Now now, E_N. My recommendation to b_c was a strategic one - he's prolly one of the best players in this game (as you and I will find out soon enough much to our disadvantage)
big_canuck is the author of the famous Hive's one-turn 20-tile landbridge, with roads and magtubes, into the heart of Tau Ceti's PK empire and capture of some 12 bases that same turn (took 375 formers or something like that IIRC) When TC opened the turn he had no army nor airforce, and only a handful of pretty miniscule bases.
(you had to be there - I was b_c's pactmate agaisnt Tau Ceti and Misotu in a classic 2 x 2 match)
The link to the last turn of that epic game is here
big_canuck is the author of the famous Hive's one-turn 20-tile landbridge, with roads and magtubes, into the heart of Tau Ceti's PK empire and capture of some 12 bases that same turn (took 375 formers or something like that IIRC) When TC opened the turn he had no army nor airforce, and only a handful of pretty miniscule bases.
(you had to be there - I was b_c's pactmate agaisnt Tau Ceti and Misotu in a classic 2 x 2 match)
The link to the last turn of that epic game is here