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  • Small update. I have SMAX!

    This means there will be usually one more download of new saves.
    EDIT: Once I find the password.
    EDIT: Found it.
    Last edited by Modo44; April 15, 2005, 10:06.
    Seriously. Kung freaking fu.


    • Comment

      • Hiya, how are things?


        • Hi - Kody. Welcome back!!

          "Things" are just fine. We've been in vendetta with the uni, and enslaved them, with the Hive, but captured - and returned - a base to buy a truce.

          We've had a longstanding vendetta with Morgan (and destroyed their PTS base) and a turn or so ago, with the Gaians.

          The PK's were elected governor, and Kassiopeia has been working behind the scenes to get a roleplay going with a Peace Conference.

          We're # 1 in tech (until this turn, when the Hive gets it, only faction with aircraft), energy credits and land, and #2 behind the Hive in population and power (altho we're #1 in Alpha Centauri scoring).

          So, in a nutshell, "things" are going great (for the time being)

          How are things with you?



          • Hey Googlie,

            Cool, sounds like you have things well in hand.

            I've been playing an online morgp, but decided to take a break for now since I was spending too much time on it. Been visiting my old haunts since I'm kindof bored.

            I think I'm going to borrow out another library book tomorrow. My friend Vev is holding a party at his house on monday and I'm going to help him buy supplies tomorrow. Probably will nip off to the library while I'm there.


            • I guess this is the quickest way to reach you.

              Googlie, I just met the University in 'Maniacal And Fossil Herculism'. The first and only thing he asked was "50 credits or else...". So I'm wondering, is the AI set up with specific favouritisms and aversions towards certain players in this game?
              Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
              Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


              • No - no-one was set to be hostile - or overly friendly. 2 of the 3 AI were set up to 'want to talk" to 2 human players, and no action towards the other 2 (different pair for each of the 2 AI factions set up that way) and the 3rd AI faction was just left to negotiate as it saw fit.

                So I dunno why the Uni would start off demanding 50 ec's from you, unbless the game detected that it was stronger than you currently are. that seems to trigger AI aggressive behavious, if they see that they have either a military or technology lead.

                I didn';t set any of the AI's to be "exceptionally peaceful" either, but neither did I set them to "aggressive"


                • Originally posted by Googlie
                  So I dunno why the Uni would start off demanding 50 ec's from you, unbless the game detected that it was stronger than you currently are. that seems to trigger AI aggressive behavious, if they see that they have either a military or technology lead.
                  That's certainly the case! More than doubly my population!

                  Thanks for the reply!
                  Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
                  Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


                  • Originally posted by Maniac

                    That's certainly the case! More than doubly my population!
                    Well, they did each start off with 4 pre-established bases (so that I could give the base governors their orders)

                    (and as an aside, will you be able to sit in on the proposed turnchat live invasion?)


                    • Originally posted by Googlie
                      (and as an aside, will you be able to sit in on the proposed turnchat live invasion?)
                      Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
                      Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


                      • Hey, I have a quick question: would there happen to be any pics or, better yet, save files from the ACDG2 that I could look at? I'm just kind of curious to see how that game worked out.
                        Civ IV is digital crack. If you are a college student in the middle of the semester, don't touch it with a 10-foot pole. I'm serious.


                        • Man!

                          I totally forgot about the game. I'm terribly sorry. It doesn't seem to have died yet, though, which is a good thing. The RP is nonexistent, but at least turns are going through the circuit.

                          I have a good excuse, though, I managed to wiggle myself into university and I'll start in political science come September. Right now I'm mostly working, though, at an art exhibition (been there all summer now).

                          So, how are we doing? Have we already decided which ass it is we're going to kick? Still way ahead in the tech race against all odds? Have we been forgiven by the other factions for our eradication of Morgan Industries?
                          Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!


                          • Hey, good to hear from ya, Kassi. The game is going great, I think. We're #1 in the powergraph chart, and we're still tech leader. The last few years we've been in heavy pop-boom mode. Meanwhile we annihilated the Peacekeepers and became sole masters of Arcadia.

                            As far as the diplomatic situation goes, it's anybody's guess. The others have not proven very talkative recently, and we have no idea whether that would be a good or a bad sign. We were in a brief vendetta with the Data Angels after we had to eliminate two probe teams which they foolishly landed on the Arcadian continent right next to a base. But they quickly signed a treaty and resumed business as usual.
                            Civ IV is digital crack. If you are a college student in the middle of the semester, don't touch it with a 10-foot pole. I'm serious.


                            • Originally posted by Kassiopeia
                              So, how are we doing?
                              I think we officially ROCK!

                              Originally posted by Kassiopeia
                              Have we already decided which ass it is we're going to kick?
                              Surpsrisingly, no. Lal just went down for good, and the party is not over yet.

                              Originally posted by Kassiopeia
                              Still way ahead in the tech race against all odds?
                              Still ahead, yes. And the odds... have changed a bit — in our favour.

                              Originally posted by Kassiopeia
                              Have we been forgiven by the other factions for our eradication of Morgan Industries?
                              Nobody talks to us, so it is hard to say. Nobody really did for a long while now. They do not seem full-time allied, though, which is weird.
                              Seriously. Kung freaking fu.


                              • Hmmm, I found a PEACE save file from the last game, and I tried opening it (using the only password I could find - neptune) but it rejected the password. Anybody know the PEACE password from the last ACDG?
                                Civ IV is digital crack. If you are a college student in the middle of the semester, don't touch it with a 10-foot pole. I'm serious.

