Now, with Morgan possibly out of the picture, the Gaian door is again in our sights. Should we try to warm up them a little (in a positive sense)? I was thinking of maybe pulling a googlie
and sending Illuminatus an unofficial "memorandum" where I lament the evils of the Morganites, extol the possible compatibilities of Spartan and Gaian ideology and generally just let them know that we know more about the Morgans than you do and that they are going to be a big problem if we let them go unchecked.
Alternatively, someone else could do this, since it might be a good idea to keep my role in our "splintering" relatively neutral, so the factions can always be sure that the Chief Diplomat's possible bias won't influence him, and that he's really the "voice of Sparta", not the "voice of the Gaian-minded Spartans".
I have to emphasise that we really could use a pactmate before we go after Zak. With the Gaians that might not be as easy, however...

Alternatively, someone else could do this, since it might be a good idea to keep my role in our "splintering" relatively neutral, so the factions can always be sure that the Chief Diplomat's possible bias won't influence him, and that he's really the "voice of Sparta", not the "voice of the Gaian-minded Spartans".
I have to emphasise that we really could use a pactmate before we go after Zak. With the Gaians that might not be as easy, however...