Originally posted by Maniac [*]Two B-4s flying above Terrapeso, awaiting last confirmation what target to attack. Unfortunately there aren't any juicy targets in sight. The RG B-4 can only attack formers (despite there being a crawler on the same square). The SC3 B-4 has the choice between a former next to or a scout patrol in Morgan Vulcanology - the synthprobe in the base isn't chosen as first defender!
Originally posted by Maniac [*]The Morganic ship has moved southward according to the "Choke On This" support screen information. So it's possible our SC2 B-4 couldn't reach it. Still try and find it (with the risk of ending the turn in the middle of the ocean having accomplished nothing), or simply fly to SC3 for an assured target next year?
Originally posted by Maniac [*]The FB B-4 has a similar problem: lack of targets. Vander Eudaimonics is within range, but as mentioned earlier: that one has a veteran plasma defender. It could perhaps go hunting after the Morganic ship instead?[/list]
Originally posted by Maniac [*]Now follows a boring list of other crawler movements - you've been warned:
Originally posted by Maniac [*]Damaged B-4 in East Arcadia: I wanted to fly to (9.25) to see if there were any probes in sight on that eastern tip, and then land in Mendelev College with the two last remaining movement points. But a Fungal Tower prevented this. So the question now is: use the last two MPs to land, or to explore that tile anyway, but end the turn in mid-air?