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Jedinica Vrijstaat

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  • #91
    sounds great.. i would even forget to sleep... slaves of technology..


    • #92
      All you would need to acheive that would be personal Network Nodes.


      • #93
        Yes, and considering many bases do not have them, personal ones seem a little way off But we can dream
        For though he was master of the world, he was not quite sure what to do next
        But he would think of something

        "Hm. I suppose I should get my waffle a santa hat." - Kuciwalker


        • #94
          But why would we need Nodes? Aren't breweries better?


          • #95
            yes. every base should have a Xenobrewery


            • #96
              Lets build the "Virtual Brew" that will count each of our network node as a Wenobrewery ! (+500% psych, due to the high psychic secondary effects)
              "Just because you're paranoid doesnt mean there's not someone following me..."
              "I shall return and I shall be billions"


              • #97


                • #98
                  What do you think of these orders, dear citizens? Are they all right?

                  Preliminary Jedinica Vrijstaat orders, MY 2113 onwards

                  Build queues

                  Hab Complex
                  Gatling Squad
                  Police Infantry
                  Colony Pod

                  Network Node

                  Sheathed Sword
                  Recreation Commons
                  Children's Creche

                  Terminal Dogma
                  (changes - the local terraformation works are proceeding faster then expected)
                  Recreation Commons
                  Supply Crawler
                  Supply Crawler

                  Supply crawlers

                  Supply crawler 1 produced in Terminal Dogma
                  Convoy minerals S of Terminal Dogma, (18,68)

                  Supply crawler 2 produced in Terminal Dogma
                  Convoy nutrients SE of Terminal Dogma, (19,67)

                  Worker allocations

                  Terminal Dogma
                  Move W-SW worker (farm & solar collector) to E (forest)

                  Move NE worker (flat & rainy tile) to NE-E (farm & solar collector)

                  When size 9 is reached, change one flat&rainy worker to a librarian, provided food is sufficient, and no doctor is needed instead.


                  Sheathed Sword former 1 N-NE of Sheathed Sword (13,59), no orders
                  -move S, then E, to (15,61), E-NE of Sheathed Sword
                  -build road
                  -move one tile SW
                  -build farm
                  -build solar collector

                  Sheathed Sword former 2 N-NE of Sheathed Sword (13,59), no orders
                  -move S, then SE to (14,62), E of Sheathed Sword
                  -build farm
                  -build solar collector

                  Sheathed Sword former W of Sheathed Sword (10,62), constructing sensor array
                  -finish sensor array
                  -move one tile SE
                  -build road
                  -move two tiles E
                  -build sensor array

                  Terminal Dogma former S of Terminal Dogma (18,68), constructing mine
                  -finish mine
                  -move one tile NE
                  -build farm
                  -build condenser

                  Terminal Dogma former E of Sheathed Sword (20,66), no orders
                  -move one tile SE
                  -plant forest
                  -build sensor array
                  -move one tile W, then one tile SW
                  -construct mine
                  -move one tile NE
                  -build farm
                  -build condenser

                  Concordia former S-E-E of Terminal Dogma (22,68), no orders
                  -build road
                  -move one tile NW
                  -plant forest
                  -build sensor array
                  -move one tile W, then one tile SW
                  -construct mine
                  -move one tile NE
                  -build farm
                  -build condenser

                  Pandemonium former SE of Pandemonium (13,69), no orders
                  -construct solar collector
                  -move one tile N
                  -build farm
                  -build condenser

                  Terminal Dogma former SE of Pandemonium (13,69), no orders
                  -construct solar collector
                  -move one tile N
                  -build farm
                  -build condenser

                  Pandemonium former SW of Pandemonium (13,69), no orders
                  -move one tile N
                  -build road
                  -move one tile E
                  -build farm
                  -build condenser

                  Concordia former NE-NE of Concordia (13,73), building road
                  -finish road
                  -move two tiles E, after the road at (15,73) is completed
                  -remove fungus

                  Concordia former NE-NE of Concordia (13,73), moving to (15,73)
                  -move to (15,73)
                  -build road
                  -move one tile E
                  -remove fungus
                  Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
                  Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


                  • #99


                    • Either it's very quiet here recently or I have accidentally put every citizens of Jedinica on my ignore list...


                      • Well I'm still waiting for my slow brother to explain how to use my free webspace and put pictures on it. Until then I can't do much to promote Jedinica.
                        Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
                        Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


                        • do you actually have web space yet? i'll see if i can help with it


                          • Apparently I have 50 MBs. Though I don't even know the url...
                            Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
                            Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


                            • well you'll need an FTP program first of all if it's with your ISP. but does you ISP not have instructions on their website?


                              • Dunnow. Should find out their url too.

                                Anyway, I have abstained in the last economics poll as 1) I'm fed up with all that discussion about the economics choice and 2) no economics choice does represent my RP idea of a meritocratic socialist (European meaning) economy, though RP arguments for each of the choice containing a socialist economy could be given.

                                Gametechnically seen, arguments for each economy could be given as well:

                                Free Market would give each citizen +1 energy, which benefits us even more than the other regions seeing our high population. On the other side, due to our rapid population growth, a lot of our drone management is done by police forces which would become uneffective under a drone exploiting FM economy.

                                Planned would allow us to continue our pop booming, which is for a large part what made Jedinica Vrijstaat great. On the other side, its high centralism inefficiency makes that Jedinica outer bases suffer much from political corruption and a booming black market.

                                Green would solve the problem of efficiency largely, but would ruin our growth completely. About the opposite of planned.

                                I'll let my vote and Jedinica's official stance depend on the opinion of the Jedinican citizens. Therefore, could you please post your preferred SE choice? It is not the intention of starting another FM/Planned/Green debate however!!!
                                Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
                                Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)

