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Sparta-Gaian relations

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  • hmm. Look at Illuminatus' latest post in the Embassy:

    Posted in the Embassy by Lord Illuminatus
    A small question, if I may ask, your intel seems to indicate you have infiltrated Hive networks. Don't be disturbed by my nosiness, but I have to ask it- is this assumption correct?
    Is this a time to offer the pieced-together Hive map for 100 ec's or perhaps a tech that they might have (such as Social Psych - which we need for Ethical Calc en route to Int Int)


    • Yeah, definitely. 100 ECs sounds about right. And tell them that we can give them Hive unit inventory info or anything else, for that matter, for a price...

      I like your thinking on the tech deals, but how would we obtain social psych? Probe it off of Yang? Buy it off of him?
      Civ IV is digital crack. If you are a college student in the middle of the semester, don't touch it with a 10-foot pole. I'm serious.


      • No - i was suggesting getting Soc psych from the Gaians perhaps in exchange for the Hive map data


        • A tech trade for the pieced-together map sounds fair to me.

          Btw, my suspicions came true, they think I'm a troll. Darsnan posted this in the embassy forums:

          I hope you have ensured that this individual is not an Enigma Nova clone.
          Well I am hazarding to guess that I am not, though not being quite aware of who Enigma Nova is I cannot be quite sure Should I post a formal but cold apology to the embassy forum, and sign it Lieutenant (being demoted)? I could mention Rynn in the apology, this will either make them think I am Googlies alter-ego or that I am at least sanctioned by him


          • Okay. I think I get it now.
            Someone has been spinning a conspiricy web.
            Not sure if this is the right way to go. I mean concerning our long term strategy (if we ever decide on one - which we really should) towards the Gaians, and the rest of the factions.

            I feel that our Hive map is worth more than that Googlie.
            This is what it means to be a Spartan. It's not the killing or the suffering that matters. It's the purity of focus, without fear of death or pain.


            • Originally posted by Googlie
              No - i was suggesting getting Soc psych from the Gaians perhaps in exchange for the Hive map data
              Ah, yes, good idea, and also offer them Hive unit inventory data or production data or labs data or whatever for ECs or tech. That info isn't as good as having infiltration because the info will be obsolete in a few turns, but I bet they would like to have that knowledge quite a bit. I think we could afford to give them that info about the Hive. I can't see how that could hurt us. My suggestion would be 25 ECs for the Hive unit inventory screen, 25 ECs for the Hive labs screen, 5 ECs for the Hive economy screen, and 25 ECs for the Hive production screen. They could buy these separately from each other. Or, they could buy these in one package for another tech. What do you think?
              Civ IV is digital crack. If you are a college student in the middle of the semester, don't touch it with a 10-foot pole. I'm serious.


              • Originally posted by Snoddasmannen
                A tech trade for the pieced-together map sounds fair to me.
                I think you're right. Unless it were a significant tech such as Ind Auto itself (or Fusion power)

                Well I am hazarding to guess that I am not, though not being quite aware of who Enigma Nova is I cannot be quite sure
                Trust me, you're better off not knowing

                Should I post a formal but cold apology to the embassy forum, and sign it Lieutenant (being demoted)?
                I'd go ahead and do that, along the lines of:

                "The Junta has requested that I issue an apology to Lord Illuminatus.

                I apologize

                Lieutenant Snoddasmannen

                I could mention Rynn in the apology, this will either make them think I am Googlies alter-ego or that I am at least sanctioned by him
                Let that fester for a bit. In a week or so you can get antsy with them again on some other issue, and that'll lead them to think that the dissident faction is gaining in strength, emboldening you to come forward again (and maybe then sign it again as Captain

                If I were implicated it'd seem strange that I'm still Recording Officer to the Junta and official turnplayer


                • So how does the Junta want me to answer the question posed by Illuminatus (at the top of this page)

                  1) - That information is currently classified
                  2) - yes we have infiltrated them
                  3) - yes, and can supply a pieced together copy of their homeland map for xxx credits
                  4) - yes, and can supply overall Hive map data, individual base data, military nexus data, etc, all for a price of course


                  • #4 definitely. This will make us seem very cooperative, and it will hopefully lead to some profitable exchanges.
                    Civ IV is digital crack. If you are a college student in the middle of the semester, don't touch it with a 10-foot pole. I'm serious.


                    • Originally posted by Googlie

                      "The Junta has requested that I issue an apology to Lord Illuminatus.

                      I apologize

                      Lieutenant Snoddasmannen
                      Brilliant in its simplicity, I'll post something like that.

                      If I were implicated it'd seem strange that I'm still Recording Officer to the Junta and official turnplayer
                      I only meant that you would be implicated out of character, lending me personally some credibility But there's time for that later.

                      As for the infiltration question, I say we let then know that we have, and offer to provide them with that information at a price, such as tech. That map is quite a piece of work, we deserve some goodies for it.


                      • I'm still trying to assimilate all that has happened (quickly flipping back and forth between threads - and I have yet to see the outside forums), but if you need an answer from right away; I go with #4.

                        Edit: Yea. Definitly #4. for my vote.
                        Last edited by KrysiasKrusader; October 10, 2004, 16:10.
                        This is what it means to be a Spartan. It's not the killing or the suffering that matters. It's the purity of focus, without fear of death or pain.


                        • I just took a trip to the other forums.

                          Maybe Darsnan's reply will soothe the gaian's some.

                          Illuminatus's suggestion about becoming democratic would not fit well into the role playing of the Junta.
                          This is what it means to be a Spartan. It's not the killing or the suffering that matters. It's the purity of focus, without fear of death or pain.


                          • I'm with #4.

                            Darsnan's reply was pretty some - I think they bought Snoddasmannen's act totally, hook, line and sinker, and are afraid he's a loose cannon like E_N was. Excellent, Captain Snoddasmannen

                            The part about democracy was probably just some feather-ruffling, something you tend to say under these circumstances. I doubt they seriously think we'll switch to Demo anytime soon if at all.
                            Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!


                            • Maybe testing to see whether we have Ethical Calculus?

                              (they might assume that we researched our way to Gene Splicing - we could bolster that by saying:

                              "While changing to Democracy might have some advantages, it just doesn't seem to be our culture" - thereby letting them think that we could change if we wanted to)


                              • Well observed, I will say just that.
                                Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!

