Hive Smiles Ahead
A recent smiling competition within the Hive have uncovered a wealth of good smiles. The clean white teeth and healthy gums have been largely attributed to the unique ingredients found in xenodoughnut currently on special offer from Comrade Octavian X. Comrade Claire Forlani agrees too with the healing properties of xenodoughnuts, along with the rest of Pravda staffalthough for reasons not related to this article. Hive citizens are encouraged to smile for the happiness and well-being for themselves and others or volunteer as a target stand holder for the next Olympics.
A recent smiling competition within the Hive have uncovered a wealth of good smiles. The clean white teeth and healthy gums have been largely attributed to the unique ingredients found in xenodoughnut currently on special offer from Comrade Octavian X. Comrade Claire Forlani agrees too with the healing properties of xenodoughnuts, along with the rest of Pravda staff