It's fun doing it, but in reality there are some preconditions (let's s ay we ask Yang to attack Morgan):
But it's maybe something to work towards for the 2145-50 time period - that'd give us time to explore with SCC Invincible and maybe pop a commlink or stumble across Morgan or whomsoever, as well as accumulating a warchest with popped ec's
- we need Morgan's commlink
- Yang needs land access to Morgan (or Flex - and if he lacks it, are we prepared to trade/sell him it)
- Yang needs not to be Treatied or pacted with Morgan
- The sim may not be replicated in the real game (eg Morgan is stronger militarily, so yang asks for 100 ec's, or whatever)
- If he asks for ec's, we need some in Treasury to pay the bribe
But it's maybe something to work towards for the 2145-50 time period - that'd give us time to explore with SCC Invincible and maybe pop a commlink or stumble across Morgan or whomsoever, as well as accumulating a warchest with popped ec's