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MY 2164 Planning Thread

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  • #16
    Problem is our hardened B-4s are too weak to handle Morgan's best defences. In Vander Eudaimonics they have a plasma sentinel (3 armour) of veteran morale (+25%) in a base (+25%) covered by a sensor array (+25%), which for the record is just out of range of our aircraft - we can't destroy it. Attacking that unit - or other disclipined plasma units in bases - would most likely be suicide for our hardened B-4s. Even for our hardened B-6 taking on that veteran plasma sentinels would be fifty-fifty. So I'd like to stress it's important to build as many air units as possible in our aerospace bases (instead of normal bases), to get that much needed morale bonus!
    I am not sure how exactly children creches affect morale.

    If they add +1 then perhaps we can rush build them in AC bases for that elite upgrade.
    a Spartan Eco-Science specimen.
    Producing Buddhism.
    Enlightenment is the Base, Way & Goal.


    • #17
      Originally posted by Googlie
      (I can see the -4 Economic Paralysis affecting our income, but does it also cripple research?)
      Simple answer: it does.

      Economy is the raw cash you get, that is being split into Psych, Energy and Labs. We need to go Green, if we are to run Police State, or our income will be non-existent. We are not the Hive, you know.
      Seriously. Kung freaking fu.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Googlie
        Maniac - you're playing these next 2-3 turns, yes?
        Yep. I'm in Gent now, but I'll prepare to go home hereafter. I could start playing in some three or four hours I think.
        Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
        Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


        • #19
          Originally posted by sentry33
          I am not sure how exactly children creches affect morale.

          If they add +1 then perhaps we can rush build them in AC bases for that elite upgrade.
          For us CCs suck morale-wise. See the Treatise on Morale, Chapter Nine for detailed information.
          Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
          Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


          • #20
            I guess we need to reach consensus on how to deal with the Gaians. Anybody object to an attack?


            • #21
              IIRC either Sentry or Vishniac was against, but everyone else in favour?
              Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
              Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


              • #22
                I say attack. My boys are ready.
                Seriously. Kung freaking fu.


                • #23
                  I have no opinion regarding attacking Gaians

                  While its yet another enemy to battle, they are pacted with Morgan already. And as someone noticed before - better to force them to play our game (produce military) than let them grow unhindered.

                  I just wonder if we can handle 2 opponents at once. I can't find time to analyze dilligently our situation to judge this... Its up to rest of team

                  (Edited for spelling)
                  a Spartan Eco-Science specimen.
                  Producing Buddhism.
                  Enlightenment is the Base, Way & Goal.


                  • #24
                    Midturn MY 2164 Battle Report

                    • The Angels have given us Intellectual Integrity.

                    Combat Operations
                    • War declared on the Gaian Union! R-112 killed a worm and a spore launcher. The other two worms survived with 90% collateral damage though, along with the probe team which is also still alive. Ah well, easy killings next year, if the Hive won't deal with them that is. R-112 is 40% damaged, still commando.
                    • The new Gaian base Razorbeak Wood was still undefended! Our unity rover destroyed it, and we gained no less than one energy credit! How to proceed? Retreat north or southwest, disband the sensor array, follow the road south?...
                    • The Hivean 6-3-4 flagship has been sunk by our B-6 (which wasn't anywhere within range of Morganic territory).
                    • Two B-4s flying above Terrapeso, awaiting last confirmation what target to attack. Unfortunately there aren't any juicy targets in sight. The RG B-4 can only attack formers (despite there being a crawler on the same square). The SC3 B-4 has the choice between a former next to or a scout patrol in Morgan Vulcanology - the synthprobe in the base isn't chosen as first defender!
                    • The Morganic ship has moved southward according to the "Choke On This" support screen information. So it's possible our SC2 B-4 couldn't reach it. Still try and find it (with the risk of ending the turn in the middle of the ocean having accomplished nothing), or simply fly to SC3 for an assured target next year?
                    • The FB B-4 has a similar problem: lack of targets. Vander Eudaimonics is within range, but as mentioned earlier: that one has a veteran plasma defender. It could perhaps go hunting after the Morganic ship instead?

                    Economy & Production
                    • Energy sliders reset to 50-0-50.
                    • Fort Superiority set to train a trance Res-3 Garrison, with the intention of cashing in a crawler next year and then switch to the real intended production: an Aerospace Complex.
                    • Fort Buster set to construct a B-4.
                    • All other bases set to crawler production for now.
                    • Minas Tirithic production switched to missile artillery. We can still change next year though.

                    • Fungal Gin Freight (renamed the trancesynthmetalsupplyrover ) boards the Aarvak at Arcadia University. Question: how about rehoming the Aarvak to AU to give 2NS a much needed extra mineral?
                    • Now follows a boring list of other crawler movements - you've been warned:
                    • TH crawler on mine.
                    • FL crawler positioned closer to FS and starts harvesting minerals - you never know we want to cash it in one day.
                    • IH crawler goes harvesting forest a tile SW, making place for the new FS crawler which harvests nutrients - FS nutrient shortage finally solved!
                    • RG crawler moves a tile SE to mine.
                    • FB crawler moves back to the mineral mine.

                    • Crypteia operatives in Monitoring Station discover foreign presence.
                    • Crypteia department set up in Iaci Base.
                    • Where to move Disco Volante?

                    Army (skip this part - just a boring list of hoplite movements )
                    • All ten scout patrols upgraded to police forces - called them "Citizen Defence Force" for now.
                    • Rolling Thunder II settles in Minas Tirith for repairs.
                    • Steppenwolfs proceed further west.
                    • AU Citizen Defence Force switched place with Raouls Rangers (Spartan Kel).
                    • Fort Liberal hoplite visits monolith. Skanky's Sileni, which aren't needed in Tegea Harbour anymore, garrison FL in the meantime.
                    • Commando MSN hoplite moves south for an upgrade. The remaining police can garrison MSN on its own.
                    • Commando RG hoplite leaves for the same purpose, rehomes to FB en route.
                    • Commando FB hoplite departs for the standard field trip, and rehomes to SC4 en route.
                    • Commando SC4 hoplite - How do you mean, you know what I'm gonna say?
                    • The hardened hoplite in SC1 switches places with the commando hoplite in GH, so that next year...
                    • Commando hoplite in SC4 switches place with hardened hoplite in SC2.
                    • Hoplite in OA moves to VV to relieve the commando hoplite there for a holiday to the monolith.

                    • SCC Invincible sails further towards the Gaian-Hive narrows.
                    • SCC Iaci joins the SCC Heimdall in its fungal hideaway.
                    • How about moving our GeneralTacticus-Vladimorei-Njord flotilla gradually south to repair and so we can check for any incoming probes while at the same time harassing Morgan coast?

                    Air Force
                    • Argonite B-6 flies to Gagarin Memorial.
                    • MT B-4 explores the fungus a bit before landing on the Minas Tirith airstrip. We can expect a steady flow of Hivean units for breakfast in the coming years.
                    • Damaged B-4 in East Arcadia: I wanted to fly to (9.25) to see if there were any probes in sight on that eastern tip, and then land in Mendelev College with the two last remaining movement points. But a Fungal Tower prevented this. So the question now is: use the last two MPs to land, or to explore that tile anyway, but end the turn in mid-air?

                    Engineering Corps
                    • Forest expands near Fort Liberty.
                    • Tomcat-SC2 completes road near Sparta Command.
                    • Tomcat-OA1 completes road near Olympus Academy.
                    • Tomcat-SC1 helps build Tomcat-SCW3 a forest near Gythium Harbour.
                    Attached Files
                    Last edited by Maniac; March 25, 2005, 20:43.
                    Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
                    Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


                    • #25
                      Open questions:

                      How to proceed with:
                      • the Unity rover in Gaia?
                      • our B-4s at the Morgan east coast?
                      • the new GH cruiser transport and probe taskforce? Try framing Morgan, or not, as it possibly might not work. We could of course go steal the map anyway while we're waiting for reinforcements, as I assume invading Morgan with one transport filled with three combat units and a probe or so just might be insufficient.
                      • Tomcats OA2 and VV?
                      • the missile rover outside MT?
                      • SNC Hermes?
                      • the damaged B-4 in East Arcadia?
                      • Aarvak?
                      • GT-Njord-Vladimorei flotilla?
                      • Disco Volante?
                      • Where to build the Citizen's Defence Force secret project?
                      • Shall we sell or give IntInt to the University? I assume the Angels are expecting to sell to the Peacekeepers?
                      Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
                      Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


                      • #26
                        Some general comments and opinions:

                        If our B-4's can't take out crawlers, how about destroying forests and mines? A former can be built easily, but a forest/mine takes a few turns to replicate

                        Can the Unity Rover do any esploring along the road the sensor is on (just don't finish the turn in a gaian base radius!!

                        I had intended the GH cruiser/trannie task force to load up the probe, the 2Nuts speeder on its way there, the missile attacker and perhaps the Unity rover that's there too (isn't that Captain Rynn's RT2). But a simple hit and run probe action is OK too (maybe we do need to get those Hive maps)

                        Can the northern flotilla do any damage to forests/mines this turn, or is it better to get them stacked and acting in unison?

                        Tha Aarvak was going to pick up our supercrawler from Arcadia and move it onto our mainland (where, presumably, we'd build our next SP

                        Why don't we sell Int Int to the PK's and to the Uni? (are we prohibited from onward trading it?)

                        I favour Sparta Command for the CDF


                        • #27
                          Tech change choices:

                          Cent Empathy - pretty useless (Green, Bioadaptive Resonance and Cent Meditation)
                          AST - needed for Silksteel Armor, Applied Relativity (and Supercollider SP)
                          Cyberethics - Planetary Network SP, and leads to PSA and Fusion
                          Adaptive Doctrine - marine detatchment, and leads to AMA

                          What to choose?


                          • #28
                            Great turn Maniac!

                            Hey I love the attack on the Gaians, poor things! They lose a base and their defensive stack in one turn.

                            Gotta love that Fungal Gin Freight

                            Here are some thoughts on the issues which have come up.
                            • Move the scout rover north to intercept the damaged Gaian units? The Gaians move before the Hive right?
                            • They have a sensor right on the old base site, so they'll see us for sure Googlie, but they won't be able to escape if we move our scout unit there.
                            • Beware of getting B-4's trapped in Morgania! I say we should keep that B-4 ready in SC3 to strike out units which move out to block our home path (they have lots of junk in Vander)
                            • Rush crawler at Vladi?
                            • What the heck are we building in Fort Soup? A 3-res defender?!
                            • Keep bombarding the invincible forest with the raid fleet? What are we going to do with these long term? They'll be needlejet fodder soon for sure.
                            • How about taking out the mine which the RG B-4 is flying over?

                            I also think we should publish a Phalanx right away.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Maniac
                              Damaged B-4 in East Arcadia: I wanted to fly to (9.25) to see if there were any probes in sight on that eastern tip, and then land in Mendelev College with the two last remaining movement points. But a Fungal Tower prevented this. So the question now is: use the last two MPs to land, or to explore that tile anyway, but end the turn in mid-air?
                              That's real bad luck

                              I don't think the threat from the Angels is really severe enough to merit sacrificing a B-4 turn. But we can always let it hang around there, waiting for a reply from the Angels to the message we've proposed.

                              EDIT: One last thing before I stop spamming for this morning Shell the Gaian units with our Coastguard Cruiser. The probe team will get damaged and only get 1 mp, preventing them from spreading the units out. Our cruiser will still have enough MP's to attack a sea target next turn.


                              • #30
                                The FB B-4 has a similar problem: lack of targets. Vander Eudaimonics is within range, but as mentioned earlier: that one has a veteran plasma defender. It could perhaps go hunting after the Morganic ship instead?
                                If we just place it over 36:14 (forest/energy square near Vander Eudaimoniacs), then Vander Eudaimoniacs will riot next turn (reduced psych) - immediately costing them 3 minerals and 13 ECs, as well as delaying production of whatever they are producing there by 1 turn.
                                a Spartan Eco-Science specimen.
                                Producing Buddhism.
                                Enlightenment is the Base, Way & Goal.

