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Sparta-Gaian relations

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  • Very well then ... I hope Kass' approval will be enough for the rest of the Junta to accept this move. I sent the gaian ambassadeur this:

    Your tripe has been reluctantly forwarded to the Junta.

    You pathetic Gaians make me sick. Your weak and wretched society is just lulling around like dazed madmen on this awful planet, trying to talk to it. Trying to control the vile creatures who live here. Ha! And now you attempt to negotiate deals with us, babbling like idiots, indecisive like the little children you are. When we take control of the foreign office from that wimp Kassiopeia and his cronies you will wake up one morning to find your cities burning.

    / Captain Snoddasmannen
    I need to do something nice now to boost my karma


    • Excellent

      I see it has provoked a reply (Under the heading Does the Spartan Federation make Threats?):

      extracted from the Embassy files, by Lord Illuminatus of the Gaians
      This is what I received from your member, Snoddasmannen. Would you care to explain this insult? This seriously undermines Spartan credibility in future negotiatons.
      How about my replying there along the lines of:


      My Dear Lord Illuminatus:

      In my capacity as Recording Officer to the Junta, I apologize for the intemperate actions of one of our young, hot-headed Junta Officers.

      While it is true that there is a militant faction within the Junta, rest assured that their numbers are small and senior officers are attempting to contain the insiduous spreading of their influence. (It was unfortunate that your missive went to one of their leaders, Captain Snoddasmannen)

      I am sure that in your own Councils - not yet a Democracy, I see from our intelligence files - you also have these dissenting opinions.

      Captain Kassiopeia remains our offical spokesofficer until further notice

      Major Googlie
      Recording Officer to the Junta


      Those of them who played in the first ACDG will remember the intrigue, coup plotting, etc that went on there and will be wondering .....
      Last edited by Googlie; October 10, 2004, 10:06.


      • Ahh, some RP in action.

        Originally posted by Googlie
        They seem to have a beaurocracy worse than the PK's
        Classical. This ought to go in the history book.
        Be good, and if at first you don't succeed, perhaps failure will be back in fashion soon. -- teh Spamski

        Grapefruit Garden


        • Looks good to me Googlie

          Hope I didn't upset them too much

          If we wish to delve deeper into Cpt. Snods character, he might be one of the few survivors from our rover which was surrounded by mindworms and destroyed a while back. This would explain his dislike of Planet and understandably the Gaians by association.

          I could post to the Aimoo board and deny like a worm that I sent them that message, but it seems more likely that I have been severely reprimanded and suspended from duty for a couple of years.


          • Hey - that's a good idea (I could reactivate Lieutenant Rynn and make her a member of the dissident group)


            • Yes, please bring her aboard, we need all the help we can get


              • Damn tootin' right

                We should be pacting with the Hive and sweeping those other factions from the face of Chiron.

                We're wasting our Momentum advantage by dealing with these so called "builder" factions (how much more pejorative can I get?) and especially trading advanced techs like Gene Splicing for their favors.

                Take them by force, our credo is.

                Lt Rynn


                • reply posted in the Embassy

                  (And how distressing to see my protege take this militant stance. I thought I had mentored you better than that)


                  • Googlie: MAJOR Kassiopeia. Otherwise ok.
                    Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!


                    • LOL - now they'll think there really was a coup ........

                      I'll edit it


                      EDIT: I see I don't need to edit - nicely covered, Major


                      • How about that inquiry I mentioned? I threw it in out of impulse, but it might give room for developments. Like Snoddasmannen being demoted to Lieutenant or somesuch.
                        Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!


                        • Or maybe go the other way?

                          Give Snoddasmannen a Major title, (and maybe a Lt Colonel title for Jamski, who would, susrely, if he were more active, support a "bonking heads" policy and have a couple of the more inactive members demoted, suggesting a power struggle within the Junta

                          (such as GeneralTacticus from Major to Captain, and Ogie O to Lieutenant)

                          This might (if leaked or published) give food for thought to the supercilious Gaians


                          • Cool idea Googlie

                            But I don't think the time is yet ripe for Snoddasmannen and the Shadow "Hiverian" Junta to become a major power factor... Maybe I could be forced to make a public apology on the atmoo-forums, and I could sign it Lieutenant Snoddasmannen, being demoted like Kassiopeia suggests. Then in the future I could start rising in the ranks again...

                            I like the idea of the Gaians losing their trade and the Hiverian Junta gaining influence, but we should not make it too explicit right away.

                            I suspect the Gaians believe I am just a newbie who acted completely without mandate from the rest of the team, he contacted me quite by accident after all ... Can we throw them off this theory?


                            • If we can convince them that a Shadow Junta is at work, they'll certainly give more weight to your ramblins. Also the fact that we are actively denying they have any weight should give them more weight.
                              Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!


                              • ROFLOL

                                Machiavelli lives

                                EDIT - Hold everyrthing (see the Sparta-Angels thread)
                                Last edited by Googlie; October 10, 2004, 12:49.

