We won't be able to build it IMHO. It will be taken first. Drones and Hive can build quicker, and the CBA is far more valuble. We need better troops if we are to beat Hive/Drones.
As PUT about leapfrogging to MMI, and go for CBA. I propose starting the PEG in a base, and mass crawlering. Try to trade for money, or take out loans, and mass crawler-upgrade. Then build CBA. Go for CDF or CF if we can, but CBA should be the priority. And we could trade weapons techs with PUT now, or do as Imp suggests and once the war is over give them a missile plasma cruiser to engineer
As PUT about leapfrogging to MMI, and go for CBA. I propose starting the PEG in a base, and mass crawlering. Try to trade for money, or take out loans, and mass crawler-upgrade. Then build CBA. Go for CDF or CF if we can, but CBA should be the priority. And we could trade weapons techs with PUT now, or do as Imp suggests and once the war is over give them a missile plasma cruiser to engineer