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Sparta-Gaian relations

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  • I see. too that the Gaian turn has been hanging there for four hours now with nobody downloading it



    • Originally posted by Zeiter
      and also offer them Hive unit inventory data or production data or labs data or whatever for ECs or tech
      That. too, is a great idea (a boilerplate "print-out" of readily accessible data, or a custom research by us

      That info isn't as good as having infiltration because the info will be obsolete in a few turns, but I bet they would like to have that knowledge quite a bit
      We could undertake to regularly update it (sort of like a subscription service - and that would justify the relatively high costs we're charging too) - say annually for ten years for the fee quoted

      I think we could afford to give them that info about the Hive. I can't see how that could hurt us.
      So long as they are engaged in a war agaisnt the Hive they'll be diverting energy and minerals to their war effort - weakening both themselves and the Hive (and maybe, too, making the Hive more concerned about its southern border than pushing northwards)

      My suggestion would be:
      25 ECs for the Hive unit inventory screen,
      25 ECs for the Hive labs screen,
      5 ECs for the Hive economy screen, and
      25 ECs for the Hive production screen.

      They could buy these separately from each other. Or, they could buy these in one package for another tech. What do you think?
      I think that's a super idea. While it sounds expensive, if we say that it'll be each year for a ten year period (5 years?) before renewal, then they might see it as valuable until they get infiltration themselves on the Hive

      We could throw in an additional "custom" feature whereby if they want detailed information on any particular base, we can do that "run" for 5 ec's

      And I'd go with a 200 ec purchase price for the jigsaw map (which, too, would be upgraded as and when we either explored more territory or the Hive founded new bases)


      • A great idea, yes, I've had AndiD in WWW send me screenshots of infiltration data (he's governor) in exchange for world map updates.

        We shall make milking information for all its worth a form of art
        Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!


        • So an answer to Lord Illuminatus' question along the lines of the following might please the Junta?:

          Yes, we have infiltrated the Hive and can supply overall Hive map data, individual base data, military nexus data, etc, all for a price of course

          The Junta have discussed this, and have put the following figures together (purchase price, not per annum prices - but payment can be staggered):

          For the "Jigsaw" map, and automatic updates for 5 years based on our further explorations or further Hive expansion ........... 200 ec's

          For F4 Base production, citizen and garrison screenshots (aggregate), updated yearly for 5 years ............50 ec's

          For F8 Military Nexus Screenies (updated annually for 5 years) .............. 25 ec's

          For F1 and F2 screenshots (Research and Financial), annually for 5 years (combined) .............25 ec's

          For individual base data, on a one off basis, per request, ..........5 ec's

          (Note that we would also be willing to consider payment in kind as well as in credits - reciprocal information, technologies or even gifted units such as trained native wildlife)

          We look forward to hearing from you


          • It certainly pleases me.
            Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!


            • I got nothin' against trying.
              But, in putting myself in their shoes, I don't think I'd accept those prices. Then again, they're not me...
              This is what it means to be a Spartan. It's not the killing or the suffering that matters. It's the purity of focus, without fear of death or pain.


              • I'll go ahead and post it as a reply in the Embassy - it was Zeiter's original idea, so I'm sure he'll approve, and I haven't seen maniac comment at all regarding this idea (a stealthy Junta vote by the Gaian-Dove party while the Lt Colonel is absent?? Maybe we can make some hay with that thought as well
                Last edited by Googlie; October 11, 2004, 00:36.


                • I posted the following in the Embassy:

                  Posted by Googlie in the Sparta-Gaians Embassy
                  My Dear Lord Illuminatus:

                  Yes, we have indeed infiltrated the Hive datalinks which is why we can advise you this turn of where the Colony Pod, scout, etc are. It has occurred to your Gaian "sympathizers" among our Junta Officers that this data might be useful to you as you prosecute the vendetta you have against the esteemed Chairman, and a vote was taken a few moments ago (when a quorum was assembled) as to whether we could supply overall Hive map data*, individual base data, military nexus data, etc, to the Gaians. (We are assuming in all this that you yourselves have not infiltrated the Hive). Key to the affirmative vote was that these data could be supplied at a price.

                  * A map has been assembled, labeled The Jigsaw Map, from our coastline knowledge and the individual Hive base screens

                  The Junta have discussed the idea of making this data available to the Gaians, and have put the following figures together (purchase price, not per annum prices - but payment can be staggered):
                  • For the "Jigsaw" map, and automatic updates for 5 years based on our further explorations or further Hive expansion ........... 200 ec's
                  • For F4 Base production, citizen and garrison screenshots (aggregate), updated yearly for 5 years ............50 ec's
                  • For F8 Military Nexus Screenies (updated annually for 5 years) .............. 25 ec's
                  • For F1 and F2 screenshots (Research and Financial), annually for 5 years (combined) .............15 ec's
                  • For individual base data, on a one off basis, per request, ..........3 ec's

                  (Note that we would also be willing to consider payment in kind as well as in credits - reciprocal information, technologies or even gifted units such as trained native wildlife)

                  We look forward to hearing if this might be of interest to you

                  Major Googlie, Commanding Officer, Covert Operations
                  Let's see what that brings by way of reply


                  • 3 ec's for an individual base peek sounds extremely cheap, they can purchase one of those for every base and piece together their own map for far less than 200. I'd go ahead and edit that before they have a chance to see it

                    Other than that, super ideas


                    • Originally posted by Kassiopeia
                      Darsnan's reply was pretty some - I think they bought Snoddasmannen's act totally, hook, line and sinker, and are afraid he's a loose cannon like E_N was. Excellent, Captain Snoddasmannen
                      Yes, good point, this is actually what we want them to think
                      I don't want them thinking I'll play ahead or leak lots of information and spoil the game, but them thinking I am just some loony is a good idea, especially if they see me rising in ranks

                      If/When we decide to go to war with the Gaians, Snoddasmannen should become ambassadeur to the Gaians, and slightly before that, he can rising in the ranks and start chatting in the embassy forums. Until then, he can lay low.


                      • Originally posted by Snoddasmannen
                        3 ec's for an individual base peek sounds extremely cheap, they can purchase one of those for every base and piece together their own map for far less than 200. I'd go ahead and edit that before they have a chance to see it
                        I doubt it. It took me six or seven hours, with the F4 screen open on my laptop while I played with the jigsaw on my desktop. I don't think it could be done either without them having the coastline that we share with the Hive (that the Invincible explored)

                        Plus, we already know where several of those bases are

                        Here's the basic building block:
                        Attached Files


                        • Originally posted by Snoddasmannen
                          I don't want them thinking I'll play ahead or leak lots of information and spoil the game, but them thinking I am just some loony is a good idea, especially if they see me rising in ranks

                          I've been mulling this whole episode in my mind all day...

                          I believe that we could probably instill more emphasis on this by having someone else post under Snoddasmannen's post in the Gaian forum, something like this:

                          "Although Captain Snoddasmannen's apology has been rendered. Let it be known that this was not, as he claims, a request by the Junta Disciplinary Board of Inquiry, but instead a demand that he do so.

                          Officer of Spartan Internal Affairs,
                          Charge of Junta Disciplinary Board of Inquiry.

                          (Someone correct my terminolgy or spelling)
                          Last edited by KrysiasKrusader; October 11, 2004, 02:21.
                          This is what it means to be a Spartan. It's not the killing or the suffering that matters. It's the purity of focus, without fear of death or pain.


                          • Originally posted by Googlie

                            I doubt it. It took me six or seven hours, with the F4 screen open on my laptop while I played with the jigsaw on my desktop.
                            You're probably right, that's a lot of pieces to click together and it's likely to be impossible unless you know where the bases are. I withdraw my objection.


                            • I think I read in this or the Morgan-Spartan relations thread a proposal to buy Social Psych and/or Biogenetics from the Morganites or the Angels. Keep in mind that, since Zak has SotHB, EthCalc & Gene Splicing, we are pretty sure he has SocPsych & Biogen too. So who knows we could just steal that tech in a while, without the need to buy it.

                              Besides those techs, AFAIK the only tech we could possibly use from any of three factions is Industrial Economics, as a prerequisite for EnvEcon. Though if the Morganites like the deal to research EnvEcon for us, even that wouldn't be needed.
                              Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
                              Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


                              • Originally posted by Snoddasmannen
                                You're probably right, that's a lot of pieces to click together and it's likely to be impossible unless you know where the bases are. I withdraw my objection.
                                It's moot anyway (see the Embassy) as they expect themselves to infiltrate Yang within the next turn or so

                                What is really interesting in that post, though, is their asking us :

                                Posted by Lord Illuminatus in the Embassy
                                I was wondeing what do you require for Morgan's comlink, once you buy it from Chairman Yang.
                                Funny, but as we already had the 2 offers on the table I never thought to check!!

                                Attached Files

