Originally posted by Kirov
OK, if you won't mind, I have some proposals for New Tassagrad:
OK, if you won't mind, I have some proposals for New Tassagrad:

- resign from building Sea crawler. Once crop failure ends, base will be no longer in need of nuts, and trawling is too hasty at this stage. This base requires improvements for herself at the moment, let her produce for the whole faction after she finishes improving 'herself'.
- start building res Hospital and rushbuild it in case of drone rot. It will be beneficial for the base and the whole faction at the same time.

- add Hab Complex to queue. Only after crop failure, surplus of nuts will be large and fast growth is expected.

- either build new former or get the only former this base have back. There is much to improve within base radius.

- disband scout patrol stationing in the band. It only eats support and there is already a trance garrison there.
- consider building some SP there. For the glory of New Tassagrad!

In summary, the old queue:
New Tassagrad
Current Project: Fusion Sea Formers
Queue (changed):
Research Hospital
(miltary unit, choice is up to DPO, DEI and whoever else)
Hab Complex
Fusion Lab
Trawler (sea crawler)
(military unit, choice as above)
And the new queue:
New Tassagrad
Current Project: Fusion Sea Formers
Queue (changed):
Research Hospital
Hab Complex
Xenoempathy Dome
Fusion Lab
Energy Bank
