Originally posted by Kassiopeia
Holy smokes! That would be a most interesting thing to execute. First off, the pact would make us all the more close, and it'd mean backstabbing Yang would be all the more easy. Add to that the fact that Yang would be mostly doing the work for us. However, there is the danger that the Gaians, being humans, could outwit Yang and gobbel up his empire at our expense. That would, well, suck. It would be a worthy maneuvre to make him weaker and then get him with his pants down in a two-front war.
It is a possibility worth pondering over.
I am afraid we will have to go vendetta on the Gaians to usher Yang after them. And that would have very far-fetching consequences.
Edit: Googlie:
The Gaian vendetta would almost be worth all that tech alone. Good god, if we managed to get that friendly with Yang... good god. Two words: Unholy Alliance.
Holy smokes! That would be a most interesting thing to execute. First off, the pact would make us all the more close, and it'd mean backstabbing Yang would be all the more easy. Add to that the fact that Yang would be mostly doing the work for us. However, there is the danger that the Gaians, being humans, could outwit Yang and gobbel up his empire at our expense. That would, well, suck. It would be a worthy maneuvre to make him weaker and then get him with his pants down in a two-front war.
It is a possibility worth pondering over.
I am afraid we will have to go vendetta on the Gaians to usher Yang after them. And that would have very far-fetching consequences.
Edit: Googlie: