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Akiria - Term VI

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  • Akiria - Term VI

    Note: this post is adapted from Drogue's Akiria thread from the previous term, many thanks to him for all the hard work Please give any input you wish, particularly on the priorities proposing, and on the descriptions of the bases. I'm open to suggestions on just about all of it, and I'll certainly listen to the people if they're concerned about some part of my plans.

    Please return often, will be updated after each turnchat.

    Priorities for Akiria, Term VI

    1) Facility building priorities
    a) If the base has drones and no rec commons, build a rec commons.
    b) Children's Creche
    c) If it can finish a tree farm in 10 turns or less, Tree Farm.
    d) If the base is doing well resource wise, Network node. If not, Recyclying tanks.
    e) The one not built from d.
    f) Tree farm, if not yet built
    g) Either energy bank if more ECs are needed or Reseach Hospital if more labs/psych is needed.
    h) Hybrid Forest!
    i) Fusion lab.

    At any point after tree farm, if the population has reached the no-hab-complex limit and still has large potential for growth, I will probably insert a hab complex into the queue.

    2) Unit building priorities
    a) 1 defensive unit, something with trance preferably, but even a scout patrol will do.
    b) If the surrounding area really needs terraforming
    A former, possibly two if really needed
    A crawler, possibly two if there are some really nice squares to crawl
    c) Some (1-3) of either formers or crawlers, whatever is needed.
    d) Another defensive unit, if the people deem it necessary (this could possibly come earlier, depending on the situation)
    e) If probe teams are needed:
    An infantry or foil chassis probe team. Why? That's on a need-to-know basis, citizen
    Or, if military units are needed more:
    Some military unit, most likely determined by the DPO or the people.
    f) More crawlers, possibly more formers if replacements are needed from attrition or donation to other regions.
    g) More crawlers!
    h) Once terraforming and crawling has reached a good level, shift more to probe/military production, if it is needed, or facility production if unit demand is low.

    I'll also do my best to accomodate any requests from Directors regarding unit production.

    3) Terraforming priorities
    For land:
    a) If the square is rainy and/or has a nutrient bonus, farm it and poll for condensor (and crawl for nuts).
    b) If the square is rocky I'll poll to see if the people want a mine (and road) there for mineral crawling.
    c) Just about any other square: Forest!
    d) If the defensive situation calls for it: sensors and/or bunkers in key squares.
    For sea:
    a) If minerals are really really needed from the sea square, a mining platform and kelp farm, else a kelp farm and tidal harness.

    4) Worker priorities
    a) If not at current pop.max
    Enough nuts to get at least +2
    Enough nuts to get at least 0
    b) Some reasonable amount of minerals, 10 or so.
    c) Energy, energy, energy!
    d) Mineral production will most likely go up with energy (forest squares), if ED mineral limit is approaching, work non-mineral sea squares or switch workers into specialist roles:
    1) if there are any drones, psych specialists should have been made before, unless it would have caused starvation (it's ok to run negative nuts so long as a pop unit wouldn't be lost, though, since the drone problem will be dealt with soon). In any case, make psych specialists if there are drones, or if the doctors would trigger a Golden Age.
    2) Labs specialists, unless ECs are desperately needed in which case make econ specialists.

    5) Base-specific priorities
    -Make New Tassagrad and Aurora into world renowned bases for beauty, style, happiness and productivity.

    -Get Espirito del Aqua's infrastructure up and running quickly, and focus on getting much energy for the faction, with trawlers if the need is felt.

    - Get Twin Peaks and Cyclops: formed, crawling, and getting population rises. Make them into successful bases. (This is already pretty far along now)


    Aurora is the Capital of Akiria, and home to the small-but-influential Save The Environment Party. It is a vibrant base, with many sandy beaches, and an exciting nightlife. Aurora is the base of culture, with many fine theatres, art galleries, restaurants, and is home to the Peacekeepers first Morganlink 3D vision interactive cinema, a new invention whereby you can become a character in the film itself.

    Aurora is also the base for exploration of ‘the fungal sea’, and includes the foremost ecological scientists, who are researching the eminent psychic abilities of native life, and the connection with the fungus.

    Aurora appeals to many people: scientists and explorers for ‘the fungal sea’; culture lovers and party-goers for the nightlife; and farmers and agriculture specialists for the abundance of natural nutrients, and it’s rich soil, irrigated by the freshwater sea. It is the ‘Crown Jewels’ of Akiria: Beautiful, productive, and vibrant.

    Major: Hercules
    Population: 5: 2 talents, 3 citizens, no drones.
    Facilities: Rec Commons, Children's Creche, Network Node, Tree Farm

    15 Nutrients (0 from crawlers) +5
    19 Minerals (8 from crawlers) +15
    14 Energy (0 from crawlers) +12

    Ecological Damage: 0
    Growth in: 4 turns.
    Currently Building: Research Hospital (7 years, I'll request a rush though)

    Base-specific goals
    a) condensor farm the nut. bonus square at 18,108, crawl for nuts. (subject to poll)
    (note: forest will be replaced, move the worker to another forest square once the crawler is there)
    b) road+mine the rocky square at 20,110 and crawl for minerals (subject to poll)
    c) forest any other square that hasn't been forested. (Completed!)
    d) kelp farm+tidal harness the sea squares, if a sea former can be lured into the area. (Sea Former complete!)

    15 Year Prediction
    (I'll be honest: I'm not planning on doing one, just leaving the entry because Drogue had them.)

    New Tassagrad

    New Tassagrad is a progressive base beside the sea. The Major of New Tassagrad has been working hard on his ‘base rejuvenation plan’, which includes the building of many new facilities. It is becoming an increasingly popular destination as a weekend get-away for New Apolyton and UN Pizza Delivery executives, and has many fine hotels and secluded beaches. The River Eight runs along the outskirts of the base, and the mountains around the river are becoming popular with hikers, wanting to get away from the hustle and bustle of the base.

    Major: Kirov
    Population: 10: 5 talents, 5 citizens, no drones.
    Facilities: Recycling Tanks, Children's Creche, Network Node, Rec Commons, Tree Farm, Research Hospital, Hab Complex.

    35 Nutrients (11 from crawlers) +15
    24 Minerals (4 from crawlers) +21
    38 Energy (0 from crawlers) +31

    Ecological Damage: 0
    Growth in: 3 years.
    Currently Building: The Xenoempathy Dome (13 years till completion, may be rushed towards the end)

    Base-specific goals
    a) road+mine the rocky square at 14,110 and crawl for minerals (Completed!)
    b) condensor the already farmed river square at 12,110 to increase nut output in that square and in the adjacent farmed river square at 13,109. Crawl the condensor square for nuts, work (probably) the adjacent square. (voted down)
    c) farm rainy (adjacent to current condensor) square at 12,104 for possible crawling or even a condensor (forest overgrew it, plan abandoned).
    d) farm rainy (adjacent to current condensor) square at 12,106 if nuts are needed. (forest overgrew it, plan abandoned
    e) kelp farm+tidal harness the sea squares, if a sea former can be lured into the area or, possibly, built in NT. (formers working away)
    f) hab complex once NT reaches 9 population, if the people want one. (Completed!)

    15 Year Prediction
    (I'll be honest: I'm not planning on doing one, just leaving the entry because Drogue had them.)

    Twin Peaks

    Twin Peaks is a quiet seaside base, for those that wish to get away for some quality alone-time. To the South it has the most beautiful natural scenery, in our great nation, unspoilt by neither man nor fungus. The coastline, though rocky in places, hides many undiscovered sandy beaches. Being a frontier base, much of the accommodation is in basic log cabins, although this adds to the atmosphere of the place.

    Twin Peaks is popular with writers and artists, who wish to get away from the culture of Aurora and have peace and quiet to explore their imagination. One of Akiria’s favourite poets, William Lettersvalue, is finishing his new anthology here, entitled ‘The Light and Shade of Chiron’; and Ansel Eves has been commissioned to do a series of photographs about Aurora and Twin Peaks, entitled ‘Between Cinema and a Hard Place’.

    Population: 7: 3 talents, 2 citizens (both empaths), 2 drones.
    Facilities: Recycling Tanks, Children's Creche, Tree Farm.

    28 Nutrients (6 from crawlers) +14
    9 Minerals (0 from crawlers) +9
    12 Energy (0 from crawlers) +9

    Ecological Damage: 0
    Growth in: 4 Years.
    Currently Building: Network Node (4 years till completion, may be rushed, and will solve drone problems).

    Base-specific goals
    a) condensor farm the nut. bonus square at 22,116 (just outside of base radius) and crawl for nuts.
    b) condensor the pre existing farm square at 21,109 for nut crawling from either Aurora or Twin Peaks
    c) finish construction of farm at 22,112 (completed!)
    d) lots and lots of forest (completed!)

    15 Year Prediction
    (I'll be honest: I'm not planning on doing one, just leaving the entry because Drogue had them.)


    Cyclops is a mountainous frontier base. It was founded near an ancient monolith, and many of the U.N. Peacekeepers best archaeologists are at Cyclops to excavate and study this ancient society. Although Cyclops is not a very fertile settlement, plans for a condenser have been drawn up, and this will make it much more inhabitable. There are also an abundance of sea nutrients nearby, although fungus will have to be removed first, so utilising the extra resources is still in the preliminary planning stage.

    Population: 5: 3 talents, 2 citizens (1 empath), 1 drone.
    Facilities: Recycling Tanks, Children's Creche, Tree Farm.

    16 Nutrients (0 from crawlers) +6
    12 Minerals (4 from crawlers) +11
    13 Energy (0 from crawlers) +9

    Ecological Damage: 0 .
    Growth in: 6 Years.
    Currently Building: Network Node (3 years to completion, may be rushed, will solve drone problems).

    Base-specific goals
    a) lots of forest (almost done)
    b) crawl the mine at 9,115 for minerals (done)
    c) once enough forest is up to keep the workers busy, replace the solars at the solar+farm square of 8,114 with a condensor, to be crawled for nuts (voted down)

    15 Year Prediction
    (I'll be honest: I'm not planning on doing one, just leaving the entry because Drogue had them.)

    Espirito del Aqua

    Espirito del Aqua is a newly built base in the southern Freshwater Sea. It provides an alternative to the recently usurped from Akirian control re-allocated UNMI for citizens looking for a party on the water.
    Population: 6: 1 talent, 4 citizens (3 empaths), 1 drone.
    Facilities: Pressure Dome.

    16 Nutrients (0 from crawlers) +4
    4 Minerals (0 from crawlers) +3
    7 Energy (0 from crawlers) +6

    Ecological Damage: 0
    Growth in: 10 years.
    Currently Building: Children's Creche (14 years till completion, will probably be rushed next year)

    Base-specific goals
    a) kelp farm+tidal harness most of the squares.
    b) kelp farm+mining platform some of the squares, to provide a decent industrial capacity.

    15 Year Prediction
    (I'll be honest: I'm not planning on doing one, just leaving the entry because Drogue had them.)

    If you wish to live in Akiria, please state which base you would like to move too, and I will add you to that base.

    Current Inhabitants:

    Drogue: Founder and former governor of Akiria, currently on semi-hiatus.
    Hercules: Major of Aurora and DPO.
    Cedayon: Governor of Akiria

    New Tassagrad:
    Kirov: Major of New Tassagrad

    Twin Peaks:


    Espirito del Aqua:
    Last edited by Cedayon; February 17, 2003, 02:49.

  • #2
    He was watching the sunset from his temporary dwelling in New Suez when the NodePhone began beeping.

    "Yes?", he inquired after opening the channel.

    "Mr. Aruil, you won. You have been elected Governor of the Akiria region."

    "Excellent. Thank you, Gabe. I'll be ready to move in the morning."

    "Understood. Congratulations, sir.", a moment later the channel closed.

    "So it begins," he thought aloud, "I hope they don't ask for a speech."


    • #3

      Well, here it is, the new thread I hope it's to everyone's liking so far. Any input or suggestions, especially from Drogue and the base majors, would be greatly appreciated.

      edit - If you could top this thread, GT, I'd like that very much


      • #4
        Originally posted by Cedayon
        "So it begins," he thought aloud
        you sound like you have an evil plan


        • #5
          Originally posted by TKG
          you sound like you have an evil plan
          I really must stop telegraphing my evil intentions err, I mean, I'm sure it's just my character's contemplative mood that led you to that entirely erroneous conclusion

          Besides, TKG, I hear you're the expert on evil plans around here... or is that Lemmy?


          • #6
            i'm the expert on evil, immoral research involving 2 headed cows and 's and monopolistic beverage sales, but general evil is definately lemmy's department


            • #7
              Ah. So tell me, do these 's make good garrisons or shock troops?


              • #8
                only when they breathe fire


                • #9
                  Nitpick from the inventor of the base name : It's Espirito del Aqua.

                  Btw, please dont forget the turnchat is only 24 hours away and we need Akirian orders! I know it's annoying the elections have just passed, but that's the problem when a Saturday happens to be the first of the month.
                  Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
                  Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


                  • #10
                    I copied the spelling from TKG's post in the orders thread

                    And I know the orders are needed, still waiting to hear from Drogue about something before I do the final ones.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Cedayon
                      I copied the spelling from TKG's post in the orders thread
                      Yes I noticed that too. He seems to have something with misspelling about all the names I propose.
                      Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
                      Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


                      • #12
                        edit - If you could top this thread, GT, I'd like that very much


                        • #13
                          Thank you, GT

                          Guess I'll whip up those orders now...

                          let's see, what's this button do? ... *transmission interrupted*


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Maniac

                            Yes I noticed that too. He seems to have something with misspelling about all the names I propose.

                            it's not my fault! they're all in some foreign language!

                            besides, it's just that and Jeninica Jedinica!


                            • #15
                              Preliminary Orders for Akiria, 2235-

                              Requests to the DIA
                              A rush in each base, here's the list by priority (details at bottom):
                              44ec's in NT
                              12ec's in Twin Peaks
                              22ec's in Aurora
                              38ec's in Cyclops

                              If, during play, a good oppurtunity for a rush comes up, please consider doing it

                              note: all rush costs are the bare minimum (that I could find) that would cause completion in 1 turn (no mineral overflow to next turn), sometimes having to be combined with some of the worker switch orders found below.

                              General Orders for the Commssioner
                              1) If, for any reason, an Akirian base should begin generating any ED at all, cut mineral production until the ED goes away. Start by un-convoying mineral crawlers, then start moving/pulling workers if necessary. Please use your discretion in worker fiddling, so as to not overly damage nutrient or energy production.

                              2) Please check, before ending each turn, whether the next turn will bring a drone riot for any Akirian base. If so, please take preventative steps. I'll understand if time constraints make this touch-and-go, but please do your best to prevent drone riots.

                              Build Queues

                              Aurora (queue changed)
                              Tree Farm
                              Recycling Tanks
                              Network Node
                              Supply Crawler
                              Recreation Commons

                              New Tassagrad (queue changed)
                              Recreation Commons
                              Supply Crawler
                              Supply Crawler
                              Sea Former
                              Research Hospital

                              Twin Peaks (no change)
                              Children’s Crèche
                              Recycling Tanks
                              Supply Crawler
                              Tree Farm
                              Network Node
                              Supply Crawler
                              Recreation Commons.

                              Cyclops (queue changed)
                              Supply Crawler
                              Children's Creche
                              Supply Crawler
                              Network Node
                              Tree Farm
                              Supply Crawler

                              Espirito del Aqua, when built
                              Garrison unit (your discretion)
                              Sea Former
                              Children’s Crèche
                              Recycling Tanks
                              Network Node
                              Recreation Commons


                              Aurora Crawler #3 (in Aurora), to be built
                              - Move to 21,109
                              - Convoy nuts (displace worker to an unworked forest square)

                              New Tassagrad Crawler #4 (in NT), to be built
                              - Move to 13,109
                              - Convoy nuts (displace worker to an unworked forest square)

                              New Tassagrad Crawler #5 (in NT), to be built
                              - Move to 14,108
                              - Convoy minerals (displace worker to an unworked forest square)

                              Twin Peaks Crawler #2 (in TP), to be built
                              - Move to 23,113
                              - Convoy minerals (displace worker to an unworked forest square)

                              Cyclops Crawler #1 (in Cyclops), to be built
                              - Move to 9,115
                              - Convoy minerals

                              Cyclops Crawler #2 (in Cyclops), to be built
                              - Move to 10,116
                              - Convoy minerals (displace worker to an unworked forest square)

                              All other Crawlers to be left unchanged.


                              Dues Ex Machina Former (11,113) NNE of Cyclops, no orders
                              - Build Farm
                              - Move to (10,112) (NW,into fungus)
                              - Remove fungus
                              - Build road
                              - Build mine

                              New Apolyton Former (11,113) NNE of Cyclops, no orders
                              - Build Farm
                              - Move to (10,112) (NW,into fungus)
                              - Remove fungus
                              - Build road
                              - Build mine

                              Aurora Former (9,115) N of Cyclops, no orders
                              - Move to (8,116) (SW)
                              - Plant Forest
                              - Move to (10,114) (NE, NE, should still have time start the forest)
                              - Plant Forest
                              - Move to (7,117) (SW,SW,SW, should take 1 turn)
                              - Build road
                              - Plant Forest
                              - Move to (7,119) (S)
                              - Build road
                              - Build Farm

                              (IF the ZG Former next to cyclops is under my jurisdiction, do these things)
                              Zanarkand Gate Former (10,116) NE of Cyclops, no orders
                              - Move to (8,116) (W)
                              - Plant Forest
                              - Move to (10,114) (NE, NE, should still have time start the forest)
                              - Plant Forest
                              - Move to (7,117) (SW,SW,SW, should take 1 turn)
                              - Build road
                              - Plant Forest
                              - Move to (7,119) (S)
                              - Build road
                              - Build Farm

                              New Tassagrad Former (8,116) NW of Cyclops, planting forest
                              - Finish planting forest
                              - Move to (10,114) (NE, NE, should still have time start the forest)
                              - Plant Forest
                              - Move to (7,117) (SW,SW,SW, should take 1 turn)
                              - Build road
                              - Plant Forest
                              - Move to (7,119) (S)
                              - Build road
                              - Build Farm

                              Cyclops Former (8,116) NW of Cyclops, planting forest
                              - Finish planting forest
                              - Move to (10,114) (NE, NE, should still have time start the forest)
                              - Plant Forest
                              - Move to (7,117) (SW,SW,SW, should take 1 turn)
                              - Build road
                              - Plant Forest
                              - Move to (7,119) (S)
                              - Build road
                              - Build Farm

                              Aurora Former (24,112) SE of Twin Peaks, no orders (already moved)
                              - Build road
                              - Plant Forest
                              - Move to (25,113) (SE)
                              - Build road
                              - Plant Forest

                              Aurora Former (22,112) SW of Twin Peaks, no orders (already moved)
                              - Build Farm
                              - Move to (22,110) (N)
                              - Build road
                              - Plant Forest
                              - Move to (24,110) (E)
                              - Build road
                              - Plant Forest

                              Aurora Former (22,112) SW of Twin Peaks, building farm
                              - Finish Farm
                              - Move to (22,110) (N)
                              - Build road
                              - Plant Forest
                              - Move to (24,110) (E)
                              - Build road
                              - Plant Forest

                              Tacticus Academy Former (23,107) N of Twin Peaks, removing fungus
                              - Finish removing fungus
                              - Build road
                              - Move to (23,109) (S)
                              - Remove fungus
                              - Build road
                              - Move to (23,111) (S, to Twin Peaks base square)
                              - Rehome to Twin Peaks.
                              - Move to (23,109) (N)
                              - Plant Forest

                              Espirito del aqua Former, when finished
                              - Move to an adjacent square
                              - Plant Kelp Farm
                              - Build Tidal Harness


                              Twin Peaks Worker (21,109), working the farm square that should be Aurora's
                              - Switch a forest square

                              Next Twin Peaks Worker
                              - Cultivate a forest square

                              Aurora Worker (20,106), working the square immediately NE of the base
                              - Switch to the farm square at 21,109

                              Next Aurora Worker
                              - Cultivate a forest square

                              New Tassagrad Worker (14,108), working the square immediately SE of the base
                              - Switch to (15,109), the forested river square

                              New Tassagrad Worker (14,106), currently getting 2 nuts
                              - When the tree farm is completed, Switch to a forest square

                              New Tassagrad Worker (12,104), currently getting 2 nuts and a min
                              - When the tree farm is completed, Switch to a forest square

                              Next New Tassagrad Worker
                              - Cultivate a forest square

                              Cyclops Worker (7,119), SW, SW of the base
                              - Switch to a forest square, (10,116) is the only one

                              Next Cyclops Worker
                              - Cultivate a forest square if one is available, otherwise work the best available square


                              - Children’s Crèche in Aurora in 1 turn for 22ec (needs to be ratified by TKG)
                              - Tree Farm in New Tassagrad in 1 turn for 44ec (needs to be ratified by TKG)
                              - Children's Creche in Twin Peaks in 1 turn for 12ec (needs to be ratified by TKG)
                              - Recycling Tanks in Cyclops in 1 turn for 38ec (needs to be ratified by TKG)

                              Gotta go, will be back to check in about 2 hours.
                              Last edited by Cedayon; February 1, 2003, 12:49.

