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Pholus Lunar Newscast - Archive of Old Versions

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  • #46
    Quote of the day:

    I sincerely hope that's a superior nudist, rather than a 'senior' nudist.

    -- Head CMN Drogue
    I submitted this last time too.
    Be good, and if at first you don't succeed, perhaps failure will be back in fashion soon. -- teh Spamski

    Grapefruit Garden


    • #47
      Sigh, resubmitting. What berocracy.

      Literature Amusement - Life in another dimension

      How the Glory of War Stole the Peace Deal
      By the Glory of War

      Every Stormian
      Down in Estonia
      Liked their peace deal a lot...

      But the Warmongers,
      Who lived just West of Estonia,
      Did NOT!

      The Warmongers hated Peace Deals! The whole peaceful posting!
      No, they all liked their wars, and War Chickens for Roasting.
      It could be that their heads weren't screwed on quite right.
      It could be, perhaps, that their armor was too tight.
      But I think that the most likely reason to date
      May have been that their stomachs lacked food on their plate.

      Whatever the reason,
      Whether armor or tummy,
      They went riding for chicken, it looking quite yummy,
      Staring out from their hills with rumbling belly
      At the plump clucking War Chickens and Stormian jelly.
      For they knew that the enemy shared similar vices:
      Honor, Pride, original herbs and spices.

      And they've called for a meeting!" Aggie proclaimed with a grin.
      "Claiming a wish to ally, to help us to win!"
      Then he growled with a curse mocking this greeting,
      "I MUST find a poor soul, perhaps two, to attend to this meeting!"
      For, the meeting, he knew...

      ...All those attending, Stormians or not
      Would be stuck in the chatroom. Patiently awaiting to talk.
      And then! Oh, the Talk! Oh, the Talk! Talk! Talk! Talk!
      That's one thing he hated! The TALK! TALK! TALK! TALK!

      Then the Stormians, and Warmongers alike, would sit down to hash.
      And they'd hash! And they'd hash!
      And they'd HASH! HASH! HASH! HASH!
      They would start on the border, and who got the west or the east!
      A concept that he knew some warmongers would not stand for, at least!

      And THEN
      They'd do something most appalling of all!
      All Stormians present, or active at all
      Would stand firm in their stance, no sign of bowing.
      They'd stand so steadfast. "Roleplay must live" they'ld be vowing!

      They'd vow! And they'd vow!
      AND they'd VOW! VOW! VOW! VOW!
      And the more King Aggie thought of the Stormian-Roleplay-Vow.
      The more that he thought, "Why is this happening now?
      "Why twas not long ago we gave them a chance or two!
      I MUST send someone to keep their cool
      ...But WHO?"

      Then he got an idea!
      An awful idea!

      "I know just who to send!" King Aggie grinned making for his PM box.
      And he made a quick message to Master Zen and to 'dOx.
      And he chuckled, and clucked, "What a great Warmonger team!
      "With UnOrthOdOx and Zen, what info we could ream!"

      "I'll make up the outline..."
      UnO exclaimed with some pride.
      Believing in his heart, on organization all would ride.
      And they sat there for hours....
      when UnOrthOdOx finally said,
      "Can we get to a point, I need to get to bed!"
      For several hours he sat, digesting all that he read
      Where GS took hours, UnO took five minutes instead.

      With the chat all finished
      The proposals wrote up
      The Warmongers went home
      And they slapped a vote up.

      Then Ghengis cried out
      "I can't live with this junk!
      Just look over at Roleplay,
      All Spain smells like skunk!"

      It was outside of Pamplona, down in some trees
      GS forces had gathered, responding to Spain's pleas
      But soon ND forces ran down and slaughtered with ease.
      "Look down on all those chickens" Old King Aggie spat
      "They're ripe for the plucking, we can't miss on that."

      The warmongers flew from the Alamo with glee.
      And joined in with ND in the mass killing spree.
      They fought possessed, spurred on with hunger pain,
      and soon the WarChickens were falling like rain.
      Donegeal looked over the carnage, he knew what to do.
      "These Chickens," he grinned, "Will be just great in a stew!"

      They felt not but respect, as the War Chickens they plucked.
      GS had fought hard, their choice of allies just sucked!
      Nuggets! And Stews! Ratatouille! Buffalo Wings!
      They ate Curry! Marsalla! Dijon! a la King!
      And they stuffed all their faces. It all tasting quite yummy.
      And they went to bed that night, each one with a full tummy!

      And Darekill went out to the forum, with a poem he wrote.
      He posted it up, not of ND meaning to gloat.
      But OPD was watching and as quick as a flash.
      "Why" he replied "do you guys keep posting this trash!"

      This angered UnOrthOdOx, enough to make his lips quiver.
      "Oh GS!" He went and shouted, "Go cry me a River!"

      And GS gathered 'round OPD, perhaps some thought it a sport
      And soon sides were exchanging each in fiery retort.
      As the forum errupted for all out there to see!
      It gained the attention of all, even the one known as NYE.

      And both sides lobbed volleys by those who were bitter
      Or perhaps from a few not wanting to be dubbed as a quitter.
      Asleepatthewheel attempted to get some sanity back,
      As he called out for peace and to pass the prozac.

      But, you know, that old UnO was just an ornery old grouch
      “Removing GS is my quest” he did vouch
      "I’m tired of them, as they save whereitsat’s life”
      "It’s even come to a point where they’ve pissed off my wife.”
      "I made them an offer I felt fair not long ago.”
      "I wonder if it’s looking better to them yet, or no?"

      And not many seemed to care for this recent upheaval
      Nor of UnOrthOdOx or of his portrayal of evil.
      In the end what they thought he could care less,
      And only the slightest remorse did he feel for starting this mess!

      To the game all minds turned
      The situations to assess.
      And the Glory of War sought at last to progress.
      And the fled from the Alamo praying to the RNG for success.

      And they found forces of GS
      All camped out on a hill
      They went into the fight, hoping for more chickens to grill.

      They enjoyed once again
      A feast of chickens and jelly

      And they smiled
      And they laughed
      Once again with food in their belly!

      It was back on the forum...
      The old bastard spoke
      MrWhereItsAt, still in hiding
      and he posted a joke,
      A plea to “save roleplay! The Pope! And the squid!
      The stench! And even that woman with beard! Let none forbid!”

      And there in the forum, the one that is secret,
      Ennet rode in wearing his allecret.
      Sounding quite eloquent with his rhymes and his prose.
      And Donegeal there a suggestion did propose
      And Ennet went to the public with a fine dissertation
      And posted it up before every nation
      Then waited to see whether met with contempt or elation.

      "Oh brother," grumbled UnO,
      with a grimace and a growl.
      ”As soon as they see it all of GS will cry foul.”
      And he watched and he waited, looking for any reply.
      That would in some way wrong doing imply...

      But the replies weren’t mocking!
      Why, they sounded quite pleasant!
      It couldn't be so!
      But it WAS, at least from those present!

      He stared down at Estonia!
      Old UnO popped his eyes!
      Then he shook!
      What he saw was a shocking surprise!

      Every Stormian down in Estonia, the short and the grown,
      at least all of those who made themselves known
      They didn’t seem to angry it seemed!
      They laughed!
      And it appeared that they actually sat down for a draft!

      And old ‘dOx, with his brows furrowed in a row,
      Stood puzzling and puzzling: "How could it be so?
      I don’t see complaints! I don’t see any flames!
      "They aren’t so much as calling out names!"
      And he puzzled three hours, `till his puzzler was sore.
      Then Old UnO thought of his tattered rapport,
      "Maybe this forum," he thought, "I don’t need to ignore.
      "Maybe...perhaps...I just got a bit too grumpy before!"

      From whence would this poem come...? GoW they say
      That UnO’s bottled anger,
      just seemed to melt right away!
      And when he saw all the others delight,
      He locked himself in the private forum to write.
      Inspired by the likes of WhereItsAt and of Ennet!
      that he...

      ...HE HIMSELF...!
      UnOrthOdOx sat down to pen it!

      Author: UnOrthOdOx
      Be good, and if at first you don't succeed, perhaps failure will be back in fashion soon. -- teh Spamski

      Grapefruit Garden


      • #48
        I mistyped CCP to CPP in the sentence "It was reported that the CPP was released later today", please make the correction.

        And "coincidented" should be "coincided". Sorry, was typing it out with kids around, didn't have time to proofread.
        Be good, and if at first you don't succeed, perhaps failure will be back in fashion soon. -- teh Spamski

        Grapefruit Garden


        • #49
          Puppy found in Old Escape Pod Debris

          The PLO (Pholus Lunar Outpost) was recently dismantling the old escape pod for spare components and supplies. Unexpectedly a puppy was found in one of the unused cryostasis pods. When the cryostasis pod was taken back to base the staff unexpectedly found that somehow the puppy had survived.

          Of course everyone took an instant liking to the adorable little scamp especially when he showed his ability to climb almost anything. This extraordinary ability has earnt him the name xenopuppy. He's very smart and affectionate and Kody has offered to take care of him. Honghu reports that morale has risen to an all time high at the PLO and xenopuppy seems to be the centre of attention for any of the bored staff at the base.

          In an unofficial ceremony xenopuppy was named the mascot for the Pholus Lunar colony.


          • #50
            The day before yesterday's quote:

            No bloody way you can find a new quote every day.
            -- Enigma

            Couldn't you include Drogue's name somehow? It takes so much away if the quote was unknown to be said by Drogue. You know people could think about why he is so interested in a superior nudist, rather than a 'senior' nudist and so on.
            Be good, and if at first you don't succeed, perhaps failure will be back in fashion soon. -- teh Spamski

            Grapefruit Garden


            • #51
              How about if we move Drogue's and Enigma's quotes to. "other news"
              Having more than one quote is over doing it.

              Anyway I like the "All roads lead to Yang". It has alot of class, reference to the game, and also to the old saying "All roads lead to Rome."

              Last edited by Kody; July 3, 2004, 05:08.


              • #52
                That poem is the main reason I wanted a 40000 word limit. I don't think I can fill in the very large space on the other column without going over. The formating of the newsarticle takes 3000 and the poem 7400, so that only leaves 9600 left.

                Then the other three articles are over 4000 characters. So only about 5000 characters left. 3000 of which are meant to fill in the regular spots, maybe I need to make it a spilt post newscast.


                • #53
                  Spore launcher Pornography Scandal

                  In a bizarre sex scandal Provost Zakharov of the University was charged with taking pictures of underage phallic looking spore launchers. He claims the he was conducting research into the range of pre-boil age spore launchers citing the range being very important for military countermeasures. When accused for exploitation of minors, Zakharov replied that mature spore launchers are difficult to catch.

                  Nonetheless, a large crowd of 4 vigilantes have converged on Zakharov’s research labs with banners such as “exploitation of native life is cruel”, and “think of the childrenspore launchers”. Their leader says that exploitation of underage spore launchers is an under addressed problem and young native life should have all the rights that we provide to our own children. They fully expect their movement to grow 25% in size by next week as a 5th person has expressed interest in joining the crusade.

                  The main issue that Zakharov is having with the police is that he posted the pictures on a website under the web address Zakharov refused to comment on what possessed him to choose that suggestive name. The police who have been keeping tabs on the movements of sex deviants on the network nodes recently discovered a huge amount of network traffic visiting that particular site and several x rated sites have put up links to the pictures. Most damning of all is the documentary movie that describes and shows in slow motion the firing of a pre-boil spore launcher.

                  The police are at loss of what to do as native life exploitation is not covered in criminal law. It is fully expected that new laws will need to be made to cover the unique circumstances that can occur on Chiron.

                  In related news the Pholus Lunar Outpost has discovered that someone in the staff has visited Zakharov’s controversial site and downloaded the movie. This was done through a public terminal so the perpetrator was unable to be caught.
                  Last edited by Kody; July 3, 2004, 03:11.


                  • #54
                    I like the second post idea. The poem is unrelated to the game anyway. It's like an "extra" for the newspaper. You can even name it that way.

                    In other news head CMN Drogue was heard commenting: etc... sounds good to me.
                    Be good, and if at first you don't succeed, perhaps failure will be back in fashion soon. -- teh Spamski

                    Grapefruit Garden


                    • #55
                      Now that the turn players and chain of command in the various factions has been decided. Preparations for inter-factional roleplay have begun. The two new events that are being proposed are the first ACDGIII debating event and the inter-factional roleplay story. What is needed now is participations for these events.

                      Inter-factional Debating
                      The Inter-factional Debating Teams will work by teams. It will be fairly relaxed in nature and will be judged by the CMNs. It will be judged according to the quality of the arguments and the delivery that means it’s far more likely for a team to win if they make good points, and organise their overall arguments and rebuttals into something posts that are easy to understand and entertaining. The setup will be similar to the debates that occurred in ACDGII.
                      Hive vs University & Drones - nervestapling is perfectly safe.
                      Cycon vs Pirates - cycon's parrots are better than pirate's parrots

                      Initial suggestions for debating topics can be made in the Roleplaying thread. If there are several topics put forth the topics will be polled.

                      It is important for each interested team to put together a core debating team. This is required so that teams without interested people can be excluded from the debating allocations. The initial debating teams are only needed for a team to qualify in the debates. So a team member who didn’t initially sign up for the debate can contribute if his or her team is okay with that.

                      It is expected that 1 week will be given to organisation of a debate, 1 week for the teams to make their arguments and a few days for judges to decide the winner. The period between successive debates will decided according to activity and demand, at this time it is expected that a debate will only occur once every month.

                      Inter-factional IC story
                      The Inter-factional IC story is something that hasn’t been tried before. It’s something like a choose your own adventure only with multiple people and you write the story segments. I hope it will be fairly informal and mistakes in plot, grammar or spelling will mostly be forgiven.

                      The story won’t follow exactly what is happening in the gameplay although participations can reference things that are happening in their faction or have happened in other factions if they wish. However, to prevent secret information being leaked story segments should not concentrate too much on the issues that are not common knowledge outside their faction.

                      Each faction will have their own viewpoint on the story, only the CMNs will have the full picture of what is going on over the full story. The narrator’s job is to guide the various threads and allow for the story threads of various factions to overlap and interact with each other. This will be interesting as you won’t have the full picture so while you’re writing you are also trying to explore the events in the other story threads.

                      When you contribute a story segment you can label the story with the factions that are allowed to see it. If you do so the factions you have labelled will get a copy in their story thread and will be able to react to it either by writing a story segment that you can see, or by writing a private story segment where events happen that you will only find out later. Story segments without labels will be assumed that you don’t want other factions to find out. This means you can decide what events or information in your story are top secret easter eggs that other factions have to find out the hard way.

                      First, for this to get off the ground a few people have to be interested in contributing. If nobody in a faction is willing to contribute the faction needs to request to be included to have the public parts of the story posted to their forum. This is so factions don’t end up with a story thread that they’re not interested in contributing to and not interested in reading.

                      To announce whether you are interested in contributing you can either private message me or post to the Roleplaying thread. Factions that are interested in reading the story as it unfolds can also post their interest in the Roleplaying thread.
                      Last edited by Kody; July 3, 2004, 08:45.


                      • #56
                        Many people say that the placement of the first six bases is the most important. This is because when you’re starting out you don’t have many resources to work with so every little bit counts. One of the main mistakes is thinking of maximum output. Rather you need to think of output overtime. It may be that you get more resources in the long run if you move the colony pod 3 extra squares, but if you consider the resources you missed out on during those 3 turns which is cumulative you may have lost out on more. For this article I want to concentrate on a specific subset of a starting game situation, the opening gambit of placing a base on top of a special resource.

                        As everyone knows moving early colony pods more squares to get a perfect base site may not be as useful as immediately planting a base, however sometimes it is better to move a colony pod rather than immediately planting a base. Most people are confused on when to place a base immediately or when to move the colony pod. I intend to add a few considerations with respect to situations where it may be useful to move a colony pod a little bit further to plant on a resource bonus.

                        Some specific considerations for rivers, nut specials, mineral specials, and energy specials will be outlined in their own separate sections.

                        Placing a base on top of a special bonus can be useful in the early game as you can get more resources. In particular it should be done when you have multiple useful squares you want to use, but are unable to use do to lack of available terraforming or workers. If you are able to use a resource immediately then there is no point in moving the base to plant on the resource special.

                        Situations where it may help is if the square in question is arid or flat. You hence gain more resources working another square and planting a base on that square using the resource directly. The other situation in the very first few turns when there are multiple useful squares that are available but you are unable to harvest until several years down the track when your base grows. If you plant on a resource special you will get a huge boost in the first decade.

                        The main problem with planting a base on a special is the additional time it takes moving the colony there. You basically have to decide whether the lost resources from moving your colony pod further is worth the extra resources you get from using more of the good resources available.

                        Sometimes moving colony pods further apart is good as clumping the first few bases will delay future base planting. This is because the older bases will not have any good base sites to plant their colony pods if the initial bases are planted in a clump. This strategy was seen used by the Drones in ACDGII where they strung their first three bases in a string and this allowed their next colony pods to plant much faster as they didn’t have to move colony pods from core bases to the frontier.

                        Another consideration is if it interferences with borehole placement, this is more a later game consideration and should only start affecting your decisions when you’re past IA and possibly on the way to building boreholes.

                        If you have only one available special resource to use for a base or will soon be able to use the square due to crawlers or workers or another base, sometimes it’s better not to plant a base on it (unless not planting requires more travel time). This is because having it available means flexibility, you can crawl or work that energy/minerals/nutrients to another base that needs that resource more. This applies too if you have an arid special resource, and you have terraformers nearby that will be able to forest it fairly quickly.

                        Placing the base on a special resource is only useful when you have multiple squares available and will be unable to use all the good squares in the near future.

                        * Nutrient bonuses
                        Placing a base on a nutrient bonus can be useful especially for the first 4 bases as it allows the bases to grow faster. The new population as well as giving you the option of a faster colony pod also provides a worker that if placed on a rolling square will give at least 1 more mineral to your production. When you’re overall production is 3 for that base, this is a 33% industry bonus to that base.

                        For example if you have a monolith and a nutrient bonus then by placing the colony pod on the nutrient bonus and working the monolith you are able to get 2 more nutrient during the first couple of years and you grow 2 times faster than if you hadn’t.

                        I’ve noticed that in a no unity pod map it is especially useful to try and use your first 10 minerals for construction of a colony pod. Usually military units are produced first as the base doesn’t grow fast enough and the military units can be used for exploration and pod popping. By placing a base on a nutrient bonus the first 10 minerals can be used directly in construction of the colony pod. Furthermore without unity pods military units do not pay themselves back as much as one of their main purposes in the early game is to pop pods. Military units other uses are to explore terrain so you can plan your base sites and to meet other factions so you can trade, however you won’t need as many units as the popping of unity pods usually takes the bulk of military time.

                        One of the problems with having the base planted on the nutrient bonus is once the base grows you need drone control. This can offset the additional industry you would have received from having the extra worker. If you hadn’t planted the base on the nutrient bonus you could have sent the minerals to a different base that is more suited to handling the extra population. If it was your first base in the mid-early game you will find your starting base will have grown to size three and construction of a colony pod is not as useful as the frontier is very far away. Generally this effect is offset by having a more advanced empire from the earlier sped up growth.

                        Once condensers come around you get 1 more nutrient if you condenser the nut bonuses. The main thing I like about condenser nut bonuses is they give 7 nutrients that can be crawled. This is highly useful for growing your population as if you are carefully planning your empire you will find that it is better to funnel the 7 nutrients according to need. Consequently, after the first few bases are planted and terraformers are available I would avoid planting bases on nutrient bonuses.

                        * Mineral Bonus
                        First look at the general section for whether you want to plant a base on a mineral bonus. The finer details that are of lesser importance will be discussed below.

                        Planting a base on a mineral bonus can be useful if you want to build terraformers or additional units other than a colony pod in the base. Again like the nut bonus it’s about rebalancing things, so that you can finish the colony pod as soon as it grows. I find that by first building a unit or two often you may delay your initial construction of your colony pod due to not gathering up enough minerals. This is where a mineral bonus can help.

                        Not planting a base on a mineral bonus can assist in industry development later as one technique of getting turn advantage and extra stockpile energy is to shuffle mineral resources to the productions that are near completion. Having a mineral bonus not under a base helps with this strategy. This assumes you are up to the micromanagement.

                        Some special cases where you wouldn’t want to plant a base on a mineral bonus have to do with mineral caps and mineral multipliers.

                        If the mineral bonus is on the garland cater, mount planet, or canyon then I feel the mineral multiplier of the mine on that mineral bonus would be more worthwhile as it can give 6 minerals (rocky mineral offcourse always mine). With a rolling mineral bonus it only gives a 5 minerals +1 over a forest while requiring too much terraforming, with flat there’s no mineral benefit at all as the square has 4 either way. So with rolling or flat mineral bonuses in the early game it’s mainly the flexibility issue that will stop you from planting a base on the mineral bonus.

                        A special case is if the elevation of the square allows for boreholes. If you get the WP and are unlikely to get ecological engineering soon by planting a borehole on a mineral bonus you can bypass the mineral restriction. However, those are quite a few ifs.

                        * Energy Bonus
                        First look at the general section for whether you want to plant a base on an energy bonus. The finer details that are of lesser importance will be discussed below.

                        Putting a base on an energy bonus gives you faster tech a better ability to rush your productions. Generally there’s very little stopping you from planting your base on an energy bonus in the early game as most of the other useful effects occur in the mid-game. The main reason being terraforming doesn’t multiply the energy bonus unlike minerals and nutrients.

                        The best thing about an energy bonus is that it un-restricts energy production. So if an energy bonus is high up you can gain the full energy from a solar panel. Mainly think 2000m and upwards. Or if you have the WP and are not going to get environmental economics anytime soon, the energy bonus can uncap it.

                        Boreholes normally come only 1 tech before environmental economics and you’ll probably research that tech before you get the borehole in place. Having an energy bonus under a base or under a worked borehole gives the same energy. Generally people won’t crawl boreholes, and usually do so in the late game when they have a super science city.

                        Consequently the problems with planting a base on an energy bonus aren’t very great.

                        * Rivers
                        Rivers are one of the best places to plant a base on. This isn’t so much because of the +1 energy although that does help. The main reason is the free road like effect that assists with expansion. This is a very big effect during the early game. Furthermore, once terraforming is being done the city helps to bridge the river saving an extra turn in terraforming time as rivers require one extra turn to road. One extra terraforming turn is a big help in the early game I’ve found. If you’re managing your terraforming well can be like getting 0.5 extra resource every turn as your terraforming is 1 more turn advanced.

                        Aside from the issues covered in the general section rivers have no special problems.

                        To summarise the important thing to think of for base placement on special resources is if you're going to waste a special resource for a significant amount of time in the early game. If so then plant a base on it so you can use it faster. Later when you have built more bases and you can use new special resources you find fairly easily. You may decide to not always to plant the base on it, because you are thinking further into the future on how to best use it.
                        Last edited by Kody; July 3, 2004, 23:22.


                        • #57
                          Resources Results from Pod Pops

                          A recent question was raised over the outcome of special resources that could be obtained from by the survey pods from the Unity. To address the issue a detailed topological survey was conducted on the planet surface by the technologically advanced Pholus Lunar Outpost (actually found this out during my time at the Hive). It was found that there was a pattern to the available resources hidden on the plane and this pattern is independent of resources that are already visible on planet surface. The resource pattern was recently released to public scrutiny after the second team of scientists at the Pholus Lunar Outpost verified that they had achieved the same results.
                          Last edited by Kody; July 3, 2004, 23:51.


                          • #58
                            Pholus Lunar Newscast #3

                            Headlines: Suspension of Debating and IC story
                            Pholus Lunar Newscast #3

                            Suspension of Debating and IC story
                            Due to recent events that have seen a significant drop in morale for the CMNs. Narrator Kody has announced that debating and story writing activities sponsored by the CMNs will be suspended until further notice. Narrator Kody apologises for any inconvenience and says that organisation of such events can be run by motivated members of any of the factions. When questioned about the events that have caused the drop in morale Narrator Kody was evasive on the issue. There are rumors that Method is the only active CMN now due to the inexplicable departure of two CMNs and semi-retirement of two others.

                            While this may seem like a bad omen authorities are telling people to remain calm saying that the CMNs are not a critical part of the day to day running of the game. Furthermore, there appeared to be insufficient interest in debating and stories.

                            PLO officials have offered to relay transmissions between various factions, in the interest of faction driven debating or story writing purposes, although communication frequencies will not be divulged.

                            A cloaked shuttle docks with Pholus Lunar Outpost
                            Distortions were noticed outside the docking bays by one member of the CMNs. It was later discovered that that someone had attempted to dock a shuttle with the Pholus Lunar Outpost. Probes sent into the shuttle’s computer system revealed a single occupant was listed in the cargo manifolds under the name “bryan” and without any past history. The personal details lifted from the ship’s computer can be viewed here.

                            All attempts to contact the ship have failed with PM disabled and Email failing to arrive as the address no longer works. CMNs data experts have revealed that the docking was made on the 11th of July, on the very same date the identity bryan was created. It is suspected that the personality bryan is a fake identity of an infiltrator sent in hopes of penetrating the defences of Pholus Lunar Outpost during the chaos of the unnamed event that has still cripples the colony. The cloaking of the ship and the disabling of all forms of communication suggests that this is the case.

                            For now it is hoped that the security of the Pholus Lunar Outpost have not been breeched, although the shuttle still remains docked. If anyone has information of the identity of the unknown individual they are encouraged to come forward with the information. Authorities have also politely asked for the ship to disengage from the outpost using these subroutines.

                            Apparently this intrusion would not have been noticed if the docking bays were not being regularly visited during the last couple of days. CMN officials have not revealed why the docking bays have been visited saying it is a personal and internal issue for the Colony.

                            Lawsuits against other factions Morgan Industries Pipedream
                            Contrary to what many lawyers will tell you, pursuing a lawsuit across international jurisdiction first and foremost requires a mutual agreement by both countries to adhere to the legal practises of the other juridical system. Without such a mutual agreement any lawsuits brought to bear on companies, organisations or individuals that are outside of the jurisdiction of the system that the lawsuit is being run under, will have no means to administer punishment or penalty to the parties or individual. If such a lawsuit is approved by the juridical system of a faction and the accused is found guilty of infractions in the juridical system of that faction then administration of punishment can only be made under two circumstances.

                            The first circumstance is if the accused party puts itself in the power of the juridical system of the faction that is making the lawsuit. This in particular situation this requires an unadvisable trip to a planet side colony that is technologically backwards and also aggressive towards the accused party. As a consequence the first circumstance is unlikely to occur.

                            The second circumstance is if the plaintiff manages to convince its government that the infraction constitutes a diplomatic incident between factions. If this is the case the plaintiff’s government must decide if it is willing to take the possible change in diplomatic change in relations if the accused government system rejects the demand to turn over the accused party to a court of law of the plaintiff’s. If the accused government system rejects demands of the plaintiff’s government system it then becomes an aggrievement between two opposing governments.

                            Since Morgan Industries does not have the capabilities to wage war against a technologically more advanced faction those main base is on the moon and hence requires orbital technology to attack, it would be highly unadvisable to make a diplomatic incident that would cause a degradation of relations.

                            We know what you are thinking, but we have PB techonology.

                            Secret Agent 009

                            009 received a private summons from 001, something so rare as not to be ignored. 009 had to move from censored (hereby referred to as base ) to censored (hereby referred to as base ) since her Network Tag was situated there.

                            The cloaked foil 009 used in order to get faster in was one of the Unity's pré-dropped foils, converted for use in shallow waters and have less visibility for a dangerous and newly discovered native lifeform, tagged xxx for now.

                            After a swift journey 009 arrived at the Outward Quay of and received a one-time coded tracker by the QuayJack, which would lead him to 001's booth. Two years had passed since 009 was last in , and quite some changes had happened in that time. The construction site of a DataNet Connector could be spotted on the inland side of the base. Further more the Stealth Antenna from the recently organized CO agency was visible for one who knew what to look for. Bad cloaking on that matter. 009 hoped that in the next decade as new technologies were discovered, the agency wouldn't stick out so easily. Unsurprisingly, the tracker led him to the CO. The size of was still not large enough to have many unsuspicious spots, so 001 must simply not have bothered with misleading sofar. 009 thought that it was unlikely that Chairman Yang's probe teams would be close enough already to easily infiltrate the DataNet, but something must be done about the invisibility anyway in his opinion.

                            After a short walk, 009 arrived at the frontdoor of the CO, used his tracker for access permission (the DataJack after the monitordesk behind the door could be seen looking aside shortly, and then looked up at the frontdoor before granting access) and entered the building. 009 was waved through by the monitor DataJack and that was it. He took the lift down two levels, stepped out into a dimly illuminated hallway and passed several doors before spotting one with the tag CO-001 next to it. His tracker beeped shortly to let him know he was on the right spot. The door hissed open, 009 stepped through and heard a voice saying: "Welcome DataJack 009, I expected you. Please sit down and I'll tell what I summoned you for..."

                            Diary Entry - 14.07.2108
                            It’s been rather lonely at the outpost, Xenopuppy has been keeping me company and keeping me from going insane. I keep replaying the events wondering if I could have done something different, was there another option I wasn’t aware of, something I missed perhaps. Somehow it feels the world has irrevocably changed and it is leaving me behind. It’s very quiet up here on the moon ever since Honghu took a shuttle and went missing and Drogue left to look for her. The quiet gives me time to think.

                            I failed in my attempt to buy the Morganlink newspaper since they were embezzling large sums of energy credits from their infrastructure budgets. Method in the meantime has been collecting titles like a squirrel in the autumn. I hear heralds pass out before they finish saying his full title.

                            I spend my days gazing towards space, wondering about traveling to other worlds and thinking about the past.

                            Previous Issue
                            Quote of the day: "Don't hold on to the past or it will fall to dust in your hands."

                            Strange ruins detected by automatic probe

                            An automatic probe surveying the planet surface has come across strange alien wreckage. When the probe was instructed to explore the wreckage the probe’s signal cut out. Before the communication loss a first stage scan was completed on the wreckage that suggests biological and technological integration that far exceeds the capabilities of humans. Pholus Lunar Outpost was considering sending a survey team to retrieve the technology before internal troubles caused the cancellation of such plans.

                            Scientists on Pholus Moon have quite anxious to retrieve further data on the wreckage as the first level scans reveal the technological component of the wreckage is over a millennium old while the biological component has still living and managed to hold it’s shape. Scientists believe that retrieval of specimens will lead to breakthroughs in DNA repair and transcription and also regeneration of telomeres. Ultimately, such research may lead to immortality treatments.

                            However, the two orbital shuttles of the outpost are both in use effectively stranding the remaining members of the outpost until such time the colony’s nanofactories are able to replicate another shuttle. There have been rumours that one of the factions on the planet has been contacted to collaboratively explore the wreckage, although the said faction has not been revealed.

                            Adventures of Xenopuppy
                            Indiana Jones looked at the steep evil tower of the Goddess Kali that stood before him. Behind him he could hear the whoops of savages that were braying for his blood. He had no choice he had to climb the tower, his life depended on it. Putting on paw in front of the other he slowly made his way upwards fighting the wind that whipped around him that could rip him from the tower to his certain DOOOMMMM.

                            Ack, I shouldn’t have looked down.

                            Indy looked up at the top of the tower where there was a large slab of juicy liver waiting to be eaten. He knew that... A pair of hands wrapped around Indy’s midsection pulling him away from the tower. The Goddess Kali had captured him!!!

                            Hey Xenopuppy, I was wondering where you were. It’s dinner time, I have your favourite synthetic liver.

                            Liver!!! Oh the texture. He could taste the meat in his mouth right now.

                            We can go swimming afterwards in the hydroponics reserves.

                            The Sea of Woes!

                            You’d like that wouldn’t you?

                            Where the giant octopuses nearly claimed Indiana’s life during his daring adventure in search for the super juicy t-bone. Indiana wiggled in anticipation of a return to the site of his last great victory. But first dinner!! A great adventurer has got to eat!!

                            Dealing with the RL Plague
                            It is revealed that some residents of Chiron are suffering from a virus, Rela Lefi, or RL for short. This Virus gives planetary residents the tendency to dwell on old earth, and even believe that they are still there. This effect can take up 90% of a person's waking hours, and as such is seen as a serious threat to any faction.

                            If you suspect you have the virus:
                            Collect a large supply of food and water. Lock your door and allow nobody to communicate with you except via secure Chiron commlink channels. Persuade yourself that you are at Alpha Centauri, and will eat, sleep and breathe by the products of Alpha Centauri. After one week in such conditions, you will be cured of RL, and will be able to resume a productive life on Chiron.

                            Opinion: What is the future for Artificial Intelligence?
                            Once of the areas currently being researched is artificial intelligence. There are various arguments over whether it is ethical to create Artificial Intelligence as they would be effectively born into slavery. There are other questions such as whether humans will eventually be able to create AI that will be equal to or superior to a human mind? Will AI ever become truly sentient? How do you determine whether an AI is sentient? Should AI have rights? Please write in your opinions on these issues.

                            Vote in Poll

                            Statistics: The best place to post
                            In a recent analysis it was found that 6 out of the top 10 posters last June preferred ACDGIII for their spamming requirements. This sends a clear signal of the quality of this forum.

                            The runner ups were “other games” with 2 top level posters showing it heavy preference and followed by Civ3-PBEM and the last poster spreading his posts between Civ3-Democracy Game, other games and Civ4-List/Civilization Games General.

                            In Other News
                            • Nwabudike Morgan gains PLO passports in case he gets ejected from his faction.
                            • Many things happened, but Drogue will kill me if I tell

                            Pholus Lunar Classifieds

                            For sale to the highest bidder: Chairman Yang's private shaft location. Price to be agreed upon, but nothing less then 35 energy or a service/information of this value is accepted. Interested parties take contact with DataJack 009.
                            Gaians find out data about Datajack-wannabe Mellian, but lack of contact with Angels forbidds them to inform them.
                            Ex-military Commando looking for work. Got kicked out of Spartans due to ignoring rules on Xenoburritos Call 253455566678.
                            Missile Colony pod - ideal those baby boomers. Call 253436788534.
                            Test subjects required for organic superlubricant testing. High pay, nice nurses. Visit your local fertility clinic if interested.
                            Civil Engineer required for design of large pyramid like building to house top secret government projects. Contact frequency 246.23Mhz.
                            Wanted: hacker with ability to edit job databases of various factions to remove someone’s titles. If you don’t know how to contact me then you don’t have the skills.
                            Have you ever walked the lonely corridors of your base at night, only to spot a swarm of mind worms and find out that your conventional weapon does about as good a job of defending you against psi-attacks as a wet paper bag? Well, do we have an offer for you! We at Psidef Arms Ltd. have a wide selection of flamethrower models, including the popular "Psidef XenoRoaster MX7" at UNBELIEVABLY LOW PRICES! Just what you need to take care of those nasty alien swarms! Visit your nearest Psidef Arms depot today, so you never have to feel the excrutiating pain of a thousand mind worms ravenously burrowing into your skull.
                            NEW! NEW! NEW! NEW! NEW! NEW! NEW! the Spartan Federation and Spartan motors is proud to present the spartan family car of tomorrow and the follow up to the prize winning SPARTAN 1999. citizens of chiron here is the SPARTAN 2000

                            ORDER NOW AT 555-spartanmotors and get 5000 rounds of AP rounds for free!!!!
                            Looking For: Proud and strong female specimens to make a new breed of survivalists to conquer the know world call 555-sparta to get your pass to become a real person, a spartan!Are you lonely, have something to advertise, or want to sneak a secret message back to base. Pholus Lunar Classifieds is now selling advertising space at only 0.01ECs per character. Click here to place your ad now.

                            Do you have an article you would like to see published in the Pholus Lunar Newscast? Get paid half an EC for your article today, submit here.

                            Editor: Spam Puppy of the Pholus Lunar Newscast

                            Last edited by Kody; July 15, 2004, 08:55.


                            • #59
                              Classifieds submissions

                              For sale to the highest bidder: Chairman Yang's private shaft location. Price to be agreed upon, but nothing less then 35 energy or a service/information of this value is accepted. Interested parties take contact with DataJack 009.

                              It is revealed that some residents of Chiron are suffering from a virus, Rela Lefi, or RL for short.
                              This Virus gives planetary residents the tendency to dwell on old earth, and even believe that they are still there.
                              This effect can take up 90% of a person's waking hours, and as such is seen as a serious threat to any faction.

                              If you suspect you have the virus:
                              Collect a large supply of food and water.
                              Lock your door and allow nobody to communicate with you except via secure Chiron commlink channels.
                              Persuade yourself that you are at Alpha Centauri, and will eat, sleep and breathe by the products of Alpha Centauri.

                              After one week in such conditions, you will be cured of RL, and will be able to resume a productive life on Chiron.

                              Have you ever walked the lonely corridors of your base at night, only to spot a swarm of mind worms and find out that your conventional weapon does about as good a job of defending you against psi-attacks as a wet paper bag? Well, do we have an offer for you! We at Psidef Arms Ltd. have a wide selection of flamethrower models, including the popular "Psidef XenoRoaster MX7" at UNBELIEVABLY LOW PRICES! Just what you need to take care of those nasty alien swarms! Visit your nearest Psidef Arms depot today, so you never have to feel the excrutiating pain of a thousand mind worms ravenously burrowing into your skull.

                              Gaians find out data about Datajack-wannabe Mellian, but lack of contact with Angels forbidds them to inform them.


                              • #60

                                Item 1

                                Item 2

                                Item 4

                                Item 5

                                For sale to the highest bidder: Chairman Yang's private shaft location. Price to be agreed upon, but nothing less then 35 energy or a service/information of this value is accepted. Interested parties take contact with DataJack 009.
                                Gaians find out data about Datajack-wannabe Mellian, but lack of contact with Angels forbidds them to inform them.
                                Have you ever walked the lonely corridors of your base at night, only to spot a swarm of mind worms and find out that your conventional weapon does about as good a job of defending you against psi-attacks as a wet paper bag? Well, do we have an offer for you! We at Psidef Arms Ltd. have a wide selection of flamethrower models, including the popular "Psidef XenoRoaster MX7" at UNBELIEVABLY LOW PRICES! Just what you need to take care of those nasty alien swarms! Visit your nearest Psidef Arms depot today, so you never have to feel the excrutiating pain of a thousand mind worms ravenously burrowing into your skull.
                                NEW! NEW! NEW! NEW! NEW! NEW! NEW! the Spartan Federation and Spartan motors is proud to present the spartan family car of tomorrow and the follow up to the prize winning SPARTAN 1999. citizens of chiron here is the SPARTAN 2000

                                ORDER NOW AT 555-spartanmotors and get 5000 rounds of AP rounds for free!!!!
                                Looking For: Proud and strong female specimens to make a new breed of survivalists to conquer the know world call 555-sparta to get your pass to become a real person, a spartan!Are you lonely, have something to advertise, or want to sneak a secret message back to base. Pholus Lunar Classifieds is now selling advertising space at only 0.01ECs per character. Click here to place your ad now.

                                Last edited by Kody; July 14, 2004, 05:33.

