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The Department of Public Relations & Propaganda

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  • For those who don't know Enigma_Nova, he was kicked out of the Angels for cheating. I think it was for cheating in his PBEM's and ACDG3.
    "Give to Caesar what is Caesar's? Pay no attention to Caesar. He doesn't have a clue what's really going on." -Cat's Cradle


    • Also he was kicked off the Hive team in ACDG2 for flaming and extremely harsh insulting of other people. And he said he wanted to kill all people who don´t see the world as he does...
      Heinrich, King of Germany, Duke of Saxony in Cyclotron's amazing Holy Roman Empire NES
      Let me eat your yummy brain!
      "be like Micha!" - Cyclotron


      • I'm not familiar enough with E_N's style of posting, but C_C puts me on edge for some reason.

        -- CTO #endgame
        #play s.-cd#g+c-ga#+dgfg#+cf----q.c

        Quantum P. is a champion:


        • The road to war? A historical report by Micha

          Responding to the recent anti-Morganic propaganda published in the far-right political paper „The Phalanx“ the staff of MorganLink has decided to put things straight. This report is featuring interviews with participants in the incidents that occured not long ago and are now marked as the turning point in Morgan-Spartan relations.

          We all remember the underhanded secret operation of late 2149, when Spartan agents killed a Morganic research team at Vander Eudaimonics. We have neither received a warning nor a request to get access to our data networks, so this operation clearly was a violation of our peace treaty.
          Needless to say it caught us somewhat unprepared, especially since we were at that time negotiating a pact with them.

          Mr. Moneypenny, ex-observer onboard the Spartan vessel SCC Hunter, just barely escaped the attack:
          „It was horrifying! The sirenes wailed in the early morning. We didn´t know what it was all about, when suddenly blaster shots were to be heard from the floor. The sirene sounds mixed with that of screaming people and shots, none of us dared to come out of our hiding places. After all we were researchers and businessmen, not military personnel.
          Then the lights faded out, as the intruders overwhelmed the energy net of Vander Eudaimonics. The whole city was pitch black within seconds!
          You cannot imagine the horrors we went through that morning!
          Suddenly all was over, as quickly as it began. We began searching the rooms for injured, but we only found dead! These Spartans were professionals! They clearly had an official military training and hightech armament. This was not an „unfortunate incident“, it was an act of war!“

          In 2152, just three years after the unforgettable Vander Eudaimonics massacre, they announced the „Modo doctrine“, which said the following:

          “Sparta declares the inviolability of the Federation, its territory and its coastal waters, extending 8 tiles from its bases. Any vessel or unit, whether armed or unarmed, encroaching within this Federation Zone will be destroyed without warning.”

          Of course, without the proper geographical data supplied, this announcement is as ridiculous as it is worrying. Within the next two years the Morgan board tried to negotiate safe passage for our Explorers, of course failing because of the aggressive unyielding attitude of the Spartan leadership.
          In 2154 the situation escalated: The well-known Spartan battleship „SCC Hunter“ was found approaching our explorers just off our coast, yet Sparta claimed these waters. Because of the Modo-doctrine it was obvious that they won´t ask before opening fire, so the Morganic crew had to make decisions. Mr. Craft, chief explorer on board the „Gator 4 - Wild Beauty“:
          „Well, we were very excited about the strange island chain formation we just recently uncovered, when the Spartan battleship was detected. It was far too late for a turnaround, so we were struck by fear that those savages would enforce their silly doctrine!
          Of course we didn´t have any weaponry onboard, I mean it´s an exploration vessel! So what could we do?
          Fortunately we had several millionaires travelling with us in search for an adventure. You know there are so many of them in the Central estates region, but here in the Southern Wilderness, we were pretty lucky to have them with us. They offered to loan a great sum to the Corporation, enough to try for a bribery. The commlink was opened and we presented our case. The Spartan officer, as expected, turned the offer down and requested to take over our ship; But as he went on board, he could be talked into negotiations.
          He turned out to be against the new fundamentalistic approach of the Spartan leadership, and thus finally willing to accept a fairly large lump sum and a mansion in the beautiful highlands of Paramiria.
          Most of his crew settled for similar deals, two of them insisted in getting their own talkshow at MorganLink... So finally the SCC Hunter accompanied us home and was turned over to Morgan control.“

          While the board prepared the return of the vessel to the Spartans, the people sighed in relief because no revengeful action took place. Many felt we were now even with the Spartans, although a bribery can hardly even out a massacre. But we are peaceful by heart so we had just accepted the injustice done to us and were willing to return to normal relations.
          That was in spring 2159. When we heard the news it was hard to keep our composure.
          The headline read „Spartan military offensive opens hostilities in neutral waters!“. Two Morganic vessels, one of them a luxury cruiser of the „Southern Spirit Line“, the other being the SCC Hunter (on its way to be returned to Spartan control), were sunk by enemy battlecruisers without warning. The corporation was shocked! Along with those headlines came the official Spartan statement regarding the destruction of the luxury cruiser, which was on it´s way along the University´s coast (because of the beautiful beaches there). It read:
          „Note that the application of the Modo Doctrine extends to our governed territories, the University of Planet, as well [...]“.
          So they informed us about this little amendment of their self-declared doctrine after the sinking of a civil ship on a pleasure cruise! With this latest incident there´s little hope for all of it just being „misunderstandings“, as some Morgan hardcore-pacifists claim. We wish for peace and prosperity, but this threat on the seas clearly strives for other ideals. The staff of the MorganLink magazine is convinced that the Spartan Federation has long planned the hostile takeover of the Corporation, and that now the time has come.

          However we stand prepared, we will defend our possessions and we offer peace to the Spartans as a last chance to demonstrate their goodwill.

          - Bord Supervisor Micha, chief editor of the MorganLink magazine.

          disclaimer: This newspaper is not state-owned and therefore not affiliated with politics. Any opinions displayed are those of private people and not official Morganic stances.
          Last edited by Micha; February 18, 2005, 04:50.
          Heinrich, King of Germany, Duke of Saxony in Cyclotron's amazing Holy Roman Empire NES
          Let me eat your yummy brain!
          "be like Micha!" - Cyclotron


          • Please propose editings where appropriate, especially regarding "secret" information that mustn´t be given away.

            Feel free to publish this article anytime, since I will be unavailable for the next few weeks.

            Heinrich, King of Germany, Duke of Saxony in Cyclotron's amazing Holy Roman Empire NES
            Let me eat your yummy brain!
            "be like Micha!" - Cyclotron


            • You say the Hunter was in neutral waters. It's probably better for us to say it was "just off our coast", which is true and makes them sound more intrusive.

              Spelling: "Paramiria", "accompanied", " peace and prosperity"

              Thanks for the article.
              "Give to Caesar what is Caesar's? Pay no attention to Caesar. He doesn't have a clue what's really going on." -Cat's Cradle


              • Thanks! Ok, mistakes edited out, shall I publish this as a special mini edition now or do we want o put together a whole shiny MorganLink?
                Heinrich, King of Germany, Duke of Saxony in Cyclotron's amazing Holy Roman Empire NES
                Let me eat your yummy brain!
                "be like Micha!" - Cyclotron


                • Let's not tell anyone we've been infiltrated.

                  Sparta may not have told them. If we find out that Sparta has told another faction, then that indicates to whom Sparta is sharing info (or boasting to) with.



                  • Good point, Mead. I agree.

                    For the "just off our coast" thing, I meant this part: "The well-known Spartan battleship „SCC Hunter“ was found approaching our explorers in neutral, yet Spartan-claimed waters. " The later episode was not really near our coast, so I'd change that back to a "neutral waters" type of phrasing.
                    "Give to Caesar what is Caesar's? Pay no attention to Caesar. He doesn't have a clue what's really going on." -Cat's Cradle


                    • Ah, I see... Ok, fixed the neutral waters thingie.

                      Actually the article doesn´t say they´ve infiltrated us, just that a spartan probe has killed one of ours in a base. I think it´s a pretty important part of the story, because it shows that they were the ones to start hostilities. If we left that one out, the propagandistic message would change completely...

                      However you may edit anything from that text and then post it when you find the timing is good. I will leave today for a long vacation without internet access. Change anything you need to and then publish it

                      See you!
                      Heinrich, King of Germany, Duke of Saxony in Cyclotron's amazing Holy Roman Empire NES
                      Let me eat your yummy brain!
                      "be like Micha!" - Cyclotron


                      • Have fun, Micha.
                        "Give to Caesar what is Caesar's? Pay no attention to Caesar. He doesn't have a clue what's really going on." -Cat's Cradle


                        • Article for a new MorganLink:

                          (Picture: Use the one from before, the same one we used for "Free Market initiated and the Wealth Olympics")

                          Following the destruction of Morgan Industries by Spartan suicide troops, Morganite shareholders quickly found a loophole in the insurance policy that Lone Amigo Insurance had been used to insure the colony. Despite being a 'Mindworm Insurance(tm)' policy, the word 'mindworm' was never used in subsection 42.3, which details payouts in the event of base destruction. Lone Amigo Insurance was unavailable for comment.

                          Energy drawn from Lone Amigo Insurance was quickly redirected into the construction of critical base facilities, such as The Big Board(tm), which shows the share value of all Morganite stocks.

                          No board members of Morgan Industries were available for comment, as they were all making long trips by private rover, since the Planetary Transit System(tm) was no longer available.

                          Mindworm Insurance is a trademark of Lone Amigo Insurance.
                          The Big Board is a trademark of Morgan Industries.
                          The Planetary Transit System is was a trademark of Morgan Industries.
                          #play s.-cd#g+c-ga#+dgfg#+cf----q.c

                          Quantum P. is a champion:


                          • Jeez, I leave you guys to your own for a few weeks (coughmonthscough) and you let the spartan dogs invade? For shame! You call yourselves capitalists? We should have "bought" "controlling interest" in Spartan years ago!

                            Anyway, I'll start coming back again. Though I can't be much help --not having the PC version and all- I can do my best to put my elloquence to work and offer my limited services as a novice diplomat or propagandist.
                            She cheats her lover of his due
                            but still contrives to keep him tied
                            by first deciding to refuse
                            and then refusing to decide


                            • The goldfish incident gave me a rather twisted newscast...

                              The Centauri Inquirer: Because inquiring minds want to know!

                              Rumors have been abuzz about a secret Morganic mind control lab. At an unknown time ago some researchers encountered a man with a rather mysterous psychic whom calls himself 'Yuri'. He claims to be from a parallel universe in which Hitler was killed and arrived via a slightly damaged time machine that escaped a T-Rex. A few people have seen the 'time machine', but Yuri has kept most of his equipment to himself.

                              Morganic scientists have been amazed at Yuri's level, and more importantly, low cost required to mind control not only people, but animals as well.

                              It is currently rumored that Yuri, while on a mission behind enemy territory mind controlled a nearby officer, and had him do some 'fishing'. Yuri left, freeing the officer. Once free, the officer realized what he had done, seemed very scared and acted quickly and quietly to leave the area. There is a rumored recording of this, and it is speculated that the officier might now be colaborating profitably with the Morgan Legal forces.
                              Last edited by arginine; March 29, 2005, 18:03.


                              • The MI6 (Morgan Industries Six), also being the top Market Research Department of the Corporation, today has released amazing material covering the early stages of the Spartan police state. Among that material there´s an early draft for the Spartan Kel logo, which was actually never used because field tests have not shown the desired effects on troop morale.

                                This picture is a curtesy of United Butchers Organization, which, in a surprise move, has been subject to a hostile take-over by the Ministery of Advertisement and Propaganda ( ) and thus is now part of the secret service...
                                Attached Files
                                Heinrich, King of Germany, Duke of Saxony in Cyclotron's amazing Holy Roman Empire NES
                                Let me eat your yummy brain!
                                "be like Micha!" - Cyclotron

