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Angels MY 2112 - 2120
Took a look at the turn.
I suggest rushing production of 2 formers (Snowflake's Haven and Enigma Machine). The Hive Synth hasn't moved, or failed to pop that pod under it. The Hive has founded a base just north of the synth. We can see the baseline.
Btw, discovered another canyon tile: the nut tile north of Enigma Machine. the Pholus Ridge is strangely shaped as well. Buster must have had a real pain constructing that part of the map... Anyone discovered the CanyonRidge tile next to Snowflake's Haven yet? Too bad it's covered with fungus.
We only have 13ecs, so can't rush both but we probably should rush the former at Enigma in order to get building a scout there for drone control.
Re the northern most probe (what is its agent number?), what do you think about moving it into the forest south west at 27,67 to see if it shows a land bridge from the 25,64 tile (with the pod). Our damaged probe should head west to get repaired and away fom the tower.On the ISDG 2012 team at the heart of CiviLIZation
We can rush both formers with 12 ec's. 2 ec's in SH, 10 in EM (if my math is correct).
Your 000 (yes, the northern most ) proposal is fine with me, I thought the same. And he can pop that pod next to it the turn after.
101 (the limping one) is quickest repaired if he after reaching SH continues along the river to that Monolith next to EM.
There is still a small chance that a landbridge exists north of it's present position, but then we have an inland sea on our north.
O yes, name proposal for our next base: Kodycryptor, it sounds like 'codecryptor'...
Let's give Snowflake some competition...
Sorry boys, no land bridge in the east How many pods do we want to pop anyway? All the way back to our border? Just back to the bottleneck near the river? I got figures of 8 & 16 for the formers, so I only rushed Snowflake's. I'd actually started palnning some tasks for it :
2119 - move to 22,68 - road (2 turns) - so units can get from EM to Snowflake in one turn
2121 - move to 24,70 - road (1+2 turns)
2124 - move to 25,71 - road (1+2 turns) - these last 2 connect the 'lith nearby
2127 - move to 24,70 - farm, solar (? turns)But there's no sense crying over every mistake. You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.
PolyCast | Girl playing Civ + extra added babble! | Yo voté en 2008!
Here's the save, and PS - I'm naming that bay near the soon to be base 'Seraph's Wing Bay' (a seraphim is one of the ranks of angels. hee. ) Geo - I'll go for Kodycryptor, as long as you promise to name one Rock, Paper, Scissors laterAttached FilesBut there's no sense crying over every mistake. You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.
PolyCast | Girl playing Civ + extra added babble! | Yo voté en 2008!
Aw, I only partially hurry production usually, then with 10 and 2 ec's the production was finished in both bases for the next turn. The difference is that no minerals flow over for the next production then... *shrugs*
How do you intend to move 111? Back southeast towards our bases and trying north on that black peninsula in the east, or going towards 000?
About the pod popping. For now I suggest all the ones on the peninsula 000 is roaming, and then checking if that Synth is still blocking.
I'll check your former proposals shortly. Personally, I'm in favour of foresting the canyon for the +1 mineral it gives us with shorter former time (at least, if 24.70 is a canyon tile).
on the bay name, and RockPaperScissors is a promise!
Yes, former proposals look ok, the ridge will give us +3 energy once 24.70 is terraformed. Why not first terraform 24.70 completely before moving on to 25.71?
Geo: [quote[We can rush both formers with 12 ec's. 2 ec's in SH, 10 in EM (if my math is correct).[/quote]
Ah, yes, A misunderstanding. You meant we could make partial payments of 2 ecs and 10ecs to complete the builds; rather than rush.On the ISDG 2012 team at the heart of CiviLIZation
I propose rushing (partial paying ) it in EM for sure next turn, since that base grows in 2 turns...
Btw, it seems that Morgans and Gaians have catched up with us in the power graph. Especially the Morgans are on the rise...
Re: the Terraforming - that's just from my beta version of orders; I hadn't finished it or gone back and tweaked it either, my bad And yes i see 'rush' and think full rush, oopsieBut there's no sense crying over every mistake. You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.
PolyCast | Girl playing Civ + extra added babble! | Yo voté en 2008!
Mil. Units for sure, tech is quite important for the rating, and lastly population numbers. Anything else? SP's don't count in yet...
Some thoughts about rushing building items. The most expensive minerals to purchase are the first 10. The least expensive in case of units are usually (sometimes it is different in units, I noticed) last 5 minerals: 2 EC for 1 mineral. That is why I like to buy to the last mineral. Also even if there is 1 turn remaining to completion of the building item I rush it paying the lowest price (2:1) and next turn I already have all turn mineral production for the next item, in the area of most expenive rush buy. This way that next item will be ready sooner, also for cheaper rush buy. Any thoughts?