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    Are you lonely, have something to advertise, or want to sneak a secret message back to base. Pholus Lunar Classifieds is now selling advertising space at only 0.01ECs per character. Click here to place your ad now.

    Do you have an article you would like to see published in the Pholus Lunar Newscast? Get paid half an EC for your article today, submit here.

    Editor: Spam Puppy of the Pholus Lunar Newscast

    Last edited by Kody; July 17, 2004, 01:19.

  • #2
    Re: Pholus Lunar Newscast #1 - Outrage Over Atrocities Commited by the Morganites.

    Originally posted by Kody
    Minister in charge of making sure the pins stay in the right spots on the War Map for the Spartans

    Originally posted by Kody
    Senior Nudist Runner Through Trees
    I sincerely hope that's a superior nudist, rather than a 'senior' nudist

    For though he was master of the world, he was not quite sure what to do next
    But he would think of something

    "Hm. I suppose I should get my waffle a santa hat." - Kuciwalker


    • #3

      Headlines: Outrage Over Atrocities Commited by the Morganites
      Pholus Lunar Newscast #1

      Outrage Over Atrocities Commited by the Morganites
      Kody the Narrator of the Third Alpha Centraui Democracy Game, Senior Consultant on Universe Mechanics of Morgan Industries, Minister in charge of making sure the pins stay in the right spots on the War Map for the Spartans, Joint Peanut publisher for the Data Angels, Senior Nudist Runner Through Trees and Executive Preserve of Rosbuds of the Gaians, Spam Puppy - editor of the Pholus Lunar Newscast, and Janitor of Honghu's Washroom expresses outrage over the atrocities committed by the Morganites.

      It has become apparent that the Morgan council is not following their own poll which stated an 80% majority of moving to the apolyton frequency. Instead they persist in using their more obscure frequency. While this acceptable for their factional planning, it is an infringement of the free media protocol that says all roleplay must be on apolyton frequencies. To put an end to this atrocity Kody the Narrator of the Third Alpha Centraui Democracy Game, Senior Consultant on Universe Mechanics of Morgan Industries, Minister in charge of making sure the pins stay in the right spots on the War Map for the Spartans, Joint Peanut publisher for the Data Angels, Senior Nudist Runner Through Trees and Executive Preserve of Rosbuds of the Gaians, Spam Puppy - editor of the Pholus Lunar Newscast, and Janitor of Honghu's Washroom has made opening moves for a hostile take over of MorganLink Magazine who are the driving force behind the violation of media rights.

      In a public news conference today Kody the Narrator of the Third Alpha Centraui Democracy Game, Senior Consultant on Universe Mechanics of Morgan Industries, Minister in charge of making sure the pins stay in the right spots on the War Map for the Spartans, Joint Peanut publisher for the Data Angels, Senior Nudist Runner Through Trees and Executive Preserve of Rosbuds of the Gaians, Spam Puppy - editor of the Pholus Lunar Newscast, and Janitor of Honghu's Washroom has stated that once he has gained control of MorganLink Magazine he will ensure that there will be no further violation of the free media protocol. This was met with unreserved enthusiasm by other factions and members of the CMNs. As Kody the Narrator of the Third Alpha Centraui Democracy Game, Senior Consultant on Universe Mechanics of Morgan Industries, Minister in charge of making sure the pins stay in the right spots on the War Map for the Spartans, Joint Peanut publisher for the Data Angels, Senior Nudist Runner Through Trees and Executive Preserve of Rosbuds of the Gaians, Spam Puppy - editor of the Pholus Lunar Newscast, and Janitor of Honghu's Washroom furthers his monopoly of planetary media it is expected that it will bring new levels of entertainment to the rest of the world. There are whispers that Kody the Narrator of the Third Alpha Centraui Democracy Game, Senior Consultant on Universe Mechanics of Morgan Industries, Minister in charge of making sure the pins stay in the right spots on the War Map for the Spartans, Joint Peanut publisher for the Data Angels, Senior Nudist Runner Through Trees and Executive Preserve of Rosbuds of the Gaians, Spam Puppy - editor of the Pholus Lunar Newscast, and Janitor of Honghu's Washroom has plans to control the population via the media, but he has denied all the accusations saying that he has no interest in influencing the people on Chiron as they can contribute nothing to the Pholus Lunar Outpost.

      Where do you want your newscast to go today?

      Spartan Government Coverup
      In breaking news there was a government cover up in Spartan Command recently. Honghu reported huffing and puffing from of a member of the Spartan High Council Googlie and an enraged shout over the open Spartan frequency channels. She says she fears for her life and refuses to give further details. Mysteriously the communication transcripts have been modified leaving only Honghu's comment of "Wow Googlie is really enraged" behind.

      There is wild speculation on what actually happened and rumors that Googlie has joined the mafia. Sparta Command has remained tight lipped about the issue and refuses to make any comments. The smooth destruction of the majority of the evidence also suggests a Data Angel link, which is highly worrying for other factions. A recovery program was run on the computers of the Pholus Lunar Outpost and an interesting fragment of Googlie's transmission "poly…. slow" was recovered. Could the "poly" be some reference to a parrot and previous enmity against pirates? It is unlikely that this mystery will ever be solved.

      Memories of our Homeworld

      Dried twigs cracked underneath my boots as I made my way through the preserve. This was one of the few places that the mega cities hadn’t expanded into and compared to the noise of the city it was peaceful. I found it very beautiful and counted myself fortunate being one of the few that had a keycard to this place. The smog wasn’t quite as bad here, I supposed the trees filtered out a lot of the sulphur and carbon monoxide in the air.

      Up ahead a small figure became visible in the reddish light of the afternoon. I knew I would find her here, she always said being in this place helped her think and she often had spoken of her childhood when she used to visit this place.

      “Honghu”, I asked quietly, reluctant to disturb her. “The last transport is leaving for the Unity within the next 6 hours”.

      Her back was still turned to me so I couldn’t see her face. For a long moment I listened to my own quiet breaths as I waited for her to reply.

      “I will be there within 6 hours Kody.”

      Her voice seemed distant and seemed far older than her actual age. Not scratchy like a crone’s rather timeless as the voice of the ocean that had been murmuring for millions of years. She was still facing away from me so I left without saying another word.


      I heard his footsteps as he walked away and blinked away some more of my tears.

      The red glow of the sun filtered through the smog and cast a soft red glow over the dying forest. There used to be birds here a long time ago, but they had most likely died from the bouts of acid rain that came from the factories further to the south. It was beautiful here, but it only served to remind me of what this place once was, when the sun used to cast a yellow glow that lit the dust motes and the trees were green and alive not brown and dying. I stood among ancient ruins still beautiful only because they whispered the grandeur of better days.

      This world was dying and it felt like my heart was dying with it. The memories of my past were like this forest beautiful and treasured, but fading from this world nonetheless. It was so hard to break away from the past, to remember all the wonderful things and not look back with regret. Earth would always stay in my heart no matter how many light years separated me from it. This place held my roots nothing would change that.

      I bent over and scooped a handful of dirt into the jar.

      “And while your children will walk among the stars they will always remember you”, I said to the stillness of the forest.

      As I walked back to the shuttle the long trunks of pines silently watched my departure. A honor guard that lined the way as walked towards a new world.

      Pholus Lunar Outpost Established
      The remaining bridge crew of the Unity landed on the nearby Moon of Pholus with a colony pod containing only 20 survivors. Supplies of frozen water have been found and experts believe that the colony is sustainable for several hundred years.

      Last week the habitation dome was completed and a transmission tower was built to allow the colony to contact various survivors on the ground. Analysis of the communication frequencies has revealed that there has been a serious breakdown in the command structure and the Unity mission has spilt into 7 different factions. Even more disturbing there is talk of war in the air. The Pholus Lunar Outpost has declared strict neutrality in all matters on the planet, and intends to withhold technological and communication frequencies as part of its neutrality policy.

      Morgan Industries has already threatened a law suit against the Pholus Lunar Outpost for not providing technological assistance according to the free trading agreement subsection 6.3. To pacify them Officer Drogue has reluctantly offered 10ecs to drop the charges and Morgan Industries has accepted.

      In unfortunate news Captain Buster died last night without regaining consciousness. He was found with gunshot wounds in his cabin and was taken with us to the planet to await medical treatment. He died from his injuries as there was nobody with sufficient medical training to treat him.

      Quote of the day: "Ducks help keep wrinkles away."

      Honghu's Illness
      Following the crash, Honghu the ship's counsellor seemed to have fallen into depression with barely any response to questions directed at her. It was believed that an intense bout of nostalgia had infected her after we had landed on the alien moon, although the number of causalities of the Unity disaster could have also been weighing on her mind.

      All the citizens of the Pholus Lunar Outpost were deeply concerned with this turn of events as she was seen one of the strong pillars that held the colony together. Honghu has recently recovered upon the construction of the transmission tower that allowed us the ability to converse with survivors on the planet. She has taken on the task of counselling many of the traumatised survivors of the unity disaster and it has pushed the last vestiges of depression away.

      In an effort to prevent this from happening to another colony member, some of the citizens in the Pholus Lunar Outpost have taken colony morale into their own hands. First Officer Drogue has recently made the recommendation that all citizens should attempt to find something to giggle over at least once per day. Communications Officer Kody has given free reign of the communication channels to all Pholus Lunar Citizens resulting in rather busy airwaves that recently drew the ire of Skanky for spamming the Spartan frequencies. Navigation Officer Method took a more direct approach, by releasing laughing gas into the ventilation ducts. He was caught when the entire base heard loud rumbustious laughing and banging coming from one of the main ventilation shafts.

      Showdown between Method and Kody
      Two prominent members of the Pholus Lunar Outpost have made a wager on who can pick up the most government positions.

      Kody the Narrator of the Third Alpha Centraui Democracy Game, Senior Consultant on Universe Mechanics of Morgan Industries, Minister in charge of making sure the pins stay in the right spots on the War Map for the Spartans, Joint Peanut publisher for the Data Angels, Senior Nudist Runner Through Trees and Executive Preserve of Rosbuds of the Gaians, Spam Puppy - editor of the Pholus Lunar Newscast, and Janitor of Honghu's Washroom has accused Method the Grand Moff of Pointless Titles, General Error, Chief TKGer, Spartan Secretary of Keeping the DBTSverse Bunnies at Bay, Gumtelfitrickber Minister of the Spartan Federation, President of the Spartan Pacifist Party, Team Spammer of the Data Angels, Morganic Minister of Monocle, Chief Admirer of the Tall and Particularly Beautiful Stand of White Pine Planted at the Time of the First Colonies of the Gaian Union, Supreme Quasiantropomorphic Personfication of a Pause for Thought for Gaians, Founder, Leader and only Member of Gaian Republican Party, Assistant of our Lord and Master Drogue, and Mikromod of the Third Alpha Centraui Democracy Game of cheating in the wager when it became apparent that Kassiopeia of the Spartans was giving multiple titles at a time.

      Kody the Narrator of the Third Alpha Centraui Democracy Game, Senior Consultant on Universe Mechanics of Morgan Industries, Minister in charge of making sure the pins stay in the right spots on the War Map for the Spartans, Joint Peanut publisher for the Data Angels, Senior Nudist Runner Through Trees and Executive Preserve of Rosbuds of the Gaians, Spam Puppy - editor of the Pholus Lunar Newscast, and Janitor of Honghu's Washroom attempted to declare that a difference of no more than one position between among all the factions was allowed and claimed that any other way would be unfair as it would be easy to gain unlimited titles from one faction. He stated that it was clearly against the spirit of the wager to attempt to gain all the positions from a single faction.

      Method the Grand Moff of Pointless Titles, General Error, Chief TKGer, Spartan Secretary of Keeping the DBTSverse Bunnies at Bay, Gumtelfitrickber Minister of the Spartan Federation, President of the Spartan Pacifist Party, Team Spammer of the Data Angels, Morganic Minister of Monocle, Chief Admirer of the Tall and Particularly Beautiful Stand of White Pine Planted at the Time of the First Colonies of the Gaian Union, Supreme Quasiantropomorphic Personfication of a Pause for Thought for Gaians, Founder, Leader and only Member of Gaian Republican Party, Assistant of our Lord and Master Drogue, and Mikromod of the Third Alpha Centraui Democracy Game rudely replied that it was never specified as part of the rules and hence legal.

      Kody then threatened to set his media empire on the task of defaming Method stating "I control the newspapers! Whoever controls the newspapers controls the population". Method calmly replied "I control the newspapers to a greater degree". This sent Kody off on a rant on how it would be unfair to use special powers on the media and it would be undemocratic to control the media in such a way. In reply, Method simply stated he couldn't be bothered reading long posts.

      Skanky quite fed up with Kody and Method using the Spartan communication frequency to argue locked the thread and insinuated it would be better to argue in person as that wouldn't cost the price of exter-planetary communication link.

      In the aftermath Method has shown he has a clear lead over our favourite Pholus Lunar Citizen so the Pholus Lunar Newscast has called for a position embargo on Method to prevent his title growing even longer. This has the added benefit of reducing the number of trees cut down used to produce the documents with his name on them. Thus the new slogan is "Prevent Method from getting a longer title and make forest growth more likely."

      A day in the mods' life
      Communication Transcript...
      HongHu: ...
      Kody: HongHu is lost.
      Method: No she's right here.
      Kody: Yeah but she is lost.
      Method: NO I said she is RIGHT here.
      Kody: What's wrong with you Method? Can't you put down that Hive's Mind Stuff and be less absent minded? Is that how you got us on this moon? Can't you at least do something that is helpful? Why do I have to do all the things myself.
      Method: I AM doing something! I'm collecting titles.
      Kody: I have more titles than you.
      Method: No I have more titles than you.
      Kody: I control the newspapers! Whoever controls the newspapers controls the population.
      Method: I control the newspapers to a greater degree _
      Kody: I'll teach you what a banana can do.
      Method: psh, you're just upset because you're losing
      Kody: Blah blah blah.
      Method: meh. long posts I can never be bothered to read them.
      Drogue: Lets talk about 5 dimensions.
      Kody: Huh?
      Method: Huh?
      HongHu: ...

      Opinion: How do you like your roleplay?
      In this edition the opinion addresses what the citizens of Chiron want for their roleplay. Your opinions are important to us at the Pholus Lunar Outpost, so vote and add your voice to the crowd.
      Vote in Poll
      See Votes

      Statistics: Activity on the Frequencies
      Spartans:    Posts:242 Threads:18
      Gaians: Posts:258 Threads:27
      Morgan: Posts:122 Threads:9
      Data Angels: Posts:271 Threads:17
      CMNs: Posts:176 Threads:9

      In Other News
      • Data Angels decide their turn player with paper, rock and scissors.
      • Data Angels receive encryption upgrades from the CMNs
      • Gaian Newspapers get swamped with with lots of pictures, but no articles
      • The Human Hive expresses concern over leaked reports of multiple invasion plans

      Pholus Lunar Classifieds
      Are you lonely, have something to advertise, or want to sneak a secret message back to base. Pholus Lunar Classifieds is now selling advertising space at only 0.01ECs per character. Click here to place your ad now. Check out interesting messages and items for sale in the next edition.

      Do you have an article you would like to see published in the Pholus Lunar Newscast? Get paid half an EC for your article today, submit here.

      Editor: Spam Puppy of the Pholus Lunar Newscast

      Last edited by Kody; July 1, 2004, 11:00.


      • #4
        oh, that's right, I'm supposed to be gathering useless titles...

        Back in a jiffy!


        • #5
          I don't want no titles. I'm staying a common drone. Stay far away from troubles, that's my goal. I'm still working on it.
          Be good, and if at first you don't succeed, perhaps failure will be back in fashion soon. -- teh Spamski

          Grapefruit Garden


          • #6
            Testing header.

            Top Headlines: Outrage Over Atrocities Commited by the Morganites
            Last edited by Kody; July 1, 2004, 10:58.


            • #7
              A day in the mods' life

              HongHu: ...
              Kody: HongHu is lost.
              Method: No she's right here.
              Kody: Yeah but she is lost.
              Method: NO I said she is RIGHT here.
              Kody: What's wrong with you Method? Can't you put down that Hive's Mind Stuff and be less absent minded? Is that how you got us on this moon? Can't you at least do something that is helpful? Why do I have to do all the things myself.
              Method: I AM doing something! I'm collecting titles.
              Kody: I have more titles than you.
              Method: No I have more titles than you.
              Kody: I control the newspapers! Whoever controls the newspapers controls the population.
              Method: I control the newspapers to a greater degree ¬_¬
              Kody: I'll teach you what a banana can do.
              Method: psh, you're just upset because you're losing
              Kody: Blah blah blah.
              Method: meh. long posts I can never be bothered to read them.
              Drogue: Lets talk about 5 dimensions.
              Kody: Huh?
              Method: Huh?
              HongHu: ...
              Be good, and if at first you don't succeed, perhaps failure will be back in fashion soon. -- teh Spamski

              Grapefruit Garden


              • #8
                Outrage Over Atrocities Commited by the Morganites

                Kody the Narrator of the Third Alpha Centraui Democracy Game, Senior Consultant on Universe Mechanics of Morgan Industries, Minister in charge of making sure the pins stay in the right spots on the War Map for the Spartans, Joint Peanut publisher for the Data Angels, Senior Nudist Runner Through Trees and Executive Preserve of Rosbuds of the Gaians, Spam Puppy - editor of the Pholus Lunar Newscast, and Janitor of Honghu's Washroom expresses outrage over the atrocities committed by the Morganites.

                It has become apparent that the Morgan council is not following their own poll which stated an 80% majority of moving to the apolyton frequency. Instead they persist in using their more obscure frequency. While this acceptable for their factional planning, it is an infringement of the free media protocol that says all roleplay must be on apolyton frequencies. To put an end to this atrocity Kody the Narrator of the Third Alpha Centraui Democracy Game, Senior Consultant on Universe Mechanics of Morgan Industries, Minister in charge of making sure the pins stay in the right spots on the War Map for the Spartans, Joint Peanut publisher for the Data Angels, Senior Nudist Runner Through Trees and Executive Preserve of Rosbuds of the Gaians, Spam Puppy - editor of the Pholus Lunar Newscast, and Janitor of Honghu's Washroom has made opening moves for a hostile take over of MorganLink Magazine who are the driving force behind the violation of media rights.

                In a public news conference today Kody the Narrator of the Third Alpha Centraui Democracy Game, Senior Consultant on Universe Mechanics of Morgan Industries, Minister in charge of making sure the pins stay in the right spots on the War Map for the Spartans, Joint Peanut publisher for the Data Angels, Senior Nudist Runner Through Trees and Executive Preserve of Rosbuds of the Gaians, Spam Puppy - editor of the Pholus Lunar Newscast, and Janitor of Honghu's Washroom has stated that once he has gained control of MorganLink Magazine he will ensure that there will be no further violation of the free media protocol. This was met with unreserved enthusiasm by other factions and members of the CMNs. As Kody the Narrator of the Third Alpha Centraui Democracy Game, Senior Consultant on Universe Mechanics of Morgan Industries, Minister in charge of making sure the pins stay in the right spots on the War Map for the Spartans, Joint Peanut publisher for the Data Angels, Senior Nudist Runner Through Trees and Executive Preserve of Rosbuds of the Gaians, Spam Puppy - editor of the Pholus Lunar Newscast, and Janitor of Honghu's Washroom furthers his monopoly of planetary media it is expected that it will bring new levels of entertainment to the rest of the world. There are whispers that Kody the Narrator of the Third Alpha Centraui Democracy Game, Senior Consultant on Universe Mechanics of Morgan Industries, Minister in charge of making sure the pins stay in the right spots on the War Map for the Spartans, Joint Peanut publisher for the Data Angels, Senior Nudist Runner Through Trees and Executive Preserve of Rosbuds of the Gaians, Spam Puppy - editor of the Pholus Lunar Newscast, and Janitor of Honghu's Washroom has plans to control the population via the media, but he has denied all the accusations saying that he has no interest in influencing the people on Chiron as they can contribute nothing to the Pholus Lunar Outpost.

                Where do you want your newscast to go today?
                Last edited by Kody; June 30, 2004, 21:41.


                • #9
                  Literature Amusement - Life in another dimension

                  How the Glory of War Stole the Peace Deal
                  By the Glory of War

                  Every Stormian
                  Down in Estonia
                  Liked their peace deal a lot...

                  But the Warmongers,
                  Who lived just West of Estonia,
                  Did NOT!

                  The Warmongers hated Peace Deals! The whole peaceful posting!
                  No, they all liked their wars, and War Chickens for Roasting.
                  It could be that their heads weren't screwed on quite right.
                  It could be, perhaps, that their armor was too tight.
                  But I think that the most likely reason to date
                  May have been that their stomachs lacked food on their plate.

                  Whatever the reason,
                  Whether armor or tummy,
                  They went riding for chicken, it looking quite yummy,
                  Staring out from their hills with rumbling belly
                  At the plump clucking War Chickens and Stormian jelly.
                  For they knew that the enemy shared similar vices:
                  Honor, Pride, original herbs and spices.

                  And they've called for a meeting!" Aggie proclaimed with a grin.
                  "Claiming a wish to ally, to help us to win!"
                  Then he growled with a curse mocking this greeting,
                  "I MUST find a poor soul, perhaps two, to attend to this meeting!"
                  For, the meeting, he knew...

                  ...All those attending, Stormians or not
                  Would be stuck in the chatroom. Patiently awaiting to talk.
                  And then! Oh, the Talk! Oh, the Talk! Talk! Talk! Talk!
                  That's one thing he hated! The TALK! TALK! TALK! TALK!

                  Then the Stormians, and Warmongers alike, would sit down to hash.
                  And they'd hash! And they'd hash!
                  And they'd HASH! HASH! HASH! HASH!
                  They would start on the border, and who got the west or the east!
                  A concept that he knew some warmongers would not stand for, at least!

                  And THEN
                  They'd do something most appalling of all!
                  All Stormians present, or active at all
                  Would stand firm in their stance, no sign of bowing.
                  They'd stand so steadfast. "Roleplay must live" they'ld be vowing!

                  They'd vow! And they'd vow!
                  AND they'd VOW! VOW! VOW! VOW!
                  And the more King Aggie thought of the Stormian-Roleplay-Vow.
                  The more that he thought, "Why is this happening now?
                  "Why twas not long ago we gave them a chance or two!
                  I MUST send someone to keep their cool
                  ...But WHO?"

                  Then he got an idea!
                  An awful idea!
                  KING AGGIE
                  GOT A WONDERFUL, AWFUL IDEA!

                  "I know just who to send!" King Aggie grinned making for his PM box.
                  And he made a quick message to Master Zen and to 'dOx.
                  And he chuckled, and clucked, "What a great Warmonger team!
                  "With UnOrthOdOx and Zen, what info we could ream!"

                  "I'll make up the outline..."
                  UnO exclaimed with some pride.
                  Believing in his heart, on organization all would ride.
                  And they sat there for hours....
                  when UnOrthOdOx finally said,
                  "Can we get to a point, I need to get to bed!"
                  For several hours he sat, digesting all that he read
                  Where GS took hours, UnO took five minutes instead.

                  With the chat all finished
                  The proposals wrote up
                  The Warmongers went home
                  And they slapped a vote up.

                  Then Ghengis cried out
                  "I can't live with this junk!
                  Just look over at Roleplay,
                  All Spain smells like skunk!"

                  It was outside of Pamplona, down in some trees
                  GS forces had gathered, responding to Spain's pleas
                  But soon ND forces ran down and slaughtered with ease.
                  "Look down on all those chickens" Old King Aggie spat
                  "They're ripe for the plucking, we can't miss on that."

                  The warmongers flew from the Alamo with glee.
                  And joined in with ND in the mass killing spree.
                  They fought possessed, spurred on with hunger pain,
                  and soon the WarChickens were falling like rain.
                  Donegeal looked over the carnage, he knew what to do.
                  "These Chickens," he grinned, "Will be just great in a stew!"

                  They felt not but respect, as the War Chickens they plucked.
                  GS had fought hard, their choice of allies just sucked!
                  Nuggets! And Stews! Ratatouille! Buffalo Wings!
                  They ate Curry! Marsalla! Dijon! a la King!
                  And they stuffed all their faces. It all tasting quite yummy.
                  And they went to bed that night, each one with a full tummy!

                  And Darekill went out to the forum, with a poem he wrote.
                  He posted it up, not of ND meaning to gloat.
                  But OPD was watching and as quick as a flash.
                  "Why" he replied "do you guys keep posting this trash!"

                  This angered UnOrthOdOx, enough to make his lips quiver.
                  "Oh GS!" He went and shouted, "Go cry me a River!"

                  And GS gathered 'round OPD, perhaps some thought it a sport
                  And soon sides were exchanging each in fiery retort.
                  As the forum errupted for all out there to see!
                  It gained the attention of all, even the one known as NYE.

                  And both sides lobbed volleys by those who were bitter
                  Or perhaps from a few not wanting to be dubbed as a quitter.
                  Asleepatthewheel attempted to get some sanity back,
                  As he called out for peace and to pass the prozac.

                  But, you know, that old UnO was just an ornery old grouch
                  “Removing GS is my quest” he did vouch
                  "I’m tired of them, as they save whereitsat’s life”
                  "It’s even come to a point where they’ve pissed off my wife.”
                  "I made them an offer I felt fair not long ago.”
                  "I wonder if it’s looking better to them yet, or no?"

                  And not many seemed to care for this recent upheaval
                  Nor of UnOrthOdOx or of his portrayal of evil.
                  In the end what they thought he could care less,
                  And only the slightest remorse did he feel for starting this mess!

                  To the game all minds turned
                  The situations to assess.
                  And the Glory of War sought at last to progress.
                  And the fled from the Alamo praying to the RNG for success.

                  And they found forces of GS
                  All camped out on a hill
                  They went into the fight, hoping for more chickens to grill.

                  They enjoyed once again
                  A feast of chickens and jelly

                  And they smiled
                  And they laughed
                  Once again with food in their belly!

                  It was back on the forum...
                  The old bastard spoke
                  MrWhereItsAt, still in hiding
                  and he posted a joke,
                  A plea to “save roleplay! The Pope! And the squid!
                  The stench! And even that woman with beard! Let none forbid!”

                  And there in the forum, the one that is secret,
                  Ennet rode in wearing his allecret.
                  Sounding quite eloquent with his rhymes and his prose.
                  And Donegeal there a suggestion did propose
                  And Ennet went to the public with a fine dissertation
                  And posted it up before every nation
                  Then waited to see whether met with contempt or elation.

                  "Oh brother," grumbled UnO,
                  with a grimace and a growl.
                  ”As soon as they see it all of GS will cry foul.”
                  And he watched and he waited, looking for any reply.
                  That would in some way wrong doing imply...

                  But the replies weren’t mocking!
                  Why, they sounded quite pleasant!
                  It couldn't be so!
                  But it WAS, at least from those present!

                  He stared down at Estonia!
                  Old UnO popped his eyes!
                  Then he shook!
                  What he saw was a shocking surprise!

                  Every Stormian down in Estonia, the short and the grown,
                  at least all of those who made themselves known
                  They didn’t seem to angry it seemed!
                  They laughed!
                  And it appeared that they actually sat down for a draft!

                  And old ‘dOx, with his brows furrowed in a row,
                  Stood puzzling and puzzling: "How could it be so?
                  I don’t see complaints! I don’t see any flames!
                  "They aren’t so much as calling out names!"
                  And he puzzled three hours, `till his puzzler was sore.
                  Then Old UnO thought of his tattered rapport,
                  "Maybe this forum," he thought, "I don’t need to ignore.
                  "Maybe...perhaps...I just got a bit too grumpy before!"

                  From whence would this poem come...?
         GoW they say
                  That UnO’s bottled anger,
                  just seemed to melt right away!
                  And when he saw all the others delight,
                  He locked himself in the private forum to write.
                  Inspired by the likes of WhereItsAt and of Ennet!
                  that he...

                  ...HE HIMSELF...!
                  UnOrthOdOx sat down to pen it!

                  Author: UnOrthOdOx
                  Be good, and if at first you don't succeed, perhaps failure will be back in fashion soon. -- teh Spamski

                  Grapefruit Garden


                  • #10
                    It is a very lovely newspaper. The header is very classy. But the right colomn seems much longer than the left one. Perhaps headlines could be moved to the left.
                    Be good, and if at first you don't succeed, perhaps failure will be back in fashion soon. -- teh Spamski

                    Grapefruit Garden


                    • #11
                      Why the Outrage Over Atrocities Commited by the Morganites needs to be repeated twice? I suppose it is so that people really feels the outrage.

                      And also can I edit the post just to add a blank line after the title A day in the mods' life?
                      Be good, and if at first you don't succeed, perhaps failure will be back in fashion soon. -- teh Spamski

                      Grapefruit Garden


                      • #12
                        This is one of the greatest things I've ever seen on these forums. pretty.


                        • #13

                          Memories of our Homeworld

                          Dried twigs cracked underneath my boots as I made my way through the preserve. This was one of the few places that the mega cities hadn’t expanded into and compared to the noise of the city it was peaceful. I found it very beautiful and counted myself fortunate being one of the few that had a keycard to this place. The smog wasn’t quite as bad here, I supposed the trees filtered out a lot of the sulphur and carbon monoxide in the air.

                          Up ahead a small figure became visible in the reddish light of the afternoon. I knew I would find her here, she always said being in this place helped her think and she often had spoken of her childhood when she used to visit this place.

                          “Honghu”, I asked quietly, reluctant to disturb her. “The last transport is leaving for the Unity within the next 6 hours”.

                          Her back was still turned to me so I couldn’t see her face. For a long moment I listened to my own quiet breaths as I waited for her to reply.

                          “I will be there within 6 hours Kody.”

                          Her voice seemed distant and seemed far older than her actual age. Not scratchy like a crone’s rather timeless as the voice of the ocean that had been murmuring for millions of years. She was still facing away from me so I left without saying another word.


                          I heard his footsteps as he walked away and blinked away some more of my tears.

                          The red glow of the sun filtered through the smog and cast a soft red glow over the dying forest. There used to be birds here a long time ago, but they had most likely died from the bouts of acid rain that came from the factories further to the south. It was beautiful here, but it only served to remind me of what this place once was, when the sun used to cast a yellow glow that lit the dust motes and the trees were green and alive not brown and dying. I stood among ancient ruins still beautiful only because they whispered the grandeur of better days.

                          This world was dying and it felt like my heart was dying with it. The memories of my past were like this forest beautiful and treasured, but fading from this world nonetheless. It was so hard to break away from the past, to remember all the wonderful things and not look back with regret. Earth would always stay in my heart no matter how many light years separated me from it. This place held my roots nothing would change that.

                          I bent over and scooped a handful of dirt into the jar.

                          “And while your children will walk among the stars they will always remember you”, I said to the stillness of the forest.

                          As I walked back to the shuttle the long trunks of pines silently watched my departure. A honor guard that lined the way as walked towards a new world.

                          Still got a few more articles to write and add in that's so that space you see will hopefully be filled up.
                          [*]Honghu Fallen Ill[*]Call for a title Embargo on Method[*]Googlie is Enraged[*]Morgan Industries demands more money[*]Data Angels upgrade their encyrption[*]News on what is happening at Pholous lunar outpost.[*]Private forums statistics[*]Data angels decide their turn player with paper rock and scissors.
                          [*]Quote of the day "Ducks help keep wrinkles away."[*]Put Prologue into first newspaper[*]Poll on roleplaying options
                          Last edited by Kody; June 30, 2004, 21:59.


                          • #14
                            Pholus Lunar Outpost Established

                            The remaining bridge crew of the Unity landed on the nearby Moon of Pholus with a colony pod containing only 20 survivors. Supplies of frozen water have been found and experts believe that the colony is sustainable for several hundred years.

                            Last week the habitation dome was completed and a transmission tower was built to allow the colony to contact various survivors on the ground. Analysis of the communication frequencies has revealed that there has been a serious breakdown in the command structure and the Unity mission has spilt into 7 different factions. Even more disturbing there is talk of war in the air. The Pholus Lunar Outpost has declared strict neutrality in all matters on the planet, and intends to withhold technological and communication frequencies as part of its neutrality policy.

                            Morgan Industries has already threatened a law suit against the Pholus Lunar Outpost for not providing technological assistance according to the free trading agreement subsection 6.3. To pacify them Officer Drogue has reluctantly offered 10ecs to drop the charges and Morgan Industries has accepted.

                            In unfortunate news Captain Buster died last night without regaining consciousness. He was found with gunshot wounds in his cabin and was taken with us to the planet to await medical treatment. He died from his injuries as there was nobody with sufficient medical training to treat him.


                            • #15
                              Quote of the day:

                              I sincerely hope that's a superior nudist, rather than a 'senior' nudist.

                              -- Head CMN Drogue
                              Be good, and if at first you don't succeed, perhaps failure will be back in fashion soon. -- teh Spamski

                              Grapefruit Garden

