sees something I overlooked in the Spartan endturn and needs to be changed before sending on, ignore this file of course.
                      Turn posted

                      (I actually did open the endturn and had a browse.

                      Upon closing, a mindworm attacked Iaca Base, and was beaten off by the PK rover

                      Then a spore launcher destroyed a forest there (couldn't see which tile - the pic below was after the rover-mindworm battle but before the spore attack. And ignore the drone red - I was too lazy to change faction colors before checking the

                      Good turn Maniac et al ..... sorry I waqsn't around much to discuss it. And great Phalanx edition
                      Attached Files


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by Googlie
                        Turn posted

                        Upon closing, a mindworm attacked Iaca Base, and was beaten off by the PK rover
                        So if I understand correctly, the Peacekeepers saved our skin?

                        Then a spore launcher destroyed a forest there (couldn't see which tile - the pic below was after the rover-mindworm battle but before the spore attack.
                        Ah, that's annoying. Perhaps we could build a police force in Iaci Base next year and then go hunting for the spore launcher with our hoplite? Or we could of course let the PK rover do the job.

                        Originally posted by Modo44
                        One tile north-east of Santiago Citadel seems good.
                        The problem with boreholes is that if you put them on the river, all the river squares downstream the borehole dry up. So a borehole there would make us lose 5 river squares = 5 energy.
                        Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
                        Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


                        • #42
                          I can't recall their ever being a picture of Angel territory being posted, so here comes. Also note the SCV Disco Volante down south.

                          Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
                          Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by Maniac
                            So if I understand correctly, the Peacekeepers saved our skin?
                            Yeah - my scowl was 'cos they got the ec's for killing it, and not us!!

                            Re the Angels' map:

                            ooh - lots of lovely pods to pop!! (and with 9 mp's, escaping IoD's should be easy)


                            • #44
                              Overview of Corporate territory. The Northern Fleet in the NW corner. Our air fleet around Morgan Vulcanology, and at the bottom you can see the B-6 which killed the Hive flagship.

                              An overview of the Hive.

                              A close-up of the Gaian theatre.

                              Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
                              Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by Maniac
                                The problem with boreholes is that if you put them on the river, all the river squares downstream the borehole dry up. So a borehole there would make us lose 5 river squares = 5 energy.
                                In that case, I would try one of the three Rolling Moist tiles directly neighbouring Sparta Command. If that does not work, go for Olympus Academy 98 (NumPad directions). If that is bad, take either Vladivostok 23 or Gythium Harbor 23. In that last case preferring Vladivostok, as long as it has the food to work a Borehole.

                                Of course, it would be even better if we could spare the Formers and the food for two Boreholes...
                                Seriously. Kung freaking fu.

